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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 417

Mango noticed the change in Nathaniel's expression and she heard the car engine outside too.

She whispered, "I'll go out and have a look." "There's no need. Let's continue eating." Nathaniel thought that nothing could be more important than his wife eating lunch.

As he spoke, Nathaniel added more food to her bowl.

The servants who have been hiding re-emerged, with Sisi along. She checked outside and Sisi then returned while smiling. "Zion and Rita are coming."

Mango was astonished to hear the news.

"Who is it?"

Nathaniel heard Sisi loud and clear, and he seemed a little troubled.

"What are they doing here? Send them away." It wasn't easy for him and Mango to have some time together alone. He had not expected his children to come and disrupt their peace. He was visibly annoyed.

Mango finally figured out the identity of the visitors, and she was happy for a moment.

"Are you saying that Zion and Rita have come?"


"I'll go and have a look!"

Mango stood up hurriedly, but Nathaniel grabbed her by the arm.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear that it's the kids? I'm going to greet them."

Mango was puzzled by Nathaniel's reaction.

Nathaniel said sulkily, "They're not disabled people, they know how to walk into the house on their own. Sit down and eat your lunch."

"But I want to..."

"You want to what? You better think about your walking posture right now."

Nathaniel's words made Mango blush.

"What the hell does that even mean..."

She glanced at Sisi, and Sisi smiled while excusing herself.

Mango was a little perturbed.

"Nathaniel, can you not be so tacit in the future?" "Am I not speaking the truth? How about you try walking to the front door then?"

Nathaniel said coolly, while wearing an expression that seemed to tempt Mango to punch him.

But Mango knew he was right, and she decided that it would be unwise to limp out now. How would she explain her situation to the kids?

Mango had no choice but to sit down and she anxiously waited for the children to come in.

Zion exited the car and he walked in with Rita.

"Mom! Dad! We're here to see you!"

Rita's sweet voice echoed down the hallway, and Mango shifted in anticipation.

Suddenly, she heard her mother- in- law's voice.

"Slow down, Rita, don't run like that."

Mango was getting more anxious now. Nathaniel too seemed distressed.

Not only did the young ones come, but the elderly too.

Mango was about to stand to greet them when Nathaniel stopped her, and he went out himself.

"Mom, what brings you here suddenly?"

Nathaniel's appearance drew Rita's attention immediately.


She threw herself at Nathaniel like a human cannonball.

Nathaniel quickly picked Rita up.

The little girl had grown much heavier since she recovered from her illness, and Rita was quite chubby now.

"Daddy, I miss you so much! Where's Mommy? I want to see Mommy!"

Rita hadn't seen Mango for a while and naturally, she missed her mother.

Hearing her daughter call out for her, Mango could not resist any longer and she got up despite the soreness in her legs. She jovially greeted her mother-in-law, "Hello, Mom. What brings you here?"

What kind of person was Madam Ye?

Mango was obviously uncomfortable, and she shot a look of admonishment at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel coughed awkwardly as he saw his mother came forward to hold Mango's hand while saying, "No need to trouble yourself if you're not feeling well."

Zion paused and he asked, "What's wrong, Mommy? Are you sick?"

Mango knew then that Madam Ye was helping her to hide her discomfort. Mango blushed when she saw how concerned her young son looked.

"I'm okay, don't worry."

"I'll get you a glass of hot water. Please sit down, Mommy."

Zion quickly turned around and he ran towards the living room outside.

"Mommy, are you sick? Have you seen a doctor yet? Have you taken any medicine?"

Rita also became nervous.

Mango felt like digging a hole to hide herself in, but she reined in her embarrassment before saying, "It's nothing, I'll be fine after resting a bit."

"Daddy, you mustn't make Mommy angry, okay?"

Rita reminded her father in a serious tone.

"Yes, of course. It will do it as you wish, princess."

Nathaniel smiled helplessly and he seated his daughter at the dining table.

"Mom, have you eaten yet? How about we eat together?"


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