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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 525

Amidst this tense period, Mango was especially sensitive when the phone rang.

Genevieve could feel Mango's uneasiness, so she whispered, "Do you need me to pick up the call for you?"

"It's okay."

Mango took a deep breath and she rejected Genevieve. After all, she had to deal with many things on her own. Nathaniel wasn't by her side, and Mango wasn't clear if Rita was alright. So, she had to stay strong for herself.

Mango glanced at the unknown number on her phone, and she picked it up with no hesitation.

"Hello? Who is on the line?"

After Mango finished speaking, Madam Ye's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Mango, don't come back! No matter how Nick threatens you, don't come back to the Ye family!"

"Mom? How are you? Are you okay? Did Nick put you under house arrest? Don't worry, I will come to save you in no time!"

Mango never thought that Madam Ye was the one who called her.

Mango was tense and anxious, but Madam Ye was calm and she said in a low voice, "It's okay, I will be fine. Although Nick restricted my movements, he won't harm me. Listen, do whatever you want to do. Don't worry about me and the Ye family if necessary."

"Mom, what's going on? Why is Nick doing this to us?"

Madam Ye's words confused Mango, so she couldn't help but ask.

"I can't explain it to you now. Anyway, remember what I told you, and don't come back to the Ye family!"

After Madam Ye said that, she hung up the phone. By the time Mango called her again, the phone was switched off.

It was an unknown number, so Mango was unsure if it was Madam Ye's secret phone number or someone else's. Moreover, Mango could smell something fishy based on Madam Ye's attitude.

What on earth had happened?

Why did Madam Ye stop Mango from returning to the Ye family?

Mango couldn't figure out the reason. However, it was obvious that Madam Ye intended to reassure Mango that she was not in danger.

When Genevieve noticed Mango's serious expression, she put away Mango's phone before saying in a low voice, "Since Madam Ye stop you from going back, what is your plan? Are you going to stay here the whole time?"

Mango came to her senses swiftly and she shook her head while saying, "No, I will leave here. Walter is still single and I don't want him to waste time on me. After all, he deserves someone better."

"Are you planning to leave with me?"

Genevieve then understood Mango's plan.

Mango nodded and she said, "You just need to bring me out of the Song family. Also, tell Walter that I will be staying at your place."

"The truth is, you won't be staying at my place, right? Zion is with me, so you definitely won't let him get involved. Where are you going then? If you don't tell me, I won't follow your words. Even if the public misunderstood you, both of us have to admit that it is the best option for you to stay with Walter."

Genevieve spoke her mind freely.

Mango bit her lower lip and she said, "Zion is still a child. Although he's more mature and sensible than other children of his age, I don't want him to get involved. Since Gissel is with him now and Zion can live happily, I won't let him face any danger. You're right, I won't be staying at your place. In fact, I don't know where should I go either. Ocean City is huge, yet there's nowhere for me to stay. I want to find Nathan, but unfortunately, Rita's whereabouts are unknown. Since my mother-in-law said that I don't have to worry about her, and she could still call me despite being restrained by Nick, I believe that she can protect herself. Right now, what I want to do most is to find Rita and Wisdom. As for where to go, do you have any advice?"

When Mango asked her that, Genevieve knew that she didn't consider staying with the Hans family at all.

"Why don't you look for Terrance?"

Mango turned her head around and she said softly, "I don't really want to contact the Hans family as I don't have anything to do with them anymore."

"Is it because of Madam Hans?"

Genevieve was the one who knew what happened all this while, so she understood what Mango was thinking immediately.

Mango didn't mince her words and she nodded, "I know that kinship is precious and no one could detach from them. But, I had given up on the Hans family because of her. Also, I'm still dwelling over Andrea's affairs."

"What if I tell you that the Hans family has sent their men to protect the Shen family? Your parents are safe now, and they won't be dragged into the Ye family's trouble. Will this change your opinion about the Hans family?"

Mango was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

"Terrance did it?"

"You can take it that way too."

Genevieve sat next to Mango and she said in a low voice, "Terrance and Walter told Madam Hans about what happened at the club after they uncovered the truth. It was Madam Hans who ordered Terrance to arrange a safe place for your parents. She said that you must be utterly exhausted right now and can't take care of them. She wants to do something for you even though you may not accept it."

Mango remained silent.

Madam Hans was indeed thoughtful. As the saying went, the older, the wiser. However, Mango still couldn't change her opinion about Madam Hans.

"Thank her for me then, but I will return this favor in the future."

Upon hearing this, Genevieve knew that Mango hadn't forgiven Madam Hans.

Still, it was normal as Madam Hans had hurt Mango deeply even though she was her closest kin. No one could forgive such pain in a short time. It was good that Mango was calm about this issue.

"Okay. I owned a house before I get married. It belongs to my parents before, but they passed away. So, you can stay there if you have nowhere to go."

Mango was somewhat surprised when she heard that.

"Although I'm quite embarrassed to trouble you, I need it now. So, thank you, Genevieve."

"Don't mention it. After all, it is an old house. Besides, it is in a military base camp. The public can't get in normally, so you will be safe and I will be relieved too."


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