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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1453

"Well, Madam. I'll take my leave first."

After speaking, Haniya was about to run out when she was stopped by Mango.

"Why are you running away? Desmond won't bite you. Hmm, that's weird. Why do I feel that something is going on between you that I don't know? For example, something like washing underwear?"

Mango once again raised the topic when she saw how red Haniya's face was.

"Urgh! Madam, why are you also..."

Haniya wanted to hide out of embarrassment right now!

She thought nobody else knew about this besides Desmond and her. So, how did the news spread to Nathaniel and Mango?

Moreover, Nathaniel wasn't usually interested in gossip. Thus, she couldn't imagine his reaction when he saw the surveillance screen.

Wait, something wasn't adding up now.

Wasn't she in her room when she washed the clothes?

Could there be a surveillance camera in her room?

Haniya was so scared that her face turned pale.

When Nathaniel saw Haniya's expression, he knew what she was thinking. He then said with a smile, "Don't worry. There is no surveillance camera in your room. I saw it from the laundry room's camera that someone asked you to wash his clothes."

Haniya's face turned red again after hearing his reply.

On the other hand, Desmond was at the door, so he had heard everything. He then knocked on the door and said, "Mr. Ye, Madam, I don't think the laundry room needs to be monitored anymore."

After that, he walked in once he had finished his words.

Mango almost couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard this.

"Haha! Why do you think so? The laundry room should also be under surveillance. What if some bad guys sneak in and hide in the laundry room?"

Desmond said calmly, "Well, I think that it's a bit inappropriate for us to intrude on other people's privacy."

"Well, I think that you only need privacy if there are some things that you don't want other people to see. You openly asked Haniya to wash your clothes. I don't think you were trying to do it

privately, right?"

Nathaniel pursed his lips and looked at Desmond. Apparently, he was in a good mood.

After hearing this, Desmond glanced at Nathaniel and then looked at Mango, who was excited. He then saw that Haniya was about to cry. So he stepped forward and pulled Haniya to his side before saying, "Brenda is looking for you."

"Oh, okay. I'll be right there."

Haniya then hurriedly left the room.

"Tsk tsk."

Mango smacked her lips and looked at Desmond with a smile.

Then, Desmond said calmly, "Don't you want to be a matchmaker? You are the one who brought us together. So, Madam, you can stop arranging useless blind dates for her."

Mango's eyes widened at once when she heard this.

"What the hell? I thought you weren't interested in Haniya! Besides, Haniya was the one who agreed to the blind date. I've already made an appointment with the other party. Do you think you can stop me just by saying so?"

Desmond glanced at Mango and didn't say anything else. However, Mango felt that there was something interesting going on.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel coughed and said, "You can deal with your relationship issue as long as it doesn't affect your work."

"No, it won't."

"Since you are here, I have something to tell you."

Then, Nathaniel looked at Desmond and said in a low voice, "I'm sure you know about Mango's health condition. She got pregnant by accident, but her body might not be able to handle it. I've consulted some specialists about it, and it seems that your blood will benefit her and the child, so..."

"How much do you need?"

Desmond understood in an instant and asked without hesitation.

Mango's mouth twitched when she heard this.

This was human blood they were talking about! How could he ask how much blood she needed so casually? Wasn't Desmond acting a little too brazen?

"Desmond, do you know that your blood is special?"

Mango asked right on time.

"Yeah, I do."

As Desmond said this, his expression darkened.

If it weren't for his special blood, he wouldn't have been kidnapped and researched for no reason since he was young. However, he didn't mind giving up his blood for Mango's sake.

After all, his body would regenerate the blood easily.

Furthermore, Mango had done him a huge favor. He owed Mango his life, so what was blood compared to that?

As Desmond was being generous, Mango felt troubled.

Nathaniel worried that Mango's heart would soften, so he said, "It's not a one-time thing. We need 400cc every week if that's okay? You need to enhance your training to increase your immunity as well. Furthermore, I'll also get Haniya to prepare some medicine and food to replenish your blood."

"Yeah, I don't have any problems with that."

Desmond recalled when Jose was researching his blood, the latter had drawn a lot of blood each day. Once, he almost fainted after too much blood was drawn. Now, Mango was only asking for 40000 per week, so this was nothing to him.

"Then you can go and prepare first. We'll draw some blood today."


Desmond then turned and left.

Mango looked at his back and suddenly realized something.

"Nathaniel, why did he come to my room?"

"He was looking for Haniya."

Nathaniel smiled faintly as he replied.

Desmond, who was a blockhead, had finally come to his senses! It seemed that his happiness was around the corner. He could only hope that fate would not play any tricks on this pair of lovers.

Mango was stunned for a moment before she finally reacted.

"What? Did he knocked on my door to look for Haniya? Didn't he come come to report to me?"

"What do you need him to report about? We've already tasked him to take care of the Ye Mansion's security system. If he came to report about it, that would mean that something must have happened."

Nathaniel then reached out and touched Mango's nose, causing her to frown.

"What's wrong with you? You're either flicking my forehead or touching my nose. Don't think that you can bully me just because I'm pregnant. If you bully me again, I will bite you!" "Go ahead! It's not like you've not bitten me before. Hmm, are you sure that you're not secretly a dog?"

Mango was a little furious after hearing what Nathaniel had said.


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