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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1452

"What? They've mutated?"

Haniya unconsciously repeated this word, and her face turned pale.

"How is that possible?"

"This is Desmond's medical report from some time ago."

Mango then passed Desmond's medical report to Haniya while saying this.

She had been observing Desmond's physical condition and even ordered her subordinates to examine Desmond once a month. It had been a routine, and Desmond and no objections to it.

Now, they found out that the data of the current medical report was different from the previous one. Haniya was a nurse, so she could understand some of the data.

"How could his body cells multiply so quickly?"

"Yes, that's it. When the body cells multiply too fast, they will age fast while accelerating the body metabolism. We don't have many experts who specialize in this field for the time being, and we need to keep Desmond's identity a secret. That's why I have asked Nathaniel to bring in my cousin, Tristan. But as you know, there is a civil war happening in Angolla, so we might have a problem bringing him back in time. Hence, nobody knows what will happen to Desmond's body."

Mango was also very anxious, but she couldn't solve this problem just by being anxious.

After all, Desmond was an experimented subject and was injected with all kinds of drugs even when he was still in his mother's womb. Hence, no one would've imagined that he could be born healthily and grow up normally.

Meanwhile, Jose was the scientist who studied Desmond. Previously, the experiment was suspended because of Marissa. But now that Marissa was gone, Mango was unsure if Jose would continue to use Desmond as his experiment subject to study the human gene.

Back then, she spared Jose's life for the sake of Desmond's health, as she feared that he would have any physical problems in the future. Furthermore, Jose understood Desmond's condition best. Jose would be Desmond's only chance of survival if things went beyond control.

Therefore, even when Victoria caused so much trouble, Mango still kept her alive for Desmond's sake.

Otherwise, she could easily get rid of Victoria using the Ye family's authority.

Suddenly, Haniya's mind went blank, and she felt a pain in her heart.

She finally understood why Mango wanted her to handle this matter.

Desmond's body condition had to be kept a secret, so she was the most suitable candidate. Besides, she and Victoria had a dispute not long ago. Even if Haniya went to see her now, everyone would think it was because of that argument and not relate it to Desmond's health.

Now Haniya was dumbfounded.

"Madam, does Desmond know this?"

Her eyes were filled with tears as she asked this question.

However, Mango held her hand and said in a soft voice, "I haven't told him yet. Do you remember what I told you just now? You might feel a lot of different emotions because of love as you go through happy and sad experiences. Many things are beyond our control, but we can only try our best to avoid or maintain them. Haniya, Desmond is my friend, but so are you. I hope that he will be happy, and that goes the same for you. Since Desmond had not confessed to you or accepted you, if you have another choice, I will help you."

Haniya understood what Mango meant.

So Mango did not arrange a blind date for her in the spur of the moment or to stimulate Desmond, right?

Instead, she was giving Haniya more choices.

After all, Desmond was like a ticking time bomb who could die any time.

Perhaps before they had the chance to define their relationship, Desmond could turn into someone they did not recognize. However, at this thought, Haniya's heart hurt, and she felt reluctant to leave Desmond.

She kept thinking about his clear blue eyes, which captivated her.

Haniya's tears finally rolled down her face uncontrollably.

She didn't wipe the tears away. Instead, she looked at Mango and asked, "Madam, did you hesitate when you chose Mr. Ye? I mean, did you hesitate when Mr. Ye was forced to marry you before he was sure of his feelings for you?"

"No. The heart goes where love is. I have no regret as long as I followed my true feelings."

Mango's eyes were sparkling brightly as she said these words sincerely.

Then, Haniya suddenly burst into tears and said with a smile, "Madam, it's the same for me."

These words caused Mango to tear up as well.

Both Haniya and Mango had similar personalities. They would press on even if they felt hurt or despair.

Well, love was something amazing indeed.

After all, nothing dramatic happened between Haniya and Desmond. Haniya was the one who had fallen in love at first sight, and they had gotten closer because she kept pursuing him relentlessly. However, she didn't expect that they would have to go through this test.

After that, Mango held Haniya's hand while feeling sorry for her and said, "If you want to cry, just let it all out. You don't need to hold it in. But once you get out of this room, make sure that nobody knows about this. Before we find out the solution, make sure that no one, including Desmond himself, knows about this. Do you understand me?"

Haniya nodded and then threw herself into Mango's arms while sobbing.

She was trying to hold back her tears. Her shoulders moved as she sobbed quietly, and her tears wet Mango's clothes.

But Mango didn't mind.

She was also upset as well.

No one had expected such a problem, but they

had no choice but to face it.

However, Mango knew that no one would be more affected than Haniya.

After all, anyone would hope for their lover to stay safe and healthy. However, right now, Desmond's body was obviously not in a good condition.

He had rarely fallen ill or caught a cold since young. Furthermore, he didn't experience any physical problems even though Victoria had tortured him. Other people would probably be envious of him, but his body was actually like a time bomb. Moreover, Desmond's blood was very precious. Hence, Mango did not know if Desmond lost too much blood.

She didn't know if they could find a matching blood type for Desmond, and these were all problems that Mango was worried about.


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