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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 778

It was Thomas!

Walter didn't have a good impression of his brother to begin with and now that Novalee died because of Delilah who was his mother, Walter's gaze became fierce due to his intensified hatred.

However, Nathaniel grabbed Walter's arm in an instant.

"Don't vent your anger on him as it's none of Delilah's family fault! Besides, Thomas has no idea what had happened."

"How can you be sure that he has no idea? Perhaps it's exactly because Thomas was backing up Delilah that she could act so recklessly!"

Walter gritted his teeth as he said.

Nathaniel said coldly, "That's impossible! I know Thomas best as he grew up with me and he will never act against his conscience even though Delilah is his mother. You won't be the president of Sminorf Corporation now if Thomas is a scheming and deceitful person."

"What do you mean? Are you saying that Thomas has greater capabilities than me and that he is more qualified to be the president of Sminorf Corporation, is that so?"

Walter was really vengeful at the moment and he could come up with numerous arguments to refute whatever Nathaniel said.

He was unable to vent out the resentment in his heart.

Nevertheless, Nathaniel didn't take Walter's words to heart as he knew how he felt.

"Walter, are you intending to reproach anyone who is related to Delilah like a mad man as soon as you see them? Novalee may be a special person to you and you might think that you owe her a debt of gratitude, but that doesn't mean that everyone else should treat her as you did. She is kind to you but she may not treat others the same and she even had evil intentions against Mango, isn't it?

Walter's eyes became red- rimmed with tears instantly although Nathaniel spoke softly in a bland and monotonous manner.

"That's not what I mean, I'm just..."

"We understand how you feel and what Novalee means to you, but you can't expect everyone to treat Novalee as you did because a good relationship should be reciprocal. Mango didn't avenge Novalee's wrongdoings and she fulfilled Novalee's wish all because of you, is that not enough?

Walter completely calmed down after hearing

Nathaniel's words.

It was right at this moment that Thomas rushed over.

"Mr. Ye, we need you to sign this document urgently."

Thomas was stunned when he saw Walter as he knew that Nathaniel was investigating Cyrus who was his uncle recently. He felt worried when he saw Walter glaring at him so fiercely.

Could it be that his uncle and mother had stirred up some trouble?

"What's the matter?"

Thomas asked subconsciously out of curiosity but Walter almost burst with anger because of this.

"Get lost!"

He pushed Thomas away and walked to his car in a flash.

"What's going on?"

Thomas looked at Nathaniel and he was staggered as Walter shoved him.

Nathaniel sighed and said, "Don't mind him as he has a bad temper as you know... Let's go to the company now."

Having said that, he looked in the direction of Mango's bedroom and decided that it was better for Mango to deal with her issues on her own.

Thomas followed Nathaniel to the company.

On the other hand, it was already late in the afternoon when Mango woke up.

She stretched her limbs and realized that Nathaniel must have been gone for a while now as the space beside her was cold and empty.

Mango's heart ached as she thought of how strenuous Nathaniel must be and yet she couldn't help him. All she could do was to avoid causing him any trouble.

Lucy pulled Mango to the dining table for her to have breakfast after she woke up.

Mango turned on the TV and was watching a show when Lucy whispered to her, "Mrs. Ye, Mr. Song came here in the morning but he left angrily after having a conversation with Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Song?"

"Yeah, Mr. Walter Song."

Mango was taken aback.

She remembered that Walter was really angry at her the day before and she wondered if he came here so early in the morning to apologize or to continue venting his anger on her.

Mango contemplated it for a moment before she picked up her phone to call Walter as she couldn't

figure it out.

"Did you come to meet me this morning?"

"Yeah, I nearly froze to death."

Walter's voice sounded a little hoarse.

Mango let out a sigh of relief when she noticed that his tone was the same as before.

"What's up?"

"I'm buying a burial plot to situate Novalee's tomb... Anyway, have you gotten out of bed? Let's go and find Henry if you're awake as Novalee must have told you where he is. Don't worry as I've already asked Nathaniel for permission and he told me to go with you as he's a little busy today."

Mango immediately replied after hearing Walter's words, "Okay, I'll wash up now and meet you in a while."

"Let's meet at your place so that you don't have to travel back and forth. Also, I'm sorry for yesterday's incident as I was really worked up at that time and I didn't take your feelings into consideration. I won't have any objections if you want to vent your anger on me as I did act like a jerk."

Mango almost feared up after hearing what Walter said.

"It's alright as I didn't take it to heart." "Just forget it then, though I heard that someone cried like a baby and your husband almost hit me this morning... Are you sure that everything's fine? I was wrong for not thinking in your shoes and I admit that it's all my fault, but I just couldn't hold it back sometimes and you're also well aware of my bad temper."

Mango lifted her head as she tried to hold back her tears.

She took a deep breath before saying, "Walter, we have known each other for decades and way longer than you've known Novalee yet you doubted my personality...I was really sad to be honest."

"I'm sorry, I..."


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