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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1281

Mango was startled, and she subconsciously blocked Lilian's path.

"Did you kill him?"

Her bloodshot eyes were scary, and it seemed that she had gone insane.

Mango was afraid that the people outside would break in upon hearing the commotion, so she had no choice but to knock Lilian up.

Then, Nathaniel looked at Mango's agile movements and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid that we have to take the two of them away."

"What did you guys talk about just now?"

Mango was naturally aware of Nathaniel's intentions. After all, he had left because he had something to discuss with Maverick.

Nathaniel whispered in reply, "I'll tell you later. Let's see if there is anything to eat here. I think it might take some time for us to find a place to stay."


Mango replied as she trusted Nathaniel unconditionally whenever they were outside.

Then, she laid Lilian next to Maverick. Then, she handed the water to Nathaniel.

Nathaniel took a sip and left the drink for Mango. After that, he said, "We are not too far away from Longford County. I wonder if we can return there through the mountains."

"Are you planning to go back to Longford County?"

Mango was a little surprised to hear this.

Then, Nathaniel nodded and said, "Yes, I think that this whole incident started in Longford County, so that place may help us unravel the mystery. Also, Morgan may be there."

"What about Rita and the others?"

Mango asked as she was worried about the children.

After that, Nathaniel whispered, "Give Wisdom a call and ask him to contact Bettany. Bettany should have a way to send them away or bring them to Longford County."

"Why don't you contact Bettany yourself?"

Mango was a little confused.

Nathaniel glanced at her coldly and whispered in reply, "I don't want to."

Even though Nathaniel had whispered his reply, Mango could tell that he disliked Bettany a lot. However, there was nothing he could do since he was now the owner of Longford County. Thus, he could not avoid this problem.

Then, both of them leaned against each other to rest.

"Did you injure yourself? Should I take a look?"

Although Nathaniel was feeling a little sleepy, he did not dare to rest or sleep in this kind of place.

"No, I'm fine. You can sleep for a while. I'll keep an eye on it."

Meanwhile, Mango looked at his weary eyes and felt sorry for him.

"Hurry up and get some rest. You haven't been sleeping well lately, so you've been feeling unwell. There's still a lot of things we have to do. We still have to bring Lilian out of here, so listen to what I'm saying, okay?"

Nathaniel caressed Mango's head, and looked at her with eyes full of warmth. Thus, Mango felt loved.


Mango was well aware of her poor health, so she did not force herself to stay awake. Hence, she closed her eyes to rest

Soon, Mango fell in deep sleep.

Meanwhile, the sound of footsteps could be heard from outside. The people on patrol were pacing back and forth. However, no one expected that

Nathaniel and Mango would be hiding in the ancestral temple.

Maverick woke up about an hour later, and his complexion looked much better. When he saw Nathaniel's alert expression, he paused and took a glance at Lilian. Suddenly, his eyes softened.

"You need some sleep. I'll take over."

After hearing that, Nathaniel nodded and fell asleep immediately.

He was really tired.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel put his guard down when it comes to Maverick. Somehow, he felt that Maverick was trustworthy.

Meanwhile, Maverick had mixed emotions in his eyes.

After all, if he shouted not, Augustus could catch Nathaniel and Mango. As such, he would still be Augustus's favourite son, and Augustus's only successor.

But then, he turned his gaze at Lilian.

This woman had been with him for so long. Surprisingly, Nathaniel was willing to help her out, but Maverick didn't dare to do so.

He had lived a reckless life all these years, so he had almost forgotten what true love was.

He had been with Lilian for twelve years, and they were already used to each other's presence. Therefore, he only realised his true feelings for her when she had a miscarriage.

Hence, Maverick couldn't care less at this moment whether she was a spy that was working for Augustus.

As he stroked Yao Luo's long hair, memories of them suddenly flashed across his mind.

They interacted differently from any ordinary couple, and there were no sweet talk and love. In the beginning, they only got together because they desired each other. Furthermore, they were both lonely killers, so they wanted some company. However, they were inseparable and had an extremely close relationship because of this.

But, Maverick never thought that he would be in dilemma because love in his entire life. He could not help but smile bitterly at the thought of this.

He took out his phone and looked up the map nearby. After a long moment of contemplation, he finally made a decision.

Just as he sent the map to Nathaniel, Nathaniel had already woken up.

He opened his eyes when he sensed that his mobile phone was ringing. Then, he noticed Maverick was holding a phone in his hand. He was slightly stunned when he saw the picture of mountains he received from Maverick.


"The ancestral temple is connected to the mountains at the back, and there is a secret entrance in the mountains. Follow the entrance, and you will reach Longford County in no time."

Maverick said in a low voice, but Nathaniel sensed the determination in his tone.


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