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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 547

"What is it?"

Mango was on the alert again.

The doctor noticed her wariness and said in a low tone, "There’s no need to be nervous, I won't make things too difficult for you. I just want you to let me meet the person you called just now after I've treated the young girl."


Mango was very surprised.

Why would she come up with such a request?

Did the doctor have a motive against Zion?

Mango had no idea what the doctor wanted, but just as she was about to reject her request, the doctor spoke, "If you seal the deal, I will let you know where to find your husband and friend."

"How do you know that I'm also looking for my friend?"

Mango's brows furrowed as her intuition told her that this woman was not any ordinary woman.

The doctor looked at the phone Mango had placed on the table and said calmly, "This is a man's phone, and I saw someone using it a few days ago."

At that moment, Mango's heart skipped a beat when she heard the doctor's words.

"You've seen someone using it? What does that person look like? Where does he live?"

"We can talk more about it after seeing the young girl, but don't forget my condition."

Having said that, the doctor pushed over a wheelchair and helped Mango onto the seat before taking her out of the ward.

Mango felt rather desolate when she saw how quiet and secluded the hospital was as there wasn't even a single patient.

"Why aren't there any patients in this hospital? It is because you're too shady?"

Mango wanted to probe into the doctor' s background.

However, the doctor said unwelcomingly, "The people here seldom fall sick, and even if they do, they won’t come to my hospital."

"Why not?"

Alas, the doctor did not answer Mango's question.

Anaya was still unconscious when they arrived at her ward, but her countenance looked much healthier.

Mango couldn't deny that the doctor had good skills as Anaya's body was slowly recovering although she had been soaked in the river for an extended amount of time.

"Is she all right?"

"As I said, her body has no major issues at the moment."

The doctor walked out after saying those words as she clearly intended to give Mango some space with the girl.

After that, Mango approached Anaya and examined her closely as Anaya's appearance was distorted since she was soaked in water. Now that she wasn't as pale, Mango realized that Anaya indeed somewhat resembled Gissel.

The world was indeed filled with miracles as Mango would never have expected the child who got sold to be Anaya Ye.

Mango stared at Anaya for such a long time that when Anaya woke up out of the blue, their eyes met.

Mango was taken aback only for a short moment, but Anaya was immediately on alert.

She didn't know how to speak, but she immediately pulled away from Mango vigilantly and grabbed the blanket firmly in her hands.

Anaya thought that she would die after being thrown into the river three days ago by Emberly, but she never expected to survive.

Who was this woman in front of her though?

Having been through a life-and-death experience, Anaya was constantly wary of strangers and had her eyes fixated on Mango. Although Mango seemed really friendly and kind, she was fully prepared to escape

It was at this moment that Mango noticed the wariness and fear in Anaya's eyes.

She had no clue what Anaya had encountered in the past, but it reminded her of her own children and her heart ached with pity for Anaya, so she said, "Don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you."

However, Anaya didn't respond nor let down her guard.

"Are you Anaya Ye? Do you have a younger sister called Gissel Ye?"

Anaya's eyes widened at Mango's words as a glint of surprise flashed across her eyes, but she became even more cautious and heedful after that.

"Don't be afraid of me, okay? I know where Gissel is, and I want you to know that the police have already taken down the club that captured you. I'm guessing that you don't know this since you left earlier. The kids in the club have returned home, while the others were brought to the orphanage. As for Gissel, she has been adopted and she is together with my son at the moment. Oh, right, my son’s name is Zion Shen."

Mango kept a smile on her face as she told Anaya whatever she wanted to say regardless of how cautious Anaya was.

Anaya frowned a little, her eyes glittering in the light.

So, Gissel was adopted?

Was this for real?

The woman in front of her looked very kind, but could she trust her?

In the end, Anaya could not tell for sure.

It was right at this moment that Zion's call came through.

Hence, Mango was glad that the doctor didn't take away her phone. She glanced at Anaya before picking up the call in front of her and put it on loudspeaker.

"Hi, Zion."

"Mommy, I've looked up about the Equatorial Hotel as you said."

Anaya trembled when she heard Zion's words.

Equatorial Hotel?

Why was this woman investigating Equatorial Hotel?


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