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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 312

Mango watched as Nanny Zhang's fear gradually grew before she sneered and said, "So, you finally know what it feels like to be scared. When you poisoned others, didn't you think that the same fate would befall you someday? What a shame, haven't you heard of the phrase 'you reap what you sow'? You just had a taste of your own medicine!"

"You're going to die for this, Mango Shen! The gods will punish you!¹'

When Nanny Zhang heard Mango's words, her entire body trembled.

No one knew better than her what the effects of those drugs were.

She just didn't expect that she would end up being poisoned by her own concoction.

Nevertheless, Mango kept smiling and said, "Even if the gods do punish me, I'll take you down with me. Also, I nearly forgot to tell you that Nathan was the one who refined the drugs and he personally handed them to me before I arrived here."

"Nonsense! I don't believe you! Nathan would never do this to me! He wouldn't!"

Right now, Nanny Zhang's emotions were in shambles.

Nathaniel was her last safe haven.

She knew better than anyone else that Nathaniel was cold only on the surface, and he had a warm heart on the inside.

Ever since he was young, Nathaniel had relied on Nanny Zhang even though he never talked to her. He loved her and even protected her. Furthermore, he knew that Nanny Zhang disliked Mango when she came back into his life five years ago, but he treated Nanny Zhang badly out of respect for her status.

Nathaniel didn't even hold it against her when she drugged and kidnapped Zion previously. Hence, this meant that Nathaniel held a special place for her inside his heart.

Now that Nathaniel knew her true identity, how could he be so ruthless to her, his biological mother?

However, Nanny Zhang started to feel doubtful and a wave of distress swept through her heart when she saw Mango's serious expression.

"No, it can't be! Nathan wouldn't!¹'

She shouted at the top of her lungs, as if that would be able to override Mango's lies.

On the other hand, Mango just coldly looked at her in silence. The corners of her mouth twitched upwards in a triumphant smirk and the mocking expression cut deep into Nanny Zhang's psyche.

"It's all because of you, you b*tch! You turned Nathan against me, you made him do this, didn't you? I'm his biological mother, you'll hurt him if you do this to me!"

Nanny Zhang struggled against her restraints and she wanted nothing more than to kill Mango.

The calmer Mango was, the more uneasy and anxious Nanny Zhang became.

Meanwhile, something inside her body started to feel uncomfortable, and her stomach began to ache.

Hence, she was becoming very afraid.

"Mango, let me go! I don't wanna die! I can’t die yet!"

"No one wanted to die, but you killed them anyway. So, you should have a taste of your own medicine. As for the information I want, I have my own ways to gather intelligence even if you don't tell me. As for you, you should enjoy the effects of your own drugs. You were right, killing someone is a crime and I won't dirty my hands for someone as worthless as you. Hence, I'll let you die slowly from the effects of your own drugs."

After Mango finished speaking, she immediately turned around to leave.

At that, Nanny Zhang immediately panicked.

"Mango, don't go! Come back!"

She shouted at Mango hysterically, but unfortunately Mango walked out of the dungeon as if she'd never heard a single word.

Meanwhile, Merle glanced at both Mango and Nanny Zhang before he followed Mango outside silently.

Thankfully, the air outside was fresh and crisp.

Mango took a deep breath and the anger in her heart somewhat dissipated.

After Merle exited the dungeon, he asked confusedly, "Mistress, why didn't you kill her?"

"Reduce the security and free Sisi. After that, let Sisi take Nanny Zhang away from here."

Merle was rather shocked by Mango's words.

"You're using her as bait?"

"I need to know what the antidote is. Although Madam Ye seems fine on the outside, the doctor has informed me that she doesn't have very long to live. Also, Madam Hans had just gotten a stroke and I fear that the doctors won't be able to discover anything amiss in such a short time. Furthermore, I'm worried that Madam Hans won't be able to last long enough for the doctors to discover what's truly wrong with her. Since Nanny Zhang wants to stay alive, I'm sure that she'll find a way to cure herself. By then, well have a lead."

Merle understood what Mango meant when she said that, but he muttered, "Sisi would never listen to our commands."

"Oh, I'm sure she'll listen. Tell her that if agrees to my instructions, I'll let her reunite with Newell again!"

Mango's words stunned Merle once more.

Of course he knew who Newell was.

After Merle came to Ocean City, he quickly learned all he could about the events in the city. So, he couldn't help but ask when he heard Newell's name, "Isn't he dead?"

"Just tell her to come and see me after she's thought it through! I'll be waiting at the Hans Family mansion for an hour, no longer than that."

After Mango finished speaking, she immediately went to the Hans Family mansion's living room to wait.

Meanwhile, Merle felt that Mango wasn't meek as he once thought she was.

At the very least, he realized that there were some things which he didn't truly understand about her.


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