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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 598

Mango was in deep thought.

Meanwhile, Addison had begun to make his preparations.

Someone came to report to Nathaniel.

"Mr. Ye, we intercepted the content of Jigsaw's call just now."

"Tell me."

"They're going to bring Mango to the Eastern pier one hour later."

Nathaniel stood up instantly when his subordinate repeated the contents of the call to him.

"Lead a team and make preparations there in advance."

"Yes, sir."

Yama Hades' hand paused for a moment, but she did not say anything. She continued to study the experiment in her hand, but her gaze was somewhat distracted.

Nathaniel glanced at her and asked in a low voice, "You don't want to go?"

"No, Jigsaw and I no longer have anything to do with each other."

Yama Hades said coldly, but Nathaniel saw that her hand trembled a little.

"I'll try my best not to hurt him. I'm only doing this to save my wife, not to hurt him. Don't worry."

Yama Hades did not respond to what Nathaniel said, but Nathaniel knew that deep down in her heart, she still cared for Jigsaw.

"Leave a few men in the hospital and don't disturb Yama Hades. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir!"

Nathaniel turned around and left after he had arranged everything.

One hour arrived in a blink of an eye.

Addison had already decided to get up after Mango had thought through everything.

"Let's go. It's up to God whether we live or die this time. Mango, I'm giving you a chance to call Nathaniel. You might still have a chance to live."

Addison's words made Mango pause for a moment.

She looked at Addison. She was somewhat absent-minded for a moment when she looked at this face which looked similar to Nathaniel.

She would drag Nathaniel into this fight between Mateo and Addison if she asked Nathaniel to rescue her. Moreover, was it really a good idea to tell Nathaniel about the cause of Nick's death at this time?

Mango couldn't make up her mind.

Addison looked at his watch when Mango was still hesitating, "I'll treat it as you've given up on this chance if you don't say anything. Let's go now."

Mango might have hesitated because she was afraid that Nathaniel would find out about Mateo. She got up without saying anything when she heard Addison's words.

The two of them soon arrived at the eastern pier.

Addison had his own way of doing things, and Mango couldn't help but admire him. It would be great if he was truly Nick.

No one knew what would happen when Nathaniel discovered the real reason behind Nick's death. Hence, Mango wasn't sure either, but she was very worried.

Jigsaw's men were there when the both of them arrived at the eastern pier.

Jigsaw heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Mango was safe.

"Nick, you are really annoying. We agreed to cooperate with each other. We want a contract from the Ye family, and you wanted to destroy the Ye family and Nathaniel. Why are you going back

on that now?"

Jigsaw really didn't know what Addison was thinking as he looked at him.

Why did he want to provoke Mateo and give up on the wealth of the Ye family?

However, Addison said with a sneer, "You'll never know why I'm doing this. Cut the crap. Did you bring him here?"

Jigsaw shook his head as he thought that Addison was making a mistake.

"Mr. Hans, please."

Jigsaw took a step back and a man came out from behind him.

This person looked very similar to Dennis.

Mango felt as if she was looking at her father when she saw him.

She was stunned. Emotions stirred in her chest as she looked at Mateo.

Mateo looked at Mango first when he came out. He only shifted his glance to Addison when he saw that Mango was alright.

"Nick Ye, I heard that you were looking for me?"

Addison's aura changed from the moment he saw Mateo. There was an unspeakable murderous intent that shrouded them.

He clenched his fists tightly and couldn't wait to kill Mateo with his own hands.

"Don't you know why I'm looking for you? Mateo, I remember how you stabbed me in the back that year."

Addison's eyes shone with a murderous glint.

Mango grabbed his wrist as he was about to move forward.

"You can't hurt him no matter what."

"What did you say?"

Addison hadn't thought that Mango would actually help Mateo.

"Hahahaha, you're really from the Hans family. So are you really going to protect him for the sake of the Hans family now that you have seen him?"

Addison wanted to get rid of Mango, but he failed to do so.

Mango used all of her strength to pull him back and said, "What are you trying to do? Murder him straight up? Do you think that this is the medieval age where we can settle things by bloodshed? This is a society ruled by law. Someone will punish him if he is guilty, but it won't be you. Wake up. What can you do when everyone here is his men? You can still live as long as you have with you. However, you are sure to die if you go up to him now. They won't be merciful."

Mango didn't want to see Addison die.

Those who would avenge Nick shouldn't die, and he certainly shouldn't fall at the hands of Mateo.


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