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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 499

Mango quickly answered the phone.

She thought that it was a call from Nathaniel.

"Nathan, get out of here! Someone is back and they have entered the club!"

Mango immediately said it after picking up the phone.

Meanwhile, Wisdom, who was at the other side of the line was stunned upon hearing her words. Then, he asked subconsciously, "Mommy, Daddy has come in?"

"Wisdom? You're inside?"

Mango almost jumped out of her wits.

"Yes, both I and Zion are here. It looks like we are trapped, so we are trying to ask for help from you and Uncle."

Wisdom told Mango about their current situation immediately.

"Where are you now? I'll tell Nathan to go there and pick you guys up."

Mango didn't have the time to berate them for everything. Her main priority was to ensure the safety of the two kids.

Wisdom quickly told Mango the address.

After hanging up the phone, Zion asked in a low voice, "What did Mommy say?"

"She said Daddy has entered here, but she also said that the people of the club had arrived as well. What should we do? Should we stay here and wait for Uncle, or go out by ourselves?"

Wisdom was a little uncertain.

Suddenly, Zion heard the sound of footsteps resounding from outside. He quickly pulled Wisdom and they hid under the table.

Now, it was absolutely impossible for them to climb up to the air vent.

Wisdom's heart was pounding nervously.

"I hope he doesn't come into the office."

On the other hand, Mango was trying to contact Nathaniel. However, she was unable to get through at all because his phone was set in flight mode.

Mango was extremely anxious but she couldn't enter the place.

Meanwhile, the office door was suddenly opened.

Zion and Wisdom held each other's hands tightly and they broke out in a cold sweat.

A man walked up to the desk and he pulled open the drawer. It seemed that he was in search of something.

No doubt, Wisdom was terrified. He couldn't help but shrink into the corner. Yet, he didn't expect to bump into the table.

Oh no!

Zion muttered inwardly and he glanced at Wisdom.

The man also sensed that someone was under the table, and he immediately bent down to have a look.

At this moment, Wisdom threw a punch right at the man's eyes.

"Ouch! Which crazy b*stard beat me!"

Upon hearing his scream, Zion hurriedly rushed out. He then knocked the man over with several punches and kicks. Zion even used a towel to gag the person's mouth.


Zion held the man down and he shouted at Wisdom, who was in a state of befuddlement.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me. I can get out of here. You'd better leave now!"

Thinking that Zion was a genius and that he was likely to become a burden if he stayed, Wisdom quickly escaped.

Before leaving, he whispered, "I'll find Uncle and ask him to save you out!"

"Hurry up and leave!"

Just then, Zion noticed a gun in the man's pocket.

When he was about to reach out, the man finally reacted and he broke free from Zion's grip.

Despite being skilled in fighting, Zion was a child nonetheless. How could he defeat an adult with his limited strength?

Zion was immediately tossed to the corner by the man with a swift fling.

Unfortunately, his head accidentally knocked against the table and the excruciating pain instantly traveled through him.

Without further ado, Zion clambered to his feet and he ran out of the room.

That man was stunned by Zion's agility and intelligence. Plus, this kid even endured his injuries to escape him.

He rang the alarm quickly.

All of a sudden, the ear- piercing siren resounded the entire place.

Nathaniel was startled by the sound as soon as he entered. He frowned and before realizing that something was wrong.

He hurriedly headed towards the direction of the sound of the alarm.

Meanwhile, Zion was yanked by the man in the back of his collar before he had a chance to reach the door.

"You brat! Let's see where can you go now!"

In a moment of desperation, Zion took off his jacket and he escaped from the man's grip.

"F*ck! Hey! Rascal! Stop right there!"

The man was trembling with rage.

How could he be fooled by a kid over and over again? This was ridiculous!

Infuriated, the man threw Zion's coat away and he chased after the latter.

Zion didn't know which direction to run, so he simply chose the right and ran incessantly.

"Quick! Catch him!"

The man shouted loudly behind him.

Several brawny figures immediately came running after him.

Zion was in fear and trepidation.

What would happen if he couldn't defeat these guys?

Zion hesitated whether to jump right down the window.

Following the water pipe outside, he probably could climb down safely from there.

With these thoughts in mind, Zion quickly grabbed on some random items and he threw them in their direction.

While these people were dodging, Zion ran quickly towards the window.

"Don't let him run away! This brat was sneaking around the manager's office and we still don't know what he's up to!"

Upon hearing his words, everyone regained their strength, and they chase after Zion in unison.

Zion was about to open the window to jump down when someone stood behind him and grabbed him by the waist.


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