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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 196

"Doctor, how is Madam Ye?"

Thomas asked at once.

The doctor looked at Thomas as well as Mango. However, he didn't see Nathaniel, so he hesitated for a moment.

"Where is Mr. Ye?"

Right then, Mango understood the doctor's apprehensive expression. She said softly, "He's resting. I'm his wife Mango, and I'm also Madam Ye's daughter- in- law. You can tell me what's happening."

"Yes, yes, this is our madam. If you have something to say, you can tell her."

At that, Thomas quickly echoed Mango's words.

The doctor knew Thomas, so he believed him naturally, He said in a low voice, "Mrs. Ye, let's talk in my office."

"Then, my mother-in-law..."

"Is fine for now."

The doctor's words made Mango sigh in relief.

After that, they entered the office together.

The moment when the office door closed, the doctor sighed and he said, "Mrs. Ye, Madam Ye's not well at all."

"Broadly speaking, what's wrong with her?" In truth, Mango was somewhat prepared for this but she still felt unsettled when she heard that. Even though she had very little contact with Madam Ye, she knew that the woman was wise and kind. Regardless of her previous attitude, she was really good at Rita.

Then, the doctor sighed and he handed over Madam Ye's medical report.

"Her health wasn't the best when she was younger and I don't know what was going on at the time. I presume she may have taken a lot of traditional medicines, and for us doctors, we don't approve of that. After all, many of the components in traditional medicines are toxic. If you take them for years, your body will collapse. I've carefully examined her body, and it contained other toxins aside from the ones in traditional medicine. Although it's improved recently, it has damaged her body greatly."

"Can it be treated?"

At that moment, Mango understood that Madam Ye's body was likely to have been tampered with just like Wisdom's body.

Now, Mango wanted to know if there was any way to make Madam Ye recover.

Unfortunately, the doctor shook his head and he said, "It's too late for her."

"What do you mean?"

"Madam Ye's health has always been poor. Look here."

The doctor pointed to her X-ray films and he said, "There are cancer cells here and they've already begun to spread. The cancer's considered late stage by now."

"Is this liver cancer?"

Mango was stunned at this moment.

Then, the doctor nodded.

"The liver is the least sensitive organ in the human body, but once a person feels pain there, it's basically already in an end-stage. The medications she took for years have eroded her body. When the body metabolizes something, the first organ to be impacted is the liver. Now, her liver is unable to excrete the built-up toxins to the point of forming cancer cells, which is very common in medicine. If we had caught it earlier, she might have been saved, but now..."

The doctor had not finished his words, but Mango understood clearly.

All of a sudden, she felt sad and grieved.

At her age, she could not brave death, much less face the fact that the people around her could pass away at any moment.

"Doctor, please, no matter how much it costs, please save her. Do you think you can save her?"

Mango's request was a common request of every family member, but doctors were not all-powerful.

"Mrs. Ye, I think you'd better discuss it with Mr. Ye. It shouldn't be a problem for her to do chemotherapy now, but her body can't hold on for much longer. Basically, it would be pointless."

The doctor's words were essentially a death sentence for Madam Ye. Thus, it was far too cruel for Mango to bear. After that, she did not know how she managed to leave the office. Outside, she saw Thomas's anxious eyes and she asked calmly, "Is Nathan on the rooftop?"

"Yes, Mrs. Ye."

"Bring me a thin blanket."

Mango's words made Thomas pause for a moment, but he did not delay and he asked for someone to send a blanket.

Then, Mango walked up to the rooftop step by step.

On the rooftop, a handsome man leaned on the wall as he smoked. When he laid eyes on Mango, he was slightly stunned.

Nevertheless, Mango did not pay him much heed and she directly went to Nathaniel's side. Her heart ached as she saw him fast asleep on the rooftop.

"This man cares so little for himself." She thought.

Then, she went next to Nathaniel and she covered him with blanket in her hands in order to ward off the cold air.

By now, Dylan seemed to have figured out Mango's identity. Thus, he asked with some hesitation, "Are you my sister-in-law?"

"Sorry, who are you?"

"My name is Dylan Atlinson, I'm Nathaniel's friend."

Dylan happily stretched out his right hand as he said that.

After Mango politely shook hands with him, she asked softly, "How long has it been since he had a good rest?" "He told me that he hasn't slept in three days. Tell you what, this guy was a true warrior back in the military. He won't back down at all, even in the face of so many things. In the end, he's still human, and humans have limits. Mango, I won't interfere in your relationship, but I hope you can take pity on this friend of mine. Things that happened these days are not easy for him."

"Ah, I see. Thank you."

Mango's eyes had never left Nathaniel all the while.

There were dark circles under his eyes and his beard had started growing out. Furthermore, he was always an image-conscious man but now he had lost a lot of weight.


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