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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 557

"What should we do?"

Mango was a little anxious.

Desmond looked around. They were in a warehouse-like room. There wasn't much in it, just some old clothes. There wouldn't be any hidden mechanisms inside the room.

Then, he sniffed around and whispered, "There should be other exits in this room."


Mango looked at Desmond, perplexed.

Next, Desmond said, "I smell something weird."

"Smell? Do you really have a very sharp sense of smell?"

Frankly, Mango wasn't trying to be sarcastic by saying this. Even though it was unpleasant to his ears, Desmond dismissed it and said, "This is a storage room. It has an old and rusty smell in it. However, I can sense a smell of carbonate."


Mango couldn't keep up with his train of thought at all.

What was he trying to say?

However, Desmond did not pay any attention to her doubts. Instead, he quickly began to search.

About a few minutes later, Desmond stood in front of a wall and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"This should be the exit, but I can't find where the switch is."

Hearing this, Mango walked over with confusion on her face.

Then, she looked around but found nothing suspicious.

"I think I need to consult someone."

"Who is it?"

Desmond didn't know that Mango had external support.

Then, Mango said in a low voice, "My son, the one who called me just now."

"How old is your son?"

"Four years old!"

After saying that, she didn't even bother to look at Desmond's shocked expression. Instead, she directly turned her phone on and called Zion.

"My dear, do you know where's the exit? How do we get out using this wall?"

Next, Zion had a look through the video call and said, "Mommy, turn on your mobile data. I need a remote connection for it to work."

"All right."

After that, Mango did as she was told.

Desmond stood aside, and he was a little surprised when he noticed the interaction. He couldn't believe that such a talented child existed on Planet Earth. However, he reckoned that it wasn't a big deal after recalling his own encounter.

If even a freak like him could exist, then everything was possible, wasn't it?

Then, Zion glanced at Desmond beside Mango and said with a smile, "Mommy, the woman beside you is really pretty."

Upon hearing that, Desmond's expression changed slightly.

Mango cleared her throat in embarrassment and said, "He's a man, Zion."

"Really? Wow, then Mr. Ye has some stiff competition."

"Zion Shen!"

Mango had no idea how her son happened to know about so many things as a child.

Nevertheless, Zion stuck out his tongue cheekily and then quickly typed on the keyboard. Soon, a series of codes appeared on the computer screen.

With a soft ding, the wall in front of Mango suddenly moved and retreated half a meter.

"Oh my god."

Mango was extremely surprised.

If it wasn't for Desmond, she would never have thought that there was a secret passageway behind the wall even if she was locked up here for the rest of her life.

"I can't believe there's really an exit here."

"Mommy, it's not a big deal. They make use of the derivative system's influence and fooled you guys into thinking that it's a wall. In fact, it's not. It's just an electronic door with a passcode. However, cracking the passcode is easy as hell for me."

Zion shrugged his shoulders shamelessly. His arrogant attitude was enough to make one grit their teeth in hatred, especially Mango.

Was this brat hinting that she was dumb?

Seeing Mango's displeased expression, Zion quickly said, "Mommy, we can't talk on the phone for too long. There's a signal detector in the vicinity, and I can't scramble the signal for too long. I'll hang up first, if there's anything you need, just call me."

After that, he quickly hung up the phone.

Then, Mango shook her head helplessly.

Zion's ability was indeed extraordinary.

As he looked at such a lovely and clever boy, Desmond couldn't help but smile.

To be honest, it was really difficult for Mango to resist his charming and irresistible smile.

"If we find my husband later, you'd better not smile in front of him."


Desmond was slightly startled, but he still nodded.

When the two of them walked in through the door, the switch was triggered, and the strong scent of carbonate wafted over their faces.

"Who goes there?"

Suddenly, someone attacked them out of nowhere.


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