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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 597

Addison laughed when he saw the hesitation in Mango's eyes.

"You're not confident, so your relationship is not as solid as you think. You're not even sure if Nathaniel would distance himself from you."

Mango's expression turned a little grim after hearing what Addison said.

"What's wrong? You don't like to hear it? You might as well just give up on this relationship if you don't have enough trust and tolerance in your love. Mango, you're not a woman who cries over small matters. You have your own opinions. However, you're too humble and weak in this relationship."

Mango stunned a little after hearing what Addison had said.

"Humble and weak?"

"Aren't you? Are you still yourself since you fell in love with Nathaniel eight years ago? How was your life like after three years of marriage? You have put him as the center of everything, and you lost yourself. Nathaniel might not even notice his feelings for you if you hadn't been swallowed by the flames in Macy's incident. I have to say that God treated you well. At least Nathaniel fell in love with you. If not, it would all be for nothing. After all, you were the one that gave your life to him."

Mango's brows creased slightly after hearing what Addison had said.

Addison continued, "It was only after five years that you had the guts to come back and seek Nathaniel. Furthermore, you planned to take his kidney to save your daughter. However, ask yourself if you have lost yourself again after you found out that you misunderstood Nathaniel. What about your career? Where is your fighting spirit? Everything in your life has revolved around Nathaniel. Your life is just like it was 8 years ago. The only difference is that Nathaniel now reciprocates your love. Mango, although the Ye Family does not need you to work to support the family, is this what you want? A love where you have lost yourself, and instead you spend your days waiting for Nathaniel to come home and love you."

Mango was stunned once again.

"No, I just have too many things to deal with. You also know that there were many things affecting me after I came back. I didn't have the time to do what I wanted to."

"That's all an excuse. You can lie to others, but are you able to convince yourself? Why didn't you participate in the car design competition when the invitation was sent to you? You were willing to stay at home now that Mrs. Ye and Nathaniel treated you well. Therefore, you gave up on this opportunity. You got the chance the stand out in the world of design, but you did not take the chance to do so. You were willing to be ordinary and wait for Nathaniel in the Ye's mansion. Is this a love that you really want, Mango? How could you expect a man to treat you well and love you when you are so weak compared to him? You're still marching in place while he has already moved forward. Perhaps you won't feel anything now, but what about 10 years later? By then, he would have grown, but you're still a bird trapped in a cage. Are you sure you would be able to communicate with him then? Mango, you have been married for 8 years now. You have gone through so much, yet you do not understand the true meaning of love."

Addison paused and looked at the sky outside. "The initial stage of love is always beautiful, and it is the work of hormones. However, such beautiful moments only last for a while. The thing to do in order to ensure this continues is not to wait passively or silently. Men are not like women, and they would not sacrifice themselves for love. Perhaps Nathaniel will treat you well for life, but are you sure that's the love you want? He is constantly moving forward while you are always standing at the same spot. He might treat you well in the honeymoon stage, but this would be transformed into responsibility as time passes. Do you think a man would want to love you once that happens? Have you thought of that? There are many women out there who are excellent and bright enough to attract him. What are you going to do then?"

Mango was completely silent.

She couldn't even retort this time.

Yes, she had always held herself back for him. She had even subconsciously hidden her talents because Nathaniel was also a car designer. In fact, she gave up on the design competition because she was afraid of surpassing him.

But was this really the life and love she wanted?

Wasn't love something that empowered you to do what you wanted to?

However, she had changed her mind to cater to Nathaniel from the moment she fell in love with him. Her previous hatred was replaced by Nathaniel's love even when she came back five years later. The effort she put in previously was so insignificant in front of the Ye Family that it made her feel a little inferior, so she gave up on herself after what happened later on. She used that as an excuse to give up on herself, and she was content with being Nathaniel's wife.

But she didn't even manage to achieve that.

Wasn't her life was still in a mess?

"Time waits for no man, and things won't stop happening because you're sad. Nathaniel is coming to save you desperately this time. However, have you ever thought about what he would do if you were kidnapped again 10 years later? He might still come to save you. But do you think that he will do it purely for you, or for the sake of your children?"

Addison's words were like boulders crushing Mango's chest.

She had always known that it was difficult to be the daughter-in-law of a rich family. However, it seemed like she had prioritized the wrong thing.

One could only play a good role if the person was true to himself.

Mango looked at Addison and said gratefully, "Thank you, Addison. I'm grateful for the wake-up call."

"I'm just telling the truth. I apologize for all the things I've done to you. However, I would have done the same if I could start over. You're a good woman, but I'm sorry that I have to avenge my good friend."

"I understand. Addison, that's why you cannot agree to go to the place that Jigsaw directed you

to go."


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