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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1280

"From the looks of it, you seem to have understood something. Could it be that Morgan was here for another mission?"

Nathaniel frowned slightly at Maverick's words. He said faintly, "I don't know anything about him. Everything I know comes from you. I don't even know if you're credible. What do I know? Since you know that he has a troop under his command, you must know where he is. Tell me his location."

"Why are you so confident that I'll tell you about it?"

Maverick couldn't stand Nathaniel's attitude, so he was feeling a little annoyed.

However, Nathaniel said calmly, "Look at the state you're in right now. Do you think I can let you off if you don't tell me?"

"What do you want to do to me?"

Maverick became alarmed immediately.

On the other hand, Nathaniel said with an evil smile, "My wife can subdue you in your poor physical state right now. Do you still think you stand a chance against us?" "Don't threaten me. I have someone with me too.

Do you think Lilian isn't here?"

Maverick wasn't worried that Nathaniel would hurt him. The latter would have already done it if he wanted to. Besides, even if he did, she would be able to stop them with her skills.

Nathaniel looked at Lilian, who was still taking water outside, and teased, "What's the matter? Is she really your woman? Your wife, perhaps?"

Maverick's hand paused as his face froze. Then he looked at Lilian's back and said coldly, "No, she is the coming-of-age gift for my 18th birthday. My father gave her to me."

Nathaniel was taken aback for a moment.

He knew what coming-of-age ceremony was.

It was a tradition passed down in ancient times. It referred to a tradition where the elderly would send a woman to the man when he turned 18. The woman's purpose was to give the man a taste of what copulation was like. The woman's virginity would be taken by the man as she taught him about the sexual affairs between men and women. Generally speaking, such women were selected carefully by the elderly to give to their children. On one hand, they were a gift to alleviate the boredom of the youth. On the other hand, they were also there to monitor the man to see if his behavior was reasonable. If the man did something improper, they would report it to the elderly in time. They could be regarded as a spy sent by the elderly to their children.

However, Nathaniel didn't expect that Augustus would use this method to control Maverick in this modern society.

"Did she follow you when you were a soldier?"

"Of course, money makes the mare go, let alone just bringing a woman into the military camp."

Maverick laughed mockingly at himself.

Only then did Nathaniel realize why Maverick did not say certain things in front of Lilian.

"Why don't you kill her straightaway?"

Some men would fake the scene of the woman being killed in a mission after they rose to power. From then on, they would have removed the spy who was planted by their elderly.

With Maverick's capability, it was easy for him to dispose of such a spy.

However, Maverick said lightly, "What's the point of killing her? If I kill her, there will be another one. And I'm a bit if a clean freak. It's okay to sleep with one woman, but if you ask me to sleep with multiple women whom I don't know, that would be too dirty for my taste."

Mango couldn't help but take a few glances at

Maverick because of his words.

Nathaniel frowned slightly as he held Mango tightly in his embrace.

Mango was a little surprised, but then she immediately understood the problem. Was this guy jealous?

Good lord!

She was just glancing at Maverick. Was it necessary to be jealous over that?

Maverick was a little surprised. However, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your wife at all."

"If you were interested in her, you would have lost your life a long time ago."

Mango felt a little embarrassed upon hearing Nathaniel's words.

It was simply too embarrassing, wasn't it?

"Well, I'll go to Lilian. Why does it take her so long to find some water? She didn't tip Augustus off, did she?"

Mango was about to stand up as she said this when she heard Maverick say, "She won't. She has been with me from the age of eighteen, and she is thirty now. We've been together for twelve years, so if she wanted to sell me out, she would have done it long ago. There's no need for her to wait until now." "Huh?"

Mango was baffled.

Nathaniel said to her, "Go and see if you can help her with anything else."


Mango understood what Nathaniel meant, so she nodded before leaving.

When there were only Nathaniel and Maverick in the hall, Nathaniel took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over to the latter.

Maverick didn't put on airs at all. He lit the cigarette and took two swigs.

There were many ways to sooth the pain, and for men, the best way was through smoking.

He blew the smoke from his mouth and it covered his face, making it hard for others to see his facial expression.

On the other hand, Nathaniel whispered, "Do you want to spare her?"

"Yes, she is already thirty. If she doesn't leave now, her whole life will be doomed. Only by leaving me and leaving this place can she have more opportunities and a better life. I have already wasted twelve years of her life. I can't ask her to waste her entire life with me."

Maverick took another drag on the cigarette. He coughed violently for some reason. Perhaps he had inhaled too quickly.

Nathaniel couldn't stand it, so he patted Maverick on the shoulder. Maverick took the opportunity to lie down on his lap.


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