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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 526

"Walter, how dare you!"

Mango was no longer able to keep calm.

"You can try your luck though."

Walter said with a naughty smile, but his eyes were firm and serious.

Upon recalling that Walter intended to kiss her publicly not too long ago, Mango was terrified now.

Walter quickly ordered Genevieve when he saw Mango stopped struggling, "What are you doing? Put the drops on her now. Do you want her to dash out in this state and faint on the street? Then, we would rush her to the hospital again?"

Walter was rude, but Genevieve didn't care. He had always been like this, and he treated everyone like this except Mango.

Genevieve sighed and she said reluctantly, "Mrs. Ye, can you cooperate with us?"

"No, Genevieve. I really need to go now. Wisdom sent me his location, so I have to save them now." "How about you? Save yourself first." Walter blurted out, and Mango was stunned to the point that she was speechless.

Before Mango could react, Walter had snatched her phone to view her chat on WhatsApp.

"Walter, can you show me some respect? This is my privacy!"

There was nothing Mango could do about Walter.

No one could stop this guy when he was acting shamelessly.

Walter said indifferently, "Huh? Do we need that? Besides, you want to save Wisdom and Rita, right? I have their location now, so I will go and save them now. As for you, if you dare to leave the Song family before finishing your drop, I will kiss you in front of the media."


Mango finally hit the roof after threatened by Walter over and over again.

Walter said indifferently, "So what?"

"What the heck!"

Mango's blood was boiling, but Walter shrugged while leaving the room.

Genevieve said with a smile, "Only a scoundrel like Walter can control you."

"Why you are kicking up a fuss too? You know it! I..."

"I know, but sometimes he is quite reliable, isn't it? Like what he did just now."

Mango remained silent upon hearing Genevieve's words.

Mango didn't want to owe Walter a favor, but he kept lending her a hand. Mango felt that there was no way she could repay his kindness.

When Mango was forced to stay in the Song family, something was happening to Wisdom and Rita too.

Both of them were locked up in the same room, which was guarded by some well-built bodyguards, and their phones had been confiscated.

Rita sat on the bed and she said anxiously, "Wisdom, when will we be able to see Mommy? Uncle sent these men to pick us up so that we could meet Mommy, right? I thought she invited us to have steak for dinner, but why are we still here?"

Wisdom was speechless.

Rita, the glutton, was still thinking about the steak.

"Rita, we are under house arrest."

Wisdom had to tell Rita about the cruel reality.

"What is that? Is it like now? So, they locked us up so that we couldn't have steak with Mommy?"

Rita's lower lip protruded into a sulky pout. Obviously, she was upset about not getting the steak.

Wisdom sighed before saying, "Let's not talk about steak now, shall we?"

"But I'm hungry!"

Rita rubbed her little belly pitifully.

Wisdom looked at Rita. He knew that Rita had been gluttonous after the surgery. Initially, he didn't know why, but later on, Wisdom found out that she acted this way as her body was lacking nutrients for a long time.

Wisdom felt sorry for her, so he took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket before handing it to Rita.

"Here, take it."

"But I still want to have steak."

Rita took the chocolate and she said pitifully.

Wisdom muttered in a low voice, "I've sent the location to Mommy. I believe she will find us in no time. Once Mommy is here, we'll go and eat steak, okay?"

Rita bit her lower lip before saying, "It's been a few hours since you sent our location to Mommy. She would've arrived now if she could. Wisdom, did something bad happened to Mommy? Why that uncle wants to lock us up?"

Wisdom felt agony when Rita was questioning her.

"That's right! Why did Daddy trick and locked them up?" Wisdom thought.

He tried his best not to think negatively about Nick. Although Nick abused him before, he thought that Nick did that for his good. But why did Nick put them under house arrest now?

Furthermore, Rita was right. If Mommy could come, she would've arrived a long time ago unless she was in trouble.

Thinking of this, Wisdom became anxious and worried.

Uncle had gone to look for Zion who was missing. If anything occurred to Mommy right now, Rita and Zion would be in agony. Plus, Wisdom didn't want anything to happen to Mango.

Wisdom thought for a moment before saying, "Rita, you lure them into this room by pretending to have a stomachache later. I'll find a way to trap them, so we can escape from here and find Mommy, okay?"

"Why I have to do that? I'm okay and my stomach doesn't hurt though."

Rita asked innocently as she ate the chocolate.

Wisdom explained patiently, "This is just a strategy for us to escape. You just have to pretend to have a stomachache and yell painfully before they come in. Do you understand?"

"But my teacher said that one shouldn't lie."

Wisdom was speechless.

"It's not a lie. It's just a trick for us to get out."

"It's obviously a lie! I'm perfectly fine, but you're forcing me to pretend to have a stomachache. We have to stick to our principle. Wisdom, my teacher said that honesty is a virtue."


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