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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 311

When Merle arrived after Mango had summoned him, Madam Hans was still undergoing emergency treatment.

After that, she talked to Terrance for a moment before she left.

Nevertheless, Queena was rather worried about Mango and she whispered, "How about you let Terrance handle this? You're a woman, so it's very unsafe for you to do this."

Mango knew that Queena was worried about her, but she wouldn't be satisfied if she didn't personally deal with the issue between her and Nanny Zhang.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Mango reassured Queena before she left the hospital.

Since Merle had been with Mango for some time, he naturally sensed that there was something off with her today.

"Mistress, are you going to give out a kill order today?"

"I don't know yet, but make sure that no one enters the room when I'm there, including anyone from the Hans Family."

As she spoke, Mango's voice was eerily cold.

Although Merle didn't know what Mango was going to do, he still nodded his head.

No one stopped them when they arrived at the Hans Family mansion as Terrance had already told them about Mango's identity.

After that, Mango walked all the way to the underground dungeon.

However, Nanny Zhang's condition wasn't as bad as Mango imagined it would be. Instead, she even showed a sense of anticipation as she smiled widely when Mango arrived.

"Have you come to gloat? How does it feel? Are you in pain? How do you feel when so many people have been hurt because of you?"

At the time, Nanny Zhang mocked Mango like a madwoman.

However, Mango levelled a cold glare at her as she stepped forward and slapped Nanny Zhang across the face hard.

"Ah! How dare you hit me? Mango Shen, I'm your mother-in-law!"

Nanny Zhang knew that Mango would be angry, but she assumed that Mango's character was meek to the point of weakness. If not, why did Mango not retaliate despite all the terrible things that Nanny Zhang had done to her?

Right now, Nanny Zhang felt that Mango was all bark and no bite. After she fell in love with Nathaniel, Mango had lost herself and her stance.

Hence, Mango's slap not only surprised Nanny Zhang, it also infuriated her.

"Mango, Nathaniel is my son. You're his wife, and that makes me your mother-in-law! You'll definitely regret laying your hands on me!"

Nanny Zhang spoke with a ferocious expression on her face.

However, Mango replied In a cold voice. "Do you really deserve to be my mother-in-law or Nathaniel's mother? If it weren't for that, do you really think you'd still be alive? You've crossed me one too many times, Nanny Zhang. Your days are coming to an end."

After that, she glared icily at Nanny Zhang with a murderous intent in her eyes.

The older woman froze suddenly, but she laughed mockingly and said, "Are you going to kill me? Haha, what a joke. Nathan would never let you do that. He wouldn't kill me even if I wasn't his mother, because he wants to use me to lure out the true mastermind behind all this. I'm your only hope."

"You think too highly of yourself!"

After she said that, Mango retrieved a dagger from Merle's hand.

The dagger was very sharp and the cold glint reflected off of Nanny Zhang's face, striking a sense of fear in her heart.

"Mango, you can't kill me! I'm Nathan's birth mother, you're..."

"You talk way too much. Do you really think that you're the head of the Ye Family? Do you think you can kill anyone that's a hindrance to you? I haven't even gotten you back for what you did to my parents and children, so do you really think I'm that weak?" "Isn't that true? You're an idiot! A coward! What else do you know except for loving Nathaniel? You threw away your entire life for a man! You wouldn't retaliate even if I hurt your children! It's a shame that Zion has someone like you as his mother and it's a stain he will never get rid of! He'll only live up to his true potential as the heir of the Ye Family once you're dead!"

Nanny Zhang retorted confidently, and Mango felt somewhat saddened by that.

"So, you've actually disregarded my generosity towards you all along? You always used the fact that you're Nathaniel's birth mother against me, so I couldn't do anything else but be nice to you because I was afraid of hurting his feelings. Unfortunately, the one who had been hurting Nathaniel all along was you. You pushed your son away from you. Now, you've hurt my children and my grandmother and you even infiltrated the Hans Family. If I keep tolerating you, won't you think that you'd have power over the entire Ocean City?"

Mango's words stunned Nanny Zhang for a moment, but then she sneered and said, "So what? What can you do to me?"

"Nothing much, but I have the sudden urge to kill you. Perhaps everything will be okay once you're dead!"

After she said this, she raised the dagger and stabbed Nanny Zhang in the chest. However, the stab missed its intended target as Mango's hand trembled.

Even so, Nanny Zhang felt a blinding pain rip through her body and fear started to bubble up inside her.

"How dare you, Mango Shen!"

"I already did it, so what's there to be afraid of? Excuse me, my hand slipped earlier. But don't worry, I won't miss next time."

As soon as she finished her sentence. Mango pulled out the dagger without any expression on her face.

With that, a warm spray of blood coated Mango's face.

Alas, Mango paid no mind to it as she looked dully at the dagger in her hand. "Merle, where should I aim in order to pierce the heart?"

It was the first time that Merle had seen Mango take action.

Although Mango's hand had indeed trembled a little, she really intended on killing Nanny Zhang.

Then, Merle quickly stepped forward and told Mango the exact location to stab.

Their conversation was so casual as if they were discussing how to slaughter a pig. Furthermore, they talked about it and even demonstrated it in front of Nanny Zhang.

Finally, Nanny Zhang's face became pale and she started to feel fear for her life.

"You can't kill me, Mango! Nathan will be sad if you do! No matter how you put it, I gave birth to him and he'll never forgive you if he finds out about this!"


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