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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1282

Meanwhile, Nathaniel took Mango and Lilian, who was unconscious, along the secret passage. They had been walking for a long distance, and they thought that they needed to continue down the same path. Just then, Mango discovered a bright light.

"There is light ahead, are we finally heading to the exit?"

There was also a hint of joy in Nathaniel's eyes when he heard this.

"We've been travelling for three days, so I think it's about time."

Nathaniel glanced at Lilian, who was still asleep and felt slightly relieved.

After all, they would probably be safer after they had gone out.

Thus, Mango was more relieved when she noticed the glimmer of hope. She looked at Lilian, who was currently knocked out, and asked in confusion, "I only beat her up lightly, but how has she been in a coma for three days? Thank God she's still breathing! I thought I had beaten her to death!" "Nah, that won't happen." Nathaniel shook his head and took a bottle from his waist. Then, he handed it to Mango and said, "Have some water."

After that, Mango took the bottle and drank a few mouthfuls of water before handing it over to Nathaniel.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel drank a few sips without hesitation.

When Mango saw that both of them had drunk from the same bottle, she felt pleased again.

"Then why hasn't she woken up?"

"Maverick must have given her something that caused her to fall into deep asleep. In this case, it will be too late for her to run back even if she's awake."

Mango was confused by Nathaniel's words.

"What do you mean?"

"Maverick asked me to bring her along. She was actually pregnant with Maverick's child, but she didn't know."

Then, Nathaniel told Mango about the relationship between Lilian and Maverick.

After listening to what he had said, Mango sighed and said, "Alas! Is love that difficult to obtain? I knew that we went through a lot of hardships in our relationship, but I didn't expect them to go through so much before they could be together. Is Maverick really in love with Lilian?"

"Well, maybe he is, but the relationship between them is not as simple as we saw. Maverick does have feelings for her, but it seems that they have gotten closer after going through the ups and downs together. Lilian dedicated her entire life to Maverick, and she has no regrets. She still decided to stand by his side, even if she suffered a miscarriage and even if she could no longer have children in the future. Although their relationship is complicated, I promised Maverick to take good care of her."

Nathaniel didn't care about these petty relationship things in the past. However, he understood the couple well as he had faced many obstacles with Mango. Therefore, he decided to help them out.

Mango nodded when she heard this.

After resting for a while, they continued to head forward with Lilian. However, no one noticed Lilian's silent tears.

However, they were still lost as they finally walked out of the tunnel,

Hence, they started to look left and right for clues.

They were was indeed in a mountain range, but it was hard to tell whether they were in Zelle Village or the mountains of Longford County. This was because the territory in front of them looked unfamiliar to them.

"Where is this place? Is it Zelle Village?"

Mango looked around and asked.

However, Nathaniel shook his head and said, "No, the distance between Zelle Village and the back hill is very close, but we have walked for three days. It's been days, but Augustus and his people are nowhere to be seen. This place looks very isolated, and there's no one around. So, this is definitely not the back hill of Zelle Village."

Well, Mango noticed this as well.

It was indeed a deserted and uninhabited place.

"Why do I feel like this is suspicious?"

"Follow me. Don't get lost. I also think that this place is a bit strange."

Nathaniel felt uneasy and could only let Mango follow him closely.

After that, Mango supported Lilian as they walked side by side.

There was no road, and there are overgrown weeds everywhere. Hence, had to support themselves and carry Lilian with them.

However, they found themselves back to where they had started after walking for a long period.

Thus, Mango and Nathaniel looked a little upset.

"It seems that we have been walking in circles."

Mango explained what she had discovered.

Of course, Nathaniel also noticed it. Then, he whispered, "Should we try walking the opposite direction?"


They walked for a while, but they still ended up back in square one. Hence, Mango felt uneasy.

"What's going on?"

"It's an array formation."

Lilian suddenly woke up and answered them.

She scanned around the place, and her expression were very calm.

Meanwhile, Mango was a little surprised. She wanted to ask Lilian something, but she didn't know what to say, so could only look at Nathaniel helplessly.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel frowned slightly, and his eyes widened as he glanced at Lilian.

"You woke up a long time ago, right?"

"Yeah, I woke up when we got out of the secret passage. But I didn't want to trouble you, so I pretended to be asleep. I didn't say anything just now because I wanted to confirm my speculation.

After all, only a few people know about array formations."

After finishing her words, Lilian stood up and walked to Nathaniel's side while narrowing her eyes to look at something.

Then, Mango quickly came to Nathaniel's side and said softly, "I think that something is wrong with her."

"Let's wait and see."


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