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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 197

Mango seemed to realize something as she looked into Madam Ye's eyes. Thus, the old lady smiled in relief as she realized that her daughter-in-law was a very intelligent woman.

She patted the back of Mango's hand and she said softly, "This is an item that symbolizes the matriarch of the Ye Family. Make sure to keep it safe. Many people have sworn loyalty to it."

"Many people? Like who...?"

"You are kind of impatient, girl."

With that, Madam Ye sighed softly and she handed the brocade box to Mango.

After that, Mango opened it and she saw that it was an old ring. The totem on it seemed to have another interpretation, it radiated with both humility and a sense of nobility.

"This ring is half of a pair. The one you have is for the madam and Nathan has the other ring. It belongs to the head of the Ye family, but he has never worn it. The reason why I didn't give it to you five years ago is that I had no idea how long you and Nathan would last. Even then, it was obvious that you loved my son very much. As a mother, I was proud as well as happy about that. But as the matriarch of the Ye Family, I felt guilty and I blamed myself because I didn't know whether you were a good fit for my son."

Now, Madam Ye did not hold back her words. In the past, Mango might have been sad because of these words. However, since she had experienced so much, she did not feel sad. This was because she knew that what Madam Ye said to her were probably the secrets of the Ye Family which she failed to find in the past.

"Do you think I'm a good fit now?"

"It's not about whether or not you're not a good fit, it's about Nathan's approval. Nathan had told me before that he wanted to give up his identity as a member of the Ye Family just to be with you and your son. Nathan's actions made me understand his feelings. He was never a talkative child. Nick, however, was the exact opposite of him. He was expressive and easygoing. Nick lived simply according to his wishes, and he passed away just as simple."

When she spoke of Nick, Madam Ye's eyes were wet with tears.

She had lost her son before her hair was even grey. Surely that would be a tough pill to swallow for anyone.

Mango could not say much about her brother-in-law whom she had never met, but she could see that both Nathaniel and Madam Ye missed him very much.

"Mom, you can't bring someone back from the dead. There's no need to be sad."

"What if I told you that Nick was still alive?"

Clearly, Madam Ye's words stunned Mango.

"What?" "This is a Ye Family secret. Now that you are the madam of the Ye Family, I'll tell you this secret because I hope you can understand that Nick's safety is in your hands now."

Madam Ye grasped Mango's hand again.

At the time, her heart was so shocked that she couldn't accept it.

"But Nathan said..."

"Fie doesn't know either. Everyone thinks that Nick died sacrificing himself for the country, but only I and another person know that he is still alive. As for what he is doing now, you don't need to know. All you need to know is that if one day Nick asks you for help, you must help him."

Obviously, Madam Ye didn't intend to make it clear to Mango about what Nick was doing.

Thus, Mango was very shocked, but she still nodded and obeyed.

The old lady looked at the ring in her hand and she said, "This ring is not only a symbol of your identity, but also your responsibility to protect the Ye Family. I know you're worried about Zion's disappearance. I'm also a mother, so I know how you feel. I don't know where Zion is now, but I can tell you that he is still alive. You can continue to search for him, but you need to do so in secret."

"But why?"

This, Mango did not understand.

Zion was her son, and also a true-born son of the Ye Family. Why did she need to be so sneaky?

Madam Ye sighed and she said, "There has to be someone in the Ye Family who grows up in the darkness. In Nathan's generation, that person was Nick. Now that Wisdom has been announced as the heir of the Ye Family, that can't be changed, so..."

At that, Mango seemed to understand something all of a sudden.

"Did you orchestrate Zion's disappearance?"

"To be precise, it was Nick who rescued Zion. As for where they went, I guess only Nick knows. Rest assured that he will nurture Zion well, and one day you will meet him again.""

"Mom, I don't understand. What's going on?"

Mango had never imagined that her missing son would be with her brother-in-law. What was more, her mother-in-law apparently even hid the truth from Nathaniel.

Then, Madam Ye whispered, "The Ye Family has always been working with both sides of the law for the past hundred years. Do you know why?"


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