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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 313

Mango held in her own emotions as she looked at the painting that was done by Dennis in Madam Hans's room. Then, she recalled the vivid dream she had earlier.

Then, she said in a low voice, "Don't worry dad. I won't let anything happen to grandma and the Hans Family, never!"

After that, she stood up and sat back down onto the sofa before she called out faintly.

"Come in!"

The door opened, and Sisi walked in.

In fact, Sisi looked much different compared to a few days ago. She was much thinner and she looked pallid, but she was somewhat agitated upon seeing Mango.

"Are you telling me that Newell is alive? Is that the truth?"

Her voice trembled.

She witnessed Newell's death with her own eyes, but unfortunately, she couldn't take his body away with her. After that, Nanny Zhang had told Sisi that she would search for Newell's ashes, yet she was unsuccessful.

Some said that Nathaniel had torn Newell to pieces and some said that he had scattered Newell's ashes into the ocean. Either way, Sisi could never accept that as the truth and that was why she adamantly followed Nanny Zhang on her crusade against Nathaniel and Mango.

She wouldn't let Newell die without giving him a proper burial, so he had to get justice for him.

Now that she heard that Newell was alive, Sisi was excited and a even a little anticipatory.

As Mango observed her, she admired her loyalty towards Newell. Despite Sisi being quite detestable and the fact that she had done many evil things, her feelings for Newell have never wavered.

Thus, she couldn't help but respect Nathaniel's methods. He knew exactly how to strike at a person's weakness and have them do his bidding willingly.

Originally, Nathaniel had planned to let Sisi go and let Newell stay behind. Now, it seemed like everything had gone according to his plan.

In this aspect, he was like a calm and methodical chess player, who was in control of everything and everyone.

Hence, Mango felt like she had a lot to learn from Nathaniel, but now wasn't the time to think about all that.

As she saw the desire burning in Sisi's eyes, Mango took out her phone and showed Sisi the video that Nathaniel had just sent her.

In the video, Newell seemed to be located in a nursing home while he recovered from his wounds. However, he looked to be doing quite well, and he didn't look as thin as he was before.

Sisi ravenously took in every second of the video, and she started to tear up.

Although one of her eyes had been destroyed, it couldn't dampen the excitement she had upon seeing Newell alive.

"He's really still alive! Where is he now?"

Sisi looked at Mango with excitement in her eyes.

However, Mango replied in a faint voice. "I can't tell you where he is right now, but if you can help me, I promise to let free both of you go after all of this is done. I'll have Nathaniel settle your immigration process overseas and you two will leave Ocean City with enough money to last you the rest of your lives. From that moment on, we will owe nothing to each other anymore."

At that, Sisi suddenly became quiet.

She stared straight at Mango, as if she wanted to discern something from her eyes. Unfortunately, Mango's eyes remained clear and sincere.

"Can I even trust you?"

Sisi finally opened her mouth to speak and it apparently seemed like she had regained her composure.

In fact, Mango was actually quite nervous but she feigned calmness and said, "You can choose not to believe me and keep following Nanny Zhang and her evil ways, but you will never see Newell ever again. Furthermore, we can wipe Newell's memory clean. With that, he might never remember you for the rest of his life."

"Are you threatening me?"

Suddenly, Sisi's voice was filled with murderous intent.

Meanwhile, Merle felt quite uneasy as he listened from the outside and he wanted to stop Sisi but Mango made him stay where he was.

"It's all up to you now. Since I could save Newell back then, it's obvious how amiably he treats me right now. If you intend to go against me, that's your choice, but you need to think about the consequences."

Mango spoke in an unhurried manner, but in reality her palms were drenched in sweat.

Did she do exactly as Nathaniel had told her to?

Did she screw up anywhere?

Since none of this was rehearsed beforehand, Mango had to adapt quickly and feign her calmness. However, she still felt stressed out when Sisi interrogated her.

On the other hand, Sisi looked at Mango as she contemplated the truth in Mango's words. Nevertheless, the video of Newell was real and it could be seen that he no longer had any hate for the outside world as he looked very calm.

Did Newell really choose to stay with Nathaniel and Mango?

Sisi couldn't figure it out as she stared at the video with yearning in her eyes.

As a woman, Mango obviously recognised the look in Sisi's eyes and she understood how Sisi felt. Unfortunately, they did not see eye to eye on most things, so Mango couldn't go easy on her.

Finally, Sisi compromised.

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll be your spy and stay beside Nanny Zhang to help you find what you're looking for. However, you have to keep your word to let Newell and I go after all of this is settled. You don't need to handle our documents for us, as long as you give us a sum of money, we'll leave Ocean City on our own and both you and Nathaniel will never see us again."

"Okay, it's a deal then!"

Mango secretly rejoiced, but she couldn't display it on her face.

After that, Sisi asked suspiciously, "Will Nathaniel do as you say?"

"What do you think? Nathaniel would sacrifice his life for me, so do you think he could ever disobey me?"

Hence, Sisi was relieved at Mango's words.


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