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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 339

"Ah, you guys are here? How romantic of you!"

Nathaniel and Mango stopped in their tracks when they heard that voice called out, and Mango looked back and realized that it was Dylan

"Dylan? What are you doing here?"

In fact, Mango was a little surprised.

However, Dylan replied amusedly, "Why can't I come here? Ever since I came to Ocean City, Nathaniel has been ignoring me in favour of taking care of you. Honestly, I think it would be easier to meet the President than to meet him."

Hence, Mango was slightly embarrassed by Dylan's teasing tone.

"I haven't been feeling well these days, so Nathan has been worried about me."

"Why are you telling him this? Do you really think that he came to Ocean City just to catch up with me?"

Nathaniel did not mince his words around Dylan and replied flatly, "He's here for a woman, but she wouldn't give him any attention. He's only looking for me because he's bored, so do you really think I'll be willing to be his second option?"

Dylan's expression morphed into one of awkwardness when he heard Nathaniel say that, but it piqued Mango's interest.

"He's here because of a woman? Who has managed to charm you, Dylan?"

"Why, Andrea of course!"

Mango was taken aback by Nathaniel's words.

"Really? Andrea?"

Truth be told, Mango was quite astonished.

Although Dylan and Andrea's family were well acquainted in the United States, she couldn't comprehend how a man like Dylan would fancy someone like Andrea.

Then, Nathaniel said in a sarcastic tone, "Some people are just completely blinded by their own feelings."

"Eh, Nathaniel, you're looking for trouble, aren't you?"

Dylan was displeased to hear that.

"I don't have time for you today, you idiot. I'm getting jewellery for my wife."

As Nathaniel spoke, he completely ignored Dylan and he wrapped his arm around Mango's shoulders before he led her to the registration counter.

Since Dylan had nothing to do and he couldn't be with Andrea either, he decided to shamelessly follow Nathaniel and Mango. It was difficult for him to meet them, so he didn't exactly want to leave just yet.

"What design are you guys going for? I heard that this jewellery store is quite famous, perhaps I'll design a set later on for myself."

"Are you getting it for you and Andrea? It'd be one hell of a waste."

Nathaniel's scathing words pierced right through Dylan's heart.

"Have you forgotten how to keep a casual conversation?" "Who said I wanted to have a conversation with you? You're the one who followed me in the first place."

As Nathaniel bickered with Dylan, he filled out both his and Mango's information at the same time.

As Mango listened to both of them, she suddenly felt that spending her days like this would turn out to be a pretty good idea.

After that, the retail assistant handed them a membership card. Nathaniel then paid the full amount before he gave the card to Mango.

As both of them walked out of the jewellery store, Dylan asked hurriedly, "How about I treat you both to lunch?"

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Hence, Nathaniel guessed that Dylan might either be bored, or he might have an ulterior motive.

Then, Dylan replied sheepishly, "I really want to see Andrea now, but she won't pick up any of my calls or meet me. Since I've bumped into you guys, I was wondering if you had any ideas on how I could get her to go out with me."

"Well, we don't have any!"

Unsurprisingly, Nathaniel directly refused Dylan's request.

Speaking of Andrea, Nathaniel was going to avoid her as much as possible. Furthermore, he didn't want Mango to have anything to do with Andrea as he knew that the girl had bad intentions.

Meanwhile, Mango's expression turned grim. She had just been tricked by Andrea earlier, so she really couldn't bring herself to play matchmaker for Dylan.

"Dylan, I don't want anything to do with Andrea. Sorry, but I can't help you."

Mango decided to speak up.

Dylan was confused for a moment before he recalled Mango's grudge against Andrea, and he muttered, "I know Andrea did something wrong to you, but she's not evil. She's just stubborn and overbearing. Don't worry, I'll make sure to advise her on that."

"You'd better do that the next time you see her."

After Nathaniel finished speaking, he decided that he no longer wanted to spend any more time talking to Dylan. Hence, he pulled on Mango's hand and led her away.

Meanwhile, Dylan decided not to follow them around any longer after he saw how determined they were to leave. Thus, the three of them went their separate ways.

Mango could not help but let out a sigh when she saw how dejected Dylan was.

Nathaniel cast a glance at her before he said, "Are you going to help Dylan with Andrea? You're way too soft-hearted."

"No, I just feel pity that someone like Dylan would be enamoured by Andrea. She doesn't deserve him."

"You and I think alike. This is why you're my wife."

Nathaniel had initially thought that Mango was too kind-hearted to see Dylan so upset, but now he was relieved to know the truth.

Both of them strolled around for a while longer and Nathaniel bought Mango some clothes, as well as some toys for the children. After that, he called Thomas to pick them up. However, Thomas replied that he couldn't pick them up because something had happened to Charlotte.

Over the past few days, the relationship between Charlotte and Nathaniel had become less frosty, and they treated each other with more respect now. On the other hand, Mango immediately started to become anxious when she heard what Thomas had just said.

"What? What happened to Charlotte?"


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