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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1428

Noah didn't care whether Nathaniel understood his message. However, he had done his part by dropping the hints. Well, he knew how smart Nathaniel was, so the latter would probably understand what he was trying to say.

With this in mind, Noah immediately ran out and drove off.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel frowned when he heard the sound of the engine.

Was someone chasing Noah?

Why did he leave so fast?

Wait a minute!

What the hell did he come here for?

Did Noah do all this just to tell Nathaniel a story and peel him an apple?

At this thought, Nathaniel frowned slightly. He took a bite of the apple and felt it was sweet. Then he picked up the military newspaper again and continued reading it.

But after a while, he suddenly remembered something.

Noah wasn't so free that he would randomly come over to tell Nathaniel a story. So, what were the contents of the story again?

Nathaniel thought for a moment, and his expression suddenly changed.

It was probably not what he was thinking, right?

At this thought, Nathaniel's heart skipped a beat. Then, he recalled Mango's abnormal behavior today and then Noah's story. He couldn't help but call Noah.

However, when Noah saw that Nathaniel was calling him, he didn't want to pick up the call.

After all, he was driving now!

Yeah, so he could refuse to answer the phone!

Noah reassured himself by thinking this way.

As expected, Nathaniel hung up the phone after a few rings. But as soon as Noah breathed a sigh of relief, he received a message through WhatsApp.

Hence, he glanced at it immediately.

The message from Nathaniel read, "If you don't answer the phone, I'll go straight to your house and wait for you there. Do you think I won't be able to catch you sooner or later?"

The corners of Noah's mouth twitched in annoyance when he saw this.

Urgh! Nathaniel was so cruel!

He had always been a ruthless person!

So Noah reluctantly parked the car at the side of the road and took the initiative to call Nathaniel back.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Nathaniel's tone was cold as he said these words.

Noah felt as if he had been pushed into a corner by this couple. He was stuck in a dilemma, so he felt tormented.

"Nathaniel, look, it's really not my fault."

"Get to the point."

Nathaniel didn't have much patience, and his tone was getting colder.

Noah said immediately, "Something went wrong with the surgery that I performed on you. But first, I have to clarify that the surgery itself was not the problem. The problem is you have two vas deferens. This is a rare case, and I didn't think that you would have it. So..."

Even though Noah didn't finish off the sentence, Nathaniel understood what he wanted to say.

"Is Mango pregnant?"

Nathaniel's heart clenched tightly when he said this.

Then, Noah sighed and said, "Yes, but she doesn't know how to tell you about it. After all, she's afraid that you won't let her keep the child. So she got

Genevieve to force me into telling you about it. Look, Nathaniel, can the both of you stop tormenting me? I didn't do it on purpose."

"Well, it's all good if my wife is fine. But if anything were to happen to her, Noah Soo, you're as good as dead."

After saying that, Nathaniel hung up the phone.

Meanwhile, Noah became frustrated when he heard the dial tone coming from the other end of the phone.

What was going on?

On the other hand, Nathaniel was in a complete mess after hanging up the phone.

Was Mango pregnant?!

Then, he thought about how Mango had been through thick and thin with him among the dangerous situation in Angolla. Furthermore, he also thought about how Mango had led the men from the Dark Night Empire and managed to rescue him. In the end, she even suffered injuries. In the midst of all these happening, she was actually pregnant!

So did she to the hospital today?

Also, she deliberately got rid of the bodyguards and went alone, didn't she?

Why did she suddenly think she was pregnant?

Nathaniel thought out everything in detail and realized that Mango probably overheard the words that Zion had said casually. Alas! He never thought that what Zion said was actually true.

Was he excited?

Or was he happy?

Of course, Nathaniel was delighted!

However, when he thought of Mango's health, he felt a little conflicted and worried.

Right now, Nathaniel could no longer lie still. He called Bettany and asked her to move him to the wheelchair. Then, he pushed the wheelchair to Mango's bedroom.

Meanwhile, Mango had fallen asleep without knowing it, so she didn't even notice Nathaniel entering her room.

After that, Nathaniel looked at Mango while she slept soundly. She had a light smile on her face, and her expression was gentle. Furthermore, she also had a piece of paper in her hands clasped over her chest.

Nathaniel gently pulled it out and saw that it was the ultrasound scan.

It showed that Mango was five weeks pregnant. Was that little black dot his child?

Wow! This was so fascinating! After all, Nathaniel couldn't believe that such a small black dot would actually become a child with flesh and blood in the future. It would call him daddy and lie in his arms like a spoiled child. At this thought, Nathaniel's face softened, and his lips unconsciously curled up slightly.


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