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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 548

When Mango returned to the ward, she saw the doctor standing in front of the window while holding a toy in her hand, but no one could tell what was on her mind.

It was a child's toy.

However, Mango said nothing as she didn’t have the time to listen to stories now, although she knew that the doctor must have had an eventful past.

"I want to leave the hospital."

Mango spoke in a bland tone.

Nevertheless, the doctor didn't look back at her and just said in a low voice, "You can leave whenever you are in good health again."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I’m fully aware of my health condition. Hence, I must leave this place as I cannot stay any longer."

Mango knew that she definitely could not walk out of this hospital without the doctor's permission. Although this unadorned and simple hospital seemed desolated, Mango was observant enough to notice that surveillance cameras were all over the place.

Perhaps there was something in the hospital that Mango was oblivious to, otherwise why would the doctor install so many cameras here if there were no patients?

Frankly, Mango would be curious to explore the hospital if it weren't for her eagerness to leave this place and look for Nathaniel and Walter.

A City was an extremely eerie place.

Then, the doctor turned around slowly and stared straight at Mango before whispering, "You can leave, but that little girl must stay."

"No way."

"There's no room for negotiation, as you would return only if the young girl is still here. If you take her with you now, I'm sure you won’t come back again. I'll give you three days' time and if you don't return by then, I'll kill her!"

"What? How could you do that?"

Hence, Mango instantly boiled with anger.

Alas, the doctor said in a calm and unhurried manner, "I've told you that I'm not a good doctor, and it's up to me to save or end a person's life. The girl would have died if it weren't for me, and since I’m the one who saved her, I can also kill her. Your body can withstand no longer than 3 days, so if you don't return by then, you’ll run out of energy and I can't guarantee whether you'll survive or die.

But if you're no longer here, it wouldn't matter whether the girl is still alive or not, isn't it?"

Mango clenched her fist tightly as she suppressed her rage and said, "Is this how you view a person's life and death?"

"I'm not sure how others think about it, but your life is in my hands and you can't die as long as I'm here.”

"Why is that? I didn't make any deal with you nor do I owe you anything!"

"Have you forgotten what you've promised me? Your life will be at my mercy until you fulfill the deal.”

Only then did Mango recall what the doctor said before she agreed to let her visit the young girl.

She did not know why the doctor insisted on seeing Zion, and she suddenly found this very odd. So odd, in fact, that Mango was regretting her initial promise.

"If you go back on your words now, I will kill the little girl right away as her life worth nothing to me anyway."

The doctor said as she walked out.

"Wait a minute!"

Hence, Mango panicked when she noticed that the doctor wasn't joking at all.

She couldn't let anything bad happen to Anaya, nor could Mango leave her alone even though the child had a lot going on in her mind.

"I promise you that I’ll leave and come back within three days to take her from you.”

"No, you must bring the person I want to meet in three days, only then can you take the girl away."

Frankly, Mango really didn't want to agree, but she knew that she had no choice but to do so at this moment.

How the hell did she offend this woman?

Thus, Mango was a little annoyed.

But at the thought of how dire Anaya's situation was previously, Mango felt somewhat comforted that she was safe and sound now.

"Fine... but please return my belongings to me now."

"You don't need those. I’ll give you a shot later and you will keep going for three days."

The doctor said as she left the ward.

On the other hand, Mango had no idea what medication the doctor administered to her, but she let the doctor do whatever she wanted as her health condition was already in a mess anyway. She just wanted enough time to look for Nathaniel and Walter.

Thus, she became calm at the thought of this.

A person who came face to face with death would no longer have fears other than being reluctant to part from their families.

She didn't want to say goodbye to her children, Nathaniel, her good friends, and not to mention her parents.

All she could do now was to seize the time she had left to look for those she cherished.

Mango stared at the gloomy sky outside and felt that the rain might start to pour soon.

Then, someone opened the door to her room.

Mango didn't turn around as she thought that the doctor was back, but a small shadow appeared before her instead.

She turned and glanced at the person before realizing that it was Anaya.

Mango smiled as she said, "What's wrong?"

"Are you leaving?"

Anaya wrote it on a piece of paper using her pen.

However, Mango seemed to have discerned a hint of despair in Anaya's eyes.

Her heart ached as she said, T m only leaving temporarily, and I will be back for you in three days. Don’t worry, I will bring you back to Ocean City and let you meet Gissel.”

A glint flashed across Anaya' s eyes as she continued writing, "Are you going to the Equatorial Hotel?”


"If you do me a favor, I will tell you where Walter and Nathaniel are."

Mango frowned as she saw what Anaya wrote to her.

"Do you have a grudge against the Equatorial Hotel?"

Of course, she noticed how Anaya's eyes were filled with hatred.

Anaya did not hide it and wrote, "I hate them to my very core, and I swore to take revenge on them. I want Emberly to know what it's like to die."

Her eyes were burning with intense rage and abhorrence.


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