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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 338

Her eyes narrowed momentarily, but she left the room quickly.


Queena called out to Andrea, who was nearby.

The younger girl stopped in her tracks, but she refused to make eye contact with Queena.

"What have you said about Mango in front of Madam Hans?"

There was a hard edge to Queena's voice as she spoke.

Then, Andrea paused for a second before she replied in an aggrieved tone, "Morn, I didn't say anything. What can I say anyway? This is Ocean City, not the United States. I have no one to back me up here, so what can I possibly do to harm her?"

"Is that so?"

There was doubt in Queena's voice.

"Of course. I want to stay by your side, so I'll do whatever you ask me to. As for Mango, I don't intend on provoking her."

Andrea's reply was very soft.

Meanwhile, Queena felt rather uncomfortable when she looked at Andrea in front of her. Although she didn't like Andrea very much, both Andrea and Mango were still her daughters. Nevertheless, she didn't want Andrea to do anything stupid.

"It's best if you don't do that, but you should tell Madam Hans the truth about the antidote. Don't take credit for something you didn't do. Your lies will get exposed eventually, and your entire reputation will be ruined when that happens."

After Queena finished speaking, she turned and left immediately. She completely missed the way Andrea's tightly clenched fists and the spark of anger and dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Mango had no idea about whatever that was going on inside the hospital. When Nathaniel found her, she was deep in thought as she sat on the hospital bench.

"What are you thinking about?"

Thus, Nathaniel subconsciously walked towards her quickly.

Mango was jolted back to her senses and she muttered upon seeing Nathaniel, "I'm wondering about Andrea's ulterior motives. Why is she staying in Ocean City? Moreover, why is she being so nice to my grandmother?"

"Why are you thinking about that? If she wants to be a maid, then let her. As long as she doesn't disturb us, nothing else matters."

After that, Nathaniel handed the cup of hot milk in his hand to Mango.

"Where'd you get this?"

"Minister Xiao asked me to give this to you since you don't look too good."

Nathaniel's words caused Mango to pause for a second.

"What did you two talk about when you stepped out earlier?"

"Nothing much, really. Just that you'll need to go through her to obtain verification for your identity."

Next, Nathaniel sat beside Mango as he felt that she was in a bad mood.

"What happened between you and Andrea?"

"It's nothing."

Mango frowned when the subject of Andrea was brought up, but she didn't plan on saying anything. She couldn't find a solution to fix the problems between them, so Mango would rather forget about it instead.

"Well, I hired a nurse to help Sisi care for Newell, so everything's fine for now."

"Leave these things to Thomas. You look tired, so how about I take you home to rest?"

Nathaniel saw that Mango looked quite exhausted, so he wanted to go home with her.

However, Mango shook her head and said, Tve been at home for more than twenty days and I'm going to die of boredom. How about we go take a walk instead?"

"That's a good idea!"

Then, Nathaniel helped Mango up.

"Ugh, I'm not disabled, so why do you keep treating me like I'm some fragile doll? I can walk by myself."

Mango felt that Nathaniel was slightly overbearing at times.

However, he replied in a serious tone, "No way. I'll die of a broken heart if anything happens to you on my watch."

"Wow, since when have you become such a sweet talker? Your lips must be dripping with honey."

"Would you like a taste?"

After Nathaniel finished speaking, he placed his mouth close to Mango's.

Then, Mango blushed furiously before she pushed him away and said, "How old are you? Why are you so childish? Aren't you afraid that you'll make a fool of yourself?"

"So what? If anyone has anything against my actions, then they can say it to my face!"

Nathaniel's expression made him look like a schoolyard hooligan, and it caused Mango to burst into laughter.

"No one would believe that you're the cold and heartless president of the HY Group if they saw you acting like this."

"Doesn't matter, what's important is that you believe — ¹¹


Nathaniel wrapped his arm around Mango's waist and led her outside slowly.

Meanwhile, Andrea's eyes narrowed at the sight of Nathaniel and Mango.

It was rare for her to see a man who would treat a woman so well.

What right did Mango have to deserve all this?

Not only did she have Queena and the Hans Family’s love and affection, but Nathaniel also loved her so dearly.

But what did Andrea have?

She had nothing!

The burgeoning feeling of jealousy caused her to grip the wall so tightly that she broke her nails, but she didn't seem to notice it at all.

"Mango Shen!"

"I will take everything from you!"

Andrea secretly swore to herself.

As Mango walked away, she suddenly sensed someone behind her and she turned around to look. However, the corridor was empty and she didn’t recognise the people who were milling around.


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