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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 182

Madam Ye hurriedly shut the window and she turned to look at the person behind her.

The doctor brought a nurse along with him to look for Rita, but upon discovering that Rita was not present in her room, his expression soured.

"Madam Ye, where's Miss Rita?"

"Nonsense! Does the Ye family's granddaughter need to tell you where she goes?"

Right then, Madam Ye reined in her emotions and her face cooled into an expression of indifference.

"D*mn, Miss Rita might have escaped, go after her, quick!"

The doctor's expression promptly became disdainful. He turned to the nurse beside him and he was about to give an order, but then he heard Madam Ye said, "No one is leaving this room! If you do, I'll shoot you."

Madam Ye was not joking at all. She fitted the pistol in her hand with a silencer. The murderous look on her face made everyone shiver in fear.

"Madam Ye, what is all the fuss about? Miss Rita's body is unable to undergo such stress! Besides, the surgery is tomorrow. Aren't you afraid that she will get hurt if you do this?"

"This is the Ye Family's business. It has nothing to do with you! I say again, no one is allowed to leave this room!" Madam Ye's eyes glanced at everyone coldly.

After running out, Rita had fallen down, and blood oozed from her knees. It was agonizing, but then she recalled that her grandmother was still waiting for her. Rita gritted her teeth and got up to run with her tears welling up.

"When I see daddy after this game is over, I'll ask grandma to buy me a lollipop, my knees hurt a lot!" Rita thought to herself.

Not long after Rita ran out, she spotted Secretary Zhang, who was walking up to her. However, there seemed to be someone else following her.

"Aunty Zhang!"

Rita wanted to rush over to her, but then she remembered Madam Ye's words and she quickly hid herself. Then, she heard Secretary Zhang said, "Mr. Tang said, no matter what, we can't let Rita live today. The nurse called me and said that she'd run away. You'd better find her and convince her to come back. We have to kill Rita silently and not leave a trace."


The people behind her looked vicious. After listening to Secretary Zhang, they spread out quickly in every direction, searching for Rita.

Although Rita was tender in age, she was not foolish. She understood what they meant by killing her.

Upon hearing that, her whole body began to tremble.

Mr. Tang was her godfather, and yet he was going to let her die?

But why?

Was it because of her illness that she had implicated her mother and brother?

Or was it because that she didn't listen to him?

Rita held a small, quivering hand to her mouth. Soon, her beautiful big eyes started to well up with tears.

She curled up in a corner of the flower bed and hid from the men. Looking at their incessant footsteps, she dared not to utter any word.

At this moment, she realized that her grandmother was not playing a game with her.

It was true that someone wanted to kill her, and her grandmother was protecting her.

"Grandma!" Rita thought.

As Rita thought of the gracious old woman, she wept even harder.

Suddenly, a pair of small hands touched Rita's shoulders. She almost screamed in fright, but then she heard a voice whispered behind her, "Sssh, Rita, it's me."

"Brother Wisdom!"

When Rita heard Wisdom's voice, she quickly turned around and hugged him.

She was so afraid!

Wisdom's slight frame was not much larger than Rita's. He gently patted Rita on the shoulder and said, "Here Rita, follow me. I'll take you to daddy. It's going to be okay. Uncle Thomas is going to lead them away."

"Brother Wisdom, Grandma is still in the hospital ward." She said worriedly.

Rita's thoughts were of Madam Ye.

Wisdom's whispered words were determined, "Daddy will find a way out of this. Don't worry."

Rita followed Wisdom through the flowerbed. Wisdom was stealthy as a mouse, he quickly pulled Rita away whenever the men walked past them. Soon, they avoided the men expertly.

In the beginning, fear still took hold in Rita's heart. However, as she took in Wisdom's calm and collected expression, she felt much more at ease and secured.

She realized that Wisdom was as courageous as her own brother, and Wisdom would protect her the best he could.

Rita had snuck away with Wisdom for a long while. Then, they finally spotted Nathaniel's car.

"Daddy!" She yelled excitedly.

At that moment, Wisdom hurriedly ushered Rita aboard the car.

Nathaniel's worried heart eased when he saw that Rita was safe and sound.

"Don't be scared, Rita. Daddy's going to get you out of here."

"But... Grandma's still in the hospital ward."

Rita was always concerned about Madam Ye. Nathaniel looked at Rita's hospital ward which was now filled with people rushing to and fro. He turned to the bodyguard beside him and said, "I'm going to save my mother. Get them to a safe place and wait for me."

"But Mr. Ye..."

The bodyguard was rather concerned.

These people had been serving the Ye Family all along as they established themselves in the United States. In short, the bodyguards had grown up with Nathaniel. They were worried about him and Madam Ye, so when they heard that Nathaniel was going back alone to save her, they whispered in solidarity, "Let's go together, sir."

"No, listen to me, you need to take them away as soon as possible."

"Daddy, you have to bring grandma back no matter what."

Rita's eyes were shining full to the brim with tears. Her pleading face made Nathaniel's heart ache all the way down into his core.

He extended his fingers and gently wiped away Rita's tears. He said with a reassuring smile, "Don't you worry about a thing, daddy will definitely bring grandma back, alright?"

After that, Nathaniel hastily exited the car and he immediately made a phone call.


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