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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 394

"Quick, stop her!"

After Andrea bowed down to Madam Hans and said her last words, the old lady became extremely anxious. How could she bear to see such a good child die?

Thus, Madam Hans angrily went to stop Andrea when no one else moved.

Terrance was afraid that something would happen to Madam Hans so he had no choice but to get someone to help her.

Hence, Andrea was pulled back at the very last moment.

She could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

That was so close!

She was in fact quite scared and her entire body was drenched in sweat.

If Madam Hans hadn't pulled her back, she would have really jumped and everything would be over.

When Terrance saw Andrea's pale face, he angrily replied, "You'd better know your place. I don't care what you did before this, but from now on you represent the Hans Family. If I find out you did something that makes us look bad, I won't ever forgive you."

Once Madam Hans heard Terrance say this, she knew that he was compromising.


"Thank you, uncle."

Andrea called out to Terrance obediently.

However, Terrance felt that Andrea calling him uncle was particularly grating on the ears. It was much nicer to hear it from Mango.

Meanwhile, Andrea hugged Madam Hans and cried so hard that she ran out of breath.

Terrance was so pissed off at the close relationship they shared that he left the room in a hurry.

"What's going on? Tell me everything."

Terrance asked one of the servants who had worked for the Hans Family for a long time.

Then, the servant told Terrance about everything he had learned from Andrea and Madam Hans.

Terrance couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

"Nathaniel would never do such a thing. Has Andrea really been raped?"

"Yes, Madam Hans even sent her to the hospital personally. When we got there, she was naked and the doctor said that she'd experience severe tearing."

"Did you see Nathaniel do this with your own eyes?"

Terrance's words made the servant shake his head.

"Only Miss Yu was there when we arrived."

"So, who can prove that it was really Nathaniel who raped Andrea?"

Terrance's question stunned everyone.

"If you can't prove it's Nathaniel, how can you have the nerve to interrogate the Ye Family? Did you do a DNA test? Was there any evidence?"

The servant shook his head again.

Then, Terrance sneered and said, "You don't have any proof except for Andrea's words, and yet you want to accuse Nathaniel of doing this and demanding compensation from the Ye Family? Where did you find the nerve to do so? Do you think that the Ye Family are pushovers? My mother had gone senile from age, but have all of you gone crazy as well?"

Meanwhile, Madam Hans opened the door just in time to hear what Terrance said and she became furious.

"What do you mean by I've gone senile? Nathaniel and Andrea's scandal has spread all over Ocean City, and it's even in the papers. Plus, he even shamelessly admitted that he was womanizing, so can't you see the problem? Andrea was sobbing when she called me and when I arrived, she was already injured. Who could it be except for Nathaniel? Do you think it's possible that Andrea is trying to sabotage him?"

In fact, Madam Hans felt that Terrance was prejudiced against Andrea.

Terrance glanced at Andrea who was hiding behind Madam Hans and sneered. "Who knows? Only she knows whether she's trying to sabotage him."

"What do you mean, uncle? Do you think I'm that shameless as to go and seduce him? What good will it bring to me? Plus, Nathaniel isn't an ordinary man, so do you think I could trick him so easily?"

"Perhaps you thought that he was a good man earlier, and God knows what you've planned. Even if what you said was true, you brought it upon yourself. You knew that Nathaniel was in a foul mood, but why did you still go to him? Aren't you throwing yourself at him? Let's say that everything you said was true, then why didn't you leave proof when you were brought to the hospital? Nathaniel must have left some trace inside of you, right? If you had the proof, our family would support you if you demanded compensation from the Ye Family, or even sued them! But what do you have now? Other than wild gossip in the papers, is there any evidence that you were raped by Nathaniel? How could you expect the Hans Family to go against the Ye Family without any solid evidence?"

Terrance asked them a series of questions which confused Madam Hans. Meanwhile, Andrea was stunned for a moment before she cried pitifully.

"Uncle, you mean that I brought this onto myself, and that I was unlucky right?"

"What else? Not many people know about this, and everyone outside just thinks you had a one-night stand with Nathaniel. I wouldn't care about whatever you did if you weren't part of the Hans Family, but now that you are, do you plan on dragging us all through the mud? You don't have any proof, and yet you want to drag the Ye Family into this mess. So, do you want to let the whole world know that the Hans Family's granddaughter has been raped by the son of the Ye Family?"

Terrance's words made Madam Hans come to her sense.

He was right!

They couldn't throw away the reputation of the Hans Family.

Andrea was pissed off beyond belief, but she could only cry sadly.

"If so, then I'd better die. What's the point of living like this? Now that everyone knows that I've slept with Nathaniel, who would marry me in the future?"

Madam Hans' heart ached when she saw Andrea crying.

"Terrance, how about this? Since Mango and Nathaniel have released a divorce statement and he's slept with Andrea, we can't openly seek compensation for them. So why not we become in-laws instead?"

Terrance burst into laughter when he heard Madam Hans' suggestion.


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