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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 416

"Mr. Ye and Missus, the Hans family is here,"

It was the voice of Lucy, the housekeeper.

Mango's body stiffened when she heard "Hans family".

Could it be her uncle?

Terrance was the first person Mango thought of.

Madam Hans was getting out of hand, and she could come all the way here to cause trouble. But the real decision-maker should still be Terrance.

Nathaniel frowned.

"You don't have to see them if you don't want to. After all, I'm the one who started this feud between the Hans and the Ye families. I know how you feel towards Terrance, so just say the word and I'll fall in line with your decision."

Nathaniel had passed the ball to Mango.

Meaning to say, if Mango willed it, Nathaniel would divert all of his resources to the war with the Hans family without hesitation.

Mango was touched by the trust shown towards her.

"I don't know, but I don't feel like playing along to Madam Han's wishes.

Mango turned her head away.

Nathaniel understood immediately.

All she wanted was an apology from Madam Hans.

"Alright, you must be tired by now. Go rest, I'll go down to speak with whoever it is."

"Okay. Just promise me you're not going to get too riled up."

Mango didn't feel up to the task of facing Terrance.

"Of course not!"

Nathaniel carried Mango to the bed to tuck her in, then he kissed her forehead before leaving.

Mango did feel some conflict in her heart, but she trusted Nathaniel to handle the situation properly. Moreover, she was utterly exhausted and Mango fell asleep right away.

As Nathaniel descended the stairs, he found Terrance standing at the bottom looking visibly anxious.

"My, my, what brings the great Terrance Hans to my doorstep?"

Nathaniel was feeling invigorated and he was in a pleasant mood.

Terrance looked behind Nathaniel and he was disappointed to see that Mango was missing.

"Where's Mango? Is she alright?"

"She's not feeling well recently, after getting upset yesterday she's now bedridden. Mr. Hans, surely you did not come all this way just to see my wife? I was under the impression that the Hans family wanted nothing more to do with my wife, or is that not the case?"

Nathaniel said as scornfully as he could.

Terrance knew Nathaniel was baiting him, so he did not engage in an argument.

"I know that my mother had made a mistake, and she offended you. Therefore, I'll be fully responsible for whatever the Ye family wants to do toward my family."

"Mr. Hans, you seem to be implying that we the Ye family are bullies. Whereas in reality, we're the victims here."

Nathaniel looked at Terrance with indifference, and he did not bother hiding his irritation.

Now that his own mother had placed him in such an awkward position, Terrance had no defense at all.

He sighed while saying, "Nathan, I know you and Mango are mad at us, and rightly so. My mother was indeed wrong here, but I'm here today to invite Mango over to see my mother. After all, blood is thicker than water, and my mother..."

"Forget it. Mango isn't used to any kindness from the mighty Hans family and is in no condition to visit Madam Hans. Anyway, she has another granddaughter to take care of her, no?"

Nathaniel's words made Terrance squirmed uncomfortably.

"My mother has fallen ill and she is unconscious, but the doctors have failed to diagnose the problem. I was thinking that maybe Mango's presence might help her get better, so..."

"So you're here to beg Mango to come with you? How interesting. The last time Madam Hans had a stroke, it was Mango who forsook any regard for her safety and she rushed over with the antidote. Don't you know what she sacrificed that day? But did she ever get a word of thanks from the Hans family? Worse still, Madam Hans dislikes Mango and she mistreated her in all kinds of ways. Now that she's in a coma, you want Mango's help again. Who do you think you're dealing with? The last time we extended our helping hand, we lost our child. Are you going to keep trying until Mango gives up her life for the Hans family, huh?"

Hearing Nathaniel berate him, Terrance was speechless.

Queena and Madam Ye had both validated everything that Mango had done for Madam Hans, but still, Madam Hans did not believe it.

Not only that, Mango was now heartbroken by everything that had happened and the Hans family no longer had any right to get Mango's help.

However, Terrance refused to give up just yet.

"Nathan, my mother is an old lady and easily befuddled as she's being bewitched by someone. Believe me, it's only a matter of time before she recognizes all the good deeds that Mango has done."

"And how long will that take? A decade or two? I won't stand by while Mango suffers all those years. Besides, Madam Hans herself said so, that the Hans family has disowned Mango. So please, spare yourself further admonishment and leave now. Mango is not feeling well lately and she is still battling those stupid rumors. Therefore, it would be unwise for her to be seen in public. There's nothing more to discuss, so stop wasting your breath and go now. Mrs. Lucy, kindly escort our guest out!"

Terrance had anticipated Nathaniel's harsh reaction, but he was still saddened at this outcome.

He was sad that his family was falling apart.

"Don't worry, I will handle Andrea."

Nathaniel was unfazed by Terrance's words.

"That's your problem, it's got nothing to do with me. But be warned, this is not the end. I will keep hounding the Hans family as we have unfinished business. I hope you'll be here to see it through,"

Nathaniel said with an air of finality, as Mrs. Lucy arrived to see Terrance out the door.

Terrance looked one last time at the bedroom door on the second floor before sighing while leaving.

Although Mango had said she was tired, she could not fall asleep after tossing and turning for a long time. Her body was fatigued, but her mind was unusually lucid.

When Nathaniel came back to the room, Mango tore off the sheets and she stared at Nathaniel with a piercing gaze.


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