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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 395

"Nathaniel, what the f*ck are you doing?"

Then, Terrance went up to Nathaniel and pulled him away by the arm.

Nathaniel glanced back at him indifferently and said, "Mr. Hans? Haven't you left the country? When did you return?"

"So you knew I went abroad? Well, here I thought that you did not know what was going on in the outside world as you gambled. How could you still sit here and play when so much has happened?"

"Then what should I play with instead? Women?"

The more Nathaniel spoke, the more ridiculous he seemed.

Terrance felt like punching him in the face.

"Come out with me now!"

He couldn't stand the foul atmosphere here.

However, Nathaniel did not struggle much this time and he let Terrance's men lead him out.

Thomas just followed behind quietly as he knew Terrance would never do anything to


The air outside was much fresher after they exited the casino.

Then, Terrance led Nathaniel to a remote place.

He handed Nathaniel a cigarette, which the other man refused.

"As the saying goes, once bitten, twice shy. Don't you know how Andrea tricked me? It was all because of a cigarette, which she used my best friend to give to me, and I was laying next to her the next time I opened my eyes. So, do you think I'll just accept cigarettes from anybody now? I won't accept it, especially if it's from a member of the Hans Family."

Nathaniel's words were cutting which made Terrance feel ashamed.

Then, Terrance put the cigarettes away awkwardly.

"I don't know why my mother's brain is so muddled. By the time I came home, Andrea had already been acknowledged as a member of the Hans Family."

"Yeah, she would rather have an evil, fake granddaughter instead of a real one. Your mother has a good eye indeed."

Nathaniel replied in a mocking tone.

Then, Terrance glanced at him, a little lost for words. "I know you're pissed, and I don't really know what's happened, but what's going on with Mango? What's with the reports and the photos? Where is she? I saw that she released a divorce agreement, so are you really going to divorce her?"

Nathaniel knew that Terrance was genuinely worried about Mango, but he was still unable to get over the psychological block.

He replied coldly, "I heard that your mother wants me to be responsible for what happened to Andrea. Would it be better if I divorced Mango and marry her instead?"

"What are you talking about, Nathaniel? If you divorce Mango, I'll never forgive you!"

"Oh, you're lecturing me now? If you really want to help, then lecture your mother. If she wasn't helping Andrea, would this ever happen between me and Mango? You asked me where Mango was, right? Well, I have the same question. She left the house once the news broke, and I searched the whole city for her to no avail. She issued that divorce agreement saying nothing else, so what would you have me do? You people are great, you would rather love an outsider and hurt your own relative. How rare is that. If you have so much free time, why not go and keep your mother on a leash and stop worrying about how I want to live my life."

After saying that, Nathaniel turned and left. On the other hand, Terrance was stupefied. "Wait, did you say that Mango is missing?" "Yeah, she is!"

"You've searched the whole Ocean City but still can't find her?"


"You said that this has something to do with the Hans Family?"

"I'm just guessing. You can verify it but I can't be bothered. Your family has way too many things that I don't wanna get into."

After he said that, Nathaniel left without another word to Terrance.

Meanwhile, Terrance sat there alone while the cold wind lashed at his face.

If what Nathaniel said was true, then should he really take control of the Hans Family?

Or did all this have something to do with Andrea?

When he thought of this possibility, Terrance's gaze turned frighteningly cold.

When Nathaniel returned, Thomas quickly asked, "Mr. Ye, you didn't tell him anything, did you?"

"What's there to say?"

After that, Nathaniel stretched and said, "Come on, let's go to another casino."

Thomas's face fell immediately.

"Mr. Ye, we've lost close to twenty million in the last few days. That is a lot of money, and even if it's nothing to you, your finances can't keep taking such a hit. Can you tell me what you're up to? It's hurting me to see you lose so much money."

In fact, Thomas didn't intend on saying anything at all as Nathaniel had his own plans. But if he didn't stop Nathaniel, then his boss might really gamble away his whole fortune.

Could the rumors be true?

Had Nathaniel been affected beyond repair by what happened?

Meanwhile, Nathaniel couldn't help but laugh at Thomas' protective nature over his money.

"It's only twenty million, so what are you so anxious about? I've never seen you act like this even when we invested two hundred million into the venture capital firms!"

"That's different. It's investing and nothing else. And with your business mind, naturally we won't lose money. Now you're just throwing money away."

"Do you feel distressed?"

Nathaniel spoke as if the money he lost was not his.

Meanwhile, Thomas was at a loss for words.

"Mr. Ye, don't you know that twenty million is enough to sustain a regular person for the rest of their lives? Furthermore, you've never been such a loser before. Do you know what Ocean City is calling you?"

"What do they call me?"


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