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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 624

The window was open!

Mango clearly remembered that she had checked the room before she slept. She had locked the front door and made sure the windows were shut. But now, the window was wide open. Something wasn't right!

She got up quickly and the sudden gesture made her wound throb. Although she was in so much pain that she gritted her teeth, she couldn't care less.

Mango quickly examined Wisdom's body. When she saw that he was still sleeping soundly, she let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, and she quickly went to the foot of the bed to check her belongings. Then, she found that her purse and phone were gone.

She had been robbed!

Mango felt like her entire body was about to crumple.

She was already very unlucky and she had suffered through a lot. Why was this still happening to her?

She had just borrowed some money from Desmond and planned to leave here to find a place to recover with Wisdom, where no one could find them. She hadn't expected that reality would hit her with another blow so soon, not giving her any chance to catch her breath.

They were actually robbed by a sneaky thief!

As she thought about this, Mango was on the verge of tears.

She was truly very unlucky. What were they going to do now?

They were not familiar with this place, and there wasn't a penny on them. How would they survive?

Mango was unwilling to wake Wisdom up anymore.

Now, she wanted him to sleep peacefully, even just for a moment. After leaving this place, who knew if he could still have a chance to sleep this peacefully. Not to mention they had no idea where they would settle down next.

Mango felt that it was cruel to wake Wisdom now. However, if he didn't wake up now, the landlady might come and force them to leave, and it would be messy then.

After a small battle with herself, Mango finally managed to suppress her frustration brought about by life.

She took a deep breath and told herself that everything would be over soon.

God wouldn't let her suffer continuously, right? Everything would be fine, and what she was going through now must be temporary.

She kept willing herself to not back down.

When she finally calmed down, Mango took a deep breath and reached out to wake Wisdom gently.

Wisdom was still half asleep when he opened his eyes. Hazily, he crawled into Mango's embrace.

Mango's heart ached even more as she saw this.

In the end, he would have to suffer as he tagged along.

Right now, she was only glad that Zion and Rita hadn't come along with her. Otherwise, she wasn't confident that she would be able to keep them alive.

Mango didn't mention anything to Wisdom and she single-handedly carried him downstairs.

The landlady was still leaning on the counter halfasleep, so she hadn't noticed them coming down.

Mango tapped lightly on the counter.

With this, the landlady opened her eyes.

"What do you want?"

Her tone was not friendly, with a hint of annoyance at being woken up.

Mango fished out her pen and paper and wrote, "My purse and phone were stolen from the room just now. Can you help check it out?"


As she heard this, her eyes flew open abruptly.

"It says here clearly that important belongings are left entirely at owner's risk. Now you're telling me that you've been robbed? I'm telling you, I will not bear any responsibility! Also, if you want to call the police, I can lend you a phone. But after that, you must leave. Let me guess, you don't have any money left to pay for the rent, am I right? What bad luck! Not to mention this is the first business I've had all day!"

The boss continued to mumble angrily as she pushed the phone towards Mango.

Mango stared at the phone and knew deep down that she couldn't call the police.

If she did, how would she explain her injuries?

To top it off, it would probably be easier for Nathaniel to find her after she made a police report.

Mango felt that it was truly difficult for her to keep herself going after leaving Ocean City. However, it was impossible for her to continue being the mistress of the Ye Family.

Then, she pushed the phone away and walked out of the inn with Wisdom in her arms.

The boss was still cursing behind her, "What was stolen from you? You're just making it up so that you could stay for free, aren't you? For God's sake, look at a mute making a fool of herself. Let me give you some pointers, get a bowl and beg under that bridge, perhaps you can make some money."

Her words made Mango stop in her tracks.


Had she actually fallen so far from grace?

Meanwhile, Wisdom was wide awake now.

When he realized what was happening, he struggled and jumped out of Mango's arms. He looked at Mango's injured arm with a worried expression on his face.

Mango quickly gestured at him, and she tried to indicate that she was fine.

As Wisdom realized that he and Mango were in the middle of the road, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Mango had no choice but to tell Wisdom that they had been robbed and that they haven't got a single cent on them right now.

Wisdom nodded his head to show that he understood, but he didn't display any other expression.

Mango looked at the hustle and bustle of the unfamiliar town. She had no idea where she and Wisdom were going to go next and how exactly to survive.

"Boom!" There was a roar of thunder that came without warning.

Before Mango could carry Wisdom and take shelter, heavy rain began to pour.

As the rain came pouring down heartlessly, it pierced Mango like daggers as her injuries on her arm and back throbbed in pain. Being in contact with rainwater like this, she felt that her wounds were already slightly inflamed. However, Mango quickly took off her jacket and draped it on Wisdom's head, and ran in the rain as she carried him with her good arm.

After some effort, they found a place to shelter from the rain, but there wasn't a single dry spot left on Mango's body.

She put Wisdom down and asked him to stay away from her to avoid him getting wet, but Wisdom refused and insisted on staying close to her.

Even though Wisdom was being uncooperative, Mango was still touched. However, her heart ached for him too. If it wasn't for her, perhaps Wisdom would still be the carefree child he was before.

Mango felt like a lump had risen in her throat.

At this moment, she felt that she was being abandoned by the whole world and that everyone was enjoying her suffering.

A gust of cold wind came, which caused Mango to shudder involuntarily.

As Wisdom saw this, he quickly took off the jacket that was on his head and wanted to drape it on Mango, but he found that it had been soaked through long ago.


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