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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 183

Madam Ye was being supportive of Rita getting her medical re- examination and she fully understood the concerns. However, when Nathaniel brought up the matter of her getting herself a full body checkup as well, Madam Ye became quite suspicious.

"I'm just a usual old woman, what's there to check?" She huffed in indignation.

Madam Ye was visibly reluctant.

Nathaniel held Madam Ye's hand and he looked at her seriously, "Mom, you've been abroad for so many years, even me as your son don't know how your body is doing. You look amazing of course, but I'm still worried. Don't go against me on this okay? Just go and get yourself checked."

In fact, Madam Ye was very hesitant about hospital admission. If it wasn't for Rita, she would have never stepped her foot in that place. But now as she absorbed Nathaniel's concerned expression, she thought silently for a moment before she spoke, "Is there something wrong with me?"

"No, it's just going to be a routine check-up. Don't overthink it, mom."

Nathaniel tried his best to reassure her.

But Madam Ye was not so easily fooled.

Her discerning eyes fell on Nathaniel. Madam Ye's sharp gaze caused Nathaniel not to be at ease, for he knew that he could not bear the weight of her look, so he shifted nervously.

"Oh mom..."

"Okay, what on earth is going on here?"

Nathaniel saw that Madam Ye was nothing if not persistent. Hence, he had no choice but to tell her about the test results that he had obtained from St. Petersburg Hospital.

Madam Ye's narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "I admit that I did take some medicine back when I was younger. However, it was not poison, but traditional Chinese medicine. At the time, your father and I were childless for years, so we sought the doctor. He said that our blood types weren't a match so it was difficult for us to have kids. Do you know how devastating that was? I felt that I was going to collapse. What purpose did I have in life if I could not be a mother? I looked everywhere for medical advice and tried every prescription that I could, but nothing worked until I met Nanny Zhang."

At his mother's words, Nathaniel's eyes narrowed abruptly in surprise.

"Did you just say Nanny Zhang?"

"Yeah! Weren't you always curious as to why I've treated Nanny Zhang so well, why the Ye family has been so good to her? It's because she let me have a child and allowed the Ye family to have descendants! Do you know how much the Ye family is in her debt? I was prepared to divorce your father and let him marry someone else to bear a child for our family, but your father disagreed. In the end, God was kind to us as He placed Nanny Zhang in our lives." Nathaniel's brows knitted together slightly as he looked perplexed.

"What's so special about Nanny Zhang? How did she enable you and dad to have children then?"

"Her family has specialized in treating infertility for generations. They're very well-known in the world of traditional Chinese medicine. Unfortunately, they ran upon some hard times and destroyed their reputation. Nanny Zhang was betrayed and she was cast out on the streets. Your father and I saved her from the streets, and to repay our kindness, she prescribed some medicine to help us." Madam Ye explained patiently.

Madam Ye's words made Nathaniel frown even more deeply.

"What prescription was that? Did you let the doctors in the hospital analyze it?"

"Pfft, of course not, how could I take it to the hospital? Bah! Hospitals would never believe in these prescriptions. Your father and I were flat out of ideas, so we just took her prescription. Those prescriptions were a secret passed down for generations in her family. Nanny Zhang handled everything from prescribing, extracting the medicine, and decocting it. Her prescription was effective, despite what you think of her. After six months, I really became pregnant and had you and your brother. Our family owes Nanny Zhang a great deal, so the Ye family can't mistreat her, you hear me?"

Madam Ye became wistful as she spoke of this incident that happened in the past. It was clear that she was protective of Nanny Zhang and would not think ill of her.

On the other hand, Nathaniel thought differently.

Previously, he shared his mother's sentiment that Nanny Zhang was good to his family, but now looking at how how she dealt with the issue of Zion and Mango, Nathaniel was doubtful that Nanny Zhang was truly loyal and grateful to the Ye family.

"What on earth was in that prescription back then?" Nathaniel thought to himself.

"Would it have anything to do with the poison in my mother's body now?" Nathaniel mused. He had no clue, but he spoke to Madam Ye in a low and soothing voice, "Mom, I think you and Dad were too hasty back then. There's a lot of poisonous impurities in traditional medicines. Don't be stubborn and please listen to me, just go for the check-up. If there's a problem, at least we caught it early. I still need you to raise my kids, no slacking!" Nathaniel gently chided his mother.

Needless to say, Nathaniel was extremely anxious.

Madam Ye, upon sight of her son's concern, she was no longer resisting any further.

If it could repair the relationship between her and Nathaniel, it was as good a start as any.

"All right, all right! I'll do it! Stop being so pushy. I heard that Nanny Zhang is in your custody." She sighed in exasperation at her son. "I know that she's gone overboard with some things, but Nathan, if we can get Mango back, I'll give her some money and let her live out the rest of her days in peace. Let's not sweat over the other details."

"Mom! What about Zion..." "I know, what happened with Zion hasn't been easy for me either. However, I can't ignore the fact that she did the Ye family a great service. I owe you and Mango over Zion's case. I promise you, I'll treat Mango right for the rest of my life. No matter what happens, as long as I'm here alive and kicking, Mango Shen will always be the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, and a headmistress of the Ye family as well!"

At Madam Ye's spirited proclamation, Nathaniel naturally could not object. However, he still had his own opinions on how to deal with Nanny Zhang.

Nathaniel's expression turned grim as he watched Madam Ye enter the room for the medical check-up.

"Mr. Ye, what ails you? Now the young master and miss are no longer at St. Petersburg Hospital. We're free now, why do you still look so aggrieved?" Thomas asked, confused.

"I know where Mango is now, but it's not easy for me to save her. I'm thinking about saving her before letting Rita have the surgery. After all, Mango has been waiting to see this surgery for five years."

Mango had never been far from Nathaniel's mind, but he did not know how she was doing now.

When Thomas heard that Nathaniel knew where Mango's whereabouts, he couldn't help but stun for a moment. He spoke with some speculation, "Was it Abyss?"

"Yeah! It was him! But right now I need someone to lure him out. Whether or not Mango can be saved, I need to scout the possibilities. No matter what, I can't be flying blind." "Do you think Mr. Dylan can help us?"


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