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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1429

Bettany quickly left after receiving Nathanie's orders.

Then, Nathaniel entered Mango's room once again. This time, he no longer hesitated.

Since Mango's body could withstand this pregnancy, he would try his best to fulfill her wish. At the same time, he wanted to make up for his previous regrets.

At this thought, he gently held Mango's hand. Her hand was always a little cold. Now that she was pregnant, he didn't know if it would be possible to nourish her body a little more.

Nathaniel accompanied Mango for a while, but Mango didn't seem to have any intention of waking up. She slept very soundly.

She hadn't experienced any morning sickness yet, and he didn't know whether she would suffer in a few days.

Then, Nathaniel returned to his room and asked Ned to buy some pregnancy books. Right now, he was very excited.

This time, he felt different than when he realized that he was Zion and the other children's father. After all, now, he would be completely involved in the childhood of this small baby. Therefore, he was excited by this thought.

Suddenly, Nathaniel wanted to tell everyone the good news.

So he created a group chat and added Zion, Wisdom, Rita, Terrance, Mateo, Brantley, Walter, Tristan, and Lebanon in it.

They were all Mango's family members. At the same time, he also added Maverick into the group.

Well, Maverick was his only relative left.

Then, Nathaniel named the group as 'Relatives Group'.

"What's going on?"

As Tristan was suddenly added to the group, he felt a little puzzled, so he sent this text.

When Walter saw that Nathaniel was the one who had added him to the group, he couldn't help saying, "What are you doing? Are you finally admitting that we're relatives? Come on, greet me nicely, and I will give you a treat."

Usually, if Walter talked like this, Nathaniel would have killed him off with one sentence. But he was in a good mood today and was lazy to deal with such obnoxious people.

Meanwhile, Walter was a little surprised that

Nathaniel didn't say anything.

"Huh? Something's not right today. Nathaniel, what's wrong? Did Mango dump you?"

Nathaniel felt his anger rise after reading this text, but he endured it.

On the other hand, Terrance and Mateo didn't say anything when they came into the group. When they saw that the group members were all their relatives, they sent a smile emoji and didn't say anything else.

Meanwhile, Brantley had just arrived at Santell Capital, and he wanted to meet Magnolia at first. However, Barack's psychological counseling did not go smoothly. So, Magnolia had to accompany him and had no time to meet Brantley. Hence, Brantley was feeling bored when Nathaniel added him to the relatives' group.

Lebanon had just woken up after surviving the incident when he saw Nathaniel's group chat. He also didn't say a word and only read the messages silently.

After everyone had joined the group, Nathaniel conducted a lucky draw with the prize of 10,000 dollars.

They were all stunned, and Walter came out to be the lucky winner.

"D*mn, Nathaniel, is this your way of recognising to your relatives?"

Nathaniel muted him directly after seeing this text.

Then, Nathaniel said solemnly in the group, "I'm here to announce a piece of good news. Mango is pregnant! I'm going to be a daddy again!"

As soon as he said that, Walter was depressed.

He felt that Nathaniel had done this on purpose.

His child had just died, and he couldn't have another child within three years. Now that Nathaniel announced such news, the latter must have done this on purpose!

But Nathaniel had forbidden him from speaking, so he couldn't even voice out his complaints. In the end, he could only message Nathaniel in private.

"Are you doing this on purpose? Don't you feel ashamed? How could you hurt me like this?"

"Why did you join the lucky draw if you feel hurt then?"

Nathaniel's words hurt Walter even more.

Walter wanted to say that if he had known that the lucky draw was for such an occasion, he would not have taken the prize, but he chose to remain silent in the end.

It was true that he was displeased with Nathaniel, but the child was also Mango's. Therefore, he had to be happy for Mango.

With this thought in mind, Walter immediately transferred ten thousand dollars to Mango's bak account.

"Congratulations on becoming a mother. Take care of yourself. Let me know if you need anything, alright? We're relatives, after all."

When Tristan heard that Mango was pregnant, he immediately asked, "Maybe she should go back and stay at her family's place?"

"Nah, that's unnecessary. She is doing well here at home. The doctor said that she should be on bed rest for the first three months. If you are worried about your sister, come here and see how you cn nurse her back to health."


Tristan did not hesitate to answer at all.

Meanwhile, Mateo and Terrance also expressed their congratulations and transferred some money directly to Mango. They each gave 10,000 dollars as if they had agreed on it beforehand.

On the other hand, Brantley was happy too when he saw that Mango was pregnant again.

"Oh, I'm going to have a great-grandchild again!

That's great!"

Meanwhile, Tristan paused when he saw Brantley's message. Then, he tagged Brantley in a message and said respectfully, "Grandpa, I'm Tristan, Magnolia, and Barack's son."

"Oh I see! I'll take a good look at you when I get back."

Brantley felt that he had received too many pieces of good news this year!

Not only did he find his long-lost oldest doctor, but she had also brought back a very capable grandson. Now, Mango was pregnant again! Hence, he felt that he had been surrounded by good news all this year!

After that, Lebanon also sent a word of congratulation. When he saw Tristan's words, he was stunned.

What? Magnolia and Barack's son?

Was that Tristan's identity?

Wait... wasn't Magnolia his mother?

Did that mean that he and Tristan were halfbrothers?

Suddenly, Lebanon understood some things that he couldn't figure out in the past. Furthermore, he finally knew why Priscilla had said that Tristan supported him and believed that he would succeed.

Tristan was right! After all, his brother was helping him, so how could he fail?


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