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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 625

At that moment, for the first time, she truly felt the pain of losing her voice.

Although she had shouted with all her might, still, no sound came out. As the rain continued to pour with roaring protests, she felt the hope in her was fading slowly.

Fortunately, the car screeched to a halt a centimeter before Wisdom.

The sharp screech of the brakes were like sharp daggers that almost slashed Mango's heart apart.

"Do you want to die?! Whose child is this? What are you doing in the middle of the road in this heavy rain? Get out of here!"

The driver scolded angrily. Because of the sudden brake, his head had hit the wheel, and was bruised. He had every right to be annoyed right now.

However, Wisdom didn't seem to hear a word he had said. He quickly went up to pull on the car door, and intended to drag the driver down from his car.

He had to save his mommy!

Mommy was still unconscious!

As he saw that Wisdom intended to get on the car, the driver quickly locked the car and cursed, "You little b*stard, you still have the guts to get on? Look at yourself, you're soaked in rain. Can you afford to pay if you dirtied my car?"

Wisdom wanted to call for help, but all the words seemed to be stuck in his throat and he couldn't utter a single word.

"Let go! Do you hear me? I said let go!"

Wisdom clung onto the window stubbornly, not intending to let go no matter what.

As the driver saw that Wisdom was unwilling to let go, the driver said angrily, "If you don't let go, I'm going to wind up the car window now. Don't blame me if it snaps your hand off."

Wisdom understood his words. He paused for a moment, but still refused let go.

He couldn't let go!

He had tried so hard and finally managed to stop a car. No matter what, he had to drag the driver down and take mommy to the hospital.

With this thought in mind, he desperately clung onto to car window, not letting go.

Mango was so shocked that her entire body was trembling. She hurriedly ran towards to car, not stopping even though she had fell down several times.

The driver looked around and saw that there wasn't anyone around. There weren't any surveillance cameras either. Then, he said angrily, "You forced me to do this!"

With that, he wound up the window forcefully.


Mango cried in her heart. She rushed forward with all the strength left in her and took Wisdom in her arms, away from the car.

Wisdom was slightly stunned by the sudden warmth.

Mango glared at the driver furiously. If she could speak, she wouldn't hesitate to scold him in the slightest.

The driver was startled. He hadn't thought that an adult would come rushing out. However, he had thought that Mango was someone unrelated who just wanted to be righteous, so he scolded, "Hey, I'm warning you. Don't get involved. This little b*stard is the one who wants to die. You can't blame me."

The words 'little b*stard' never left the drivers mouth, and it caused Mango to be filled with anger.

She took action directly. Before the window was completely up, she reached in all of a sudden, grabbed the driver's hair with one hand, and rammed his head at the steering wheel.

D*mn you!

Wisdom was still a child. How could he have the heart to treat him like this?

Mango was so furious that she used all her strength to make the driver pay.

"Let me go! You crazy b*tch! Let go! I'm calling the police!"

The driver shouted in anger, but he couldn't struggle free from Mango's grasp.

He couldn't help but feel that there was something strange about Mango. She looked weak and frail, and she seemed to be in poor health. Where did this unbeatable strength come from?

He would never have thought that the reason behind the immense amount of strength was merely because she was a mother.

To Mango, Wisdom all she had now. Someone wanted to hurt Wisdom, and it was Mango's bottom line. Even if she risked her life, she would still make them pay.

The driver's voice lowered, and slowly faded into silence.

It was only then that Mango finally let go of him.

The driver had passed out and his face was smeared with blood.

It was only at this moment that Mango seemed as if all her strength had been drained. She staggered slightly and almost fell over.

Wisdom held onto her tightly.

Mango looked at Wisdom and shook her head at him. She carried him in one arm and started forward in the rain.

She didn't know where she was going and how far she could go. But now, all she knew was that no one was allowed to hurt Wisdom.

Cars whizzed past one after another. No one cared about the car that had stopped in the middle of the road, and no one wanted to burden themselves with the trouble.

Mango was getting colder each second.

She held Wisdom tightly, and he nestled close to her. They depended on each other for their lives, and it was a truly heartbreaking scene.

As a Land Rover passed by Mango, she succumbed to the pain and fell to the ground.

Her instincts made her protect Wisdom in her arms subconsciously, and she fell to the ground on her back.

The Land Rover drove for a distance but came reversing back.

When the door opened, a pair of red heels appeared in front of Mango's eyes.

Mango suddenly felt that the rain had stopped.

She slowly looked up and saw a familiar face, but this familiar face made her wonder if she was hallucinating.

She smiled lightly, and then passed out with Wisdom tightly in her arms.


The owner of those heels cried out in shock and quickly crouched down to reach out and touch Mango's forehead. It burned frighteningly.

"How did this happen? Driver! Hurry, carry them into the car and bring them to a hospital."

The owner of those heels was none other than Rainie Blu!

When the driver heard Rainie's cries, he quickly came forward and carried Mango and Wisdom into the car.

Wisdom didn't let go of Mango's hand.

As she looked at them, Rainie couldn't believe that the person in front of her right now was Mango, whom she once knew so well.

Wasn't she in the Ye Family?

Why was she here?


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