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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 556

"Of course, I'll do what I promised you."

Marissa said assuredly.

"No! It's too dangerous. She can't stay here."

However, Desmond was in disagreement with the suggestion.

Meanwhile, Mango sneered coldly and said, "She can't stay? This is what she promised me if I won the bid for you. It's fine if she doesn't have the money to repay me, since I don't lack it anyway. What now? Are you trying to go back on your word? Do you guys really think I'm that easy to fool?"

"No, Miss Gerner, calm down. Desmond is just worried about me. But it doesn't matter because I can do it. I really can!"

Then Marissa quickly grabbed Desmond and whispered, "My appearance looks quite similar to hers, and I already promised to help her. Desmond, just let me do it for you."


"Don't worry, listen to me. They won't do anything to me. If anything happens, my father will save me and you can follow them home then. Don't worry about me. I have the pass and I can leave by myself."

Although Marissa was delicate, she was very determined.

On the other hand, Mango didn't say anything more, and she was not interested in who Marissa's father was either. Right now, she only wanted to find Nathaniel as soon as possible.

Desmond glanced at Marissa for a moment and finally said, "You have to be careful."

"Yes, I will!"

Marissa replied with a bright smile.

Mango could see the love Marissa had for Desmond from her smile.

"Alright, I'm leaving. You guys feel free to do as you please."

Next, Mango gave her mask and pass to Marissa.

The instant Mango removed her mask, Desmond was actually stunned when he saw her face. Even though he was prepared, he did not expect such a great resemblance between Marissa and her.

However, Mango wasn't bothered by it, and she simply said, "When the auction is over, leave with Desmond. If you do that, they won't suspect you."

I'm not leaving!"

Hence, Mango was stunned by his words.

"What?" "Since you bought me, I'm all yours. If you want to save someone, I'll accompany you. Although I'm not as great as Marissa said, I do have the ability to find a person. Either way, you're not making a mistake by bringing me with you."

Then he looked at Marissa and whispered, "Be careful when you're alone. You should leave this place when it's over."

"Alright, be careful."

Marissa obeyed his words.

Mango found it hard to believe. However, at this point, two was better than one and she had no time to waste anymore.

"Okay, let's hurry up, let's deal with your condition first."

Next, Mango gave the antidote to Marissa.

"How did you know that I knew how to give an injection?"

Marissa was a little confused.

After that, Mango said in a low voice, "Even though you're covered in Chanel, it still can't conceal that carbonated scent you have on your body. I suspect that you're either a nurse or a doctor, but no matter which one it is, you should be able to perform an injection."

Desmond threw an impressed look at Mango and said, "She's not a nurse, nor a doctor. She just has a Master's degree in medical science, and her father is a biologist."

"I'm not interested in her family background. Just hurry up, will you?"

Mango glanced at the time on her watch. Right now, she had to seize every second she had to find Nathaniel before the auction was over. Perhaps, she could even seize the opportunity to escape with the crowded surroundings before the auction ended.

When she noticed that Mango was uninterested in her, Marissa took the antidote and injected Desmond with it.

After that, Desmond stretched his limbs and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

"Do you know the way?"

Mango was a little doubtful of his abilities.

Desmond said, "Let's go backstage first. No matter what, it's impossible for him to be locked up in the auction house. May I know why he was caught?"

"I don't know either. My husband has been tracking down the human traffickers here, and then he went missing. My friend came to look for him, but still to no avail."

Then, Mango turned around and left with Desmond.

Marissa watched as they left. Although she was reluctant to part with Desmond, she did not say anything. Sitting in the seat of Mango, she would join in the bidding occasionally to prove that she was still there.

After Mango and Desmond came out, there were people everywhere.

In order to hide her identity, Mango wore a mask that covered her entire face.

Then, Desmond suddenly asked, "Have you had plastic surgery?"

"That's not for you to ask."

Truth be told, Mango was a little upset.

Twice had she been reminded that she'd had plastic surgery today, and she wasn't happy about it.

However, Desmond whispered, "But your face looks like hers."

"I didn't want this. If I had a choice, I would never want this face. But I didn't know at the time, so can you stop asking this question?"

Honestly, Mango was starting to become annoyed.

She was really upset after her entire plan was

delayed because of Marissa and Desmond.

Then, Desmond frowned slightly.

"Who performed that surgery on you?"

"Desmond Blu, you can go if you want to keep talking about this. From now on, you'd better stop pestering me about this useless topic, because I have no energy left to talk about this. Do you understand? Stop talking about my face before I find my husband and friend."

"All right."

This time, Desmond was extremely cooperative. On the contrary, Mango was slightly taken aback by his sudden change of attitude. Moreover, she was really blown away by the stunning smile on his face.

Mango was unwittingly mesmerized by his handsome and bewitching appearance.

"Stop smilling at me from now onwards."

Mango blurted out suddenly, but she felt a little annoyed afterwards.


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