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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 498


Mango regained her hopes once again.

Nathaniel didn't say anything and he brought Mango directly to the playground. The couple arrived at the shooting area and they met the owner of the shooting club.

"Boss, do you still remember me?"

Mango hurriedly asked.

She obviously left an impression on the boss for winning several rounds of his games within a day.

"Oh, Miss! I remember you, what's up? Are you bringing your son over to play today? Anyway, I'm not letting you guys play again."

The boss thought that they were there to ruin his business, therefore he seemed particularly nervous.

However, Mango shook her head before saying, "No, it's not like that. In fact, I came here today to ask for advice."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

The boss was a little confused.

Judging by the appearances of the two people in front of him, they were definitely not some ordinary people. But what did these high-class visitors want from him?

Nathaniel saw that Mango was a little anxious and he immediately chimed in, "Boss, our son was playing shooting here yesterday and he performed quite well. At that time, a coach from the shooting club stopped by to give us his business card, but my wife accidentally lost that card. So, we wanted to know if you recognize that coach? Can you perhaps show us the way? My son is indeed very interested in gun shootings. After discussion, we're planning to have a look at the place."

The boss breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Nathaniel was talking about this matter.

"Great. As long as you go there, you won't come to destroy my business, right?"

"No, we won't! Also, my son came here yesterday just to have fun. Please do me a favor, boss."

Nathaniel took out his wallet to give him five hundred dollars.

This money was much more valuable than the stuffed animals that Zion won away yesterday.

The owner quickly plastered a smiled as he put away the money, "You're talking about Coach Maxwell Barnes, aren't you?"

"Yes, that's right! It's him!"

Mango knew that person, but what was his name?

Hearing that he had guessed it correctly, the boss said in a low voice, "Maxwell is a very famous coach here! The students that he trained turned out to be outstanding. Also, they have participated in several games with flying colors. He often comes to me to find some good talents. If you want to reach him, then you can follow along this road. There is a subway station about 500 meters away. Get off after two stations, and the shooting club should be opposite of the subway station."

Mango and Nathaniel were immediately uplifted.

"Thank you, boss."

After that, they went to the place according to the boss's instructions.

Mango was very excited.

"Do you think that Zion and Wisdom will be there?"

Nathaniel shook his head slightly, "I don't know, but even so, we have to go over and have a look. What if he really is there? I can't think of anywhere else that brat can go."

"You're right. I hope they're doing fine."

When they arrived at the shooting club, there were not many people there. On the contrary, the surrounding appeared to be desolated.

"What's going on?"

"I'm not too sure."

Nathaniel shielded Mango behind him and they walked in.

"Hello, we are here to visit the club. We want to meet Coach Barnes if that's possible."

Nathaniel walked to the front desk and he explained his intentions.

When the receptionist heard that they were here to find Maxwell, she glanced at them before saying in a low voice, "Coach Barnes is not here. You guys can come back tomorrow. Our club has some activities today and everyone has gone out for field training, so there is no one in the club. I'm really sorry."

Nathan and Mango frowned upon hearing her words.

If there was no one in the club, then where were Zion and Wisdom?

"Excuse me, do you see two children here this morning?"

"Children? There are children here every day. Which one are you referring to?"

Mango was just about to take out her phone to show Zion's photo to the receptionist, but Nathaniel stopped her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We're just here to have a look around first. If it's good then we plan to send our child here. Since there is an event in the club today, then well come here another day."


The receptionist was very polite.

Nathaniel walked out of the club with Mango.

After they came out, she was distressed, "Why didn't you let me ask if Zion and Wisdom have been here before?"

"Something is quite wrong here."

Mango was slightly taken aback by his words.

"What's wrong with it?"

"Even if it's an outdoor activity, it can't be so quiet and empty. Do you remember what the boss told us? He said that the education here is good, and many children have won prizes. With such achievements, most of the parents would have sent their children here."

Upon hearing his words, Mango said, "Didn't they say that there's an activity today? Maybe the parents all know about it."

"Of course the members of this club know, but what about the other parents? I don't think those outsiders know about it if they're here for a visit, right?"

As Nathaniel finished his words, he went straight to the supermarket opposite the road.

"Miss, one box of cigarettes please."

Nathaniel said blandly.


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