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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 779

Walter knitted his brows together as the car behind followed them really closely.

"Are these people Delilah's men? I have the urge to get down the car and beat them to death."

"There's no need to rush as I'll give you the time to show off your skills later."

Walter was stunned by Mango's words.

"What do you mean?"

"Just wait and see."

Mango drove the car toward a remote place mysteriously.

The car stopped and Mango smiled as she said before Walter could react, "It's time for you to save the damsel in distress... Didn't you want to beat them up? Go ahead and show 'em your skills as there are no cameras here."

Walter understood in an instant.

"What a great idea."

He got out of the car with a smile.

Walter had been suppressing his emotions all this while and he could no longer bear it. He felt extremely upset deep down especially when he recalled how Novalee's bones were all broken due to someone else's torture.

What grudge did the person have against Novalee that she had to bully her to such an extent!

Novalee eventually didn't inflict any harm on him although she did take advantage of him and schemed against him. Rather, Walter was smoldering with anger deep down because of how Delilah treated him.

On the other hand, Mango did not stop him nor did she get involved.

She leaned against the door after getting off the car and a wicked smile appeared on her face as she looked at the vehicle that stopped less than 100 meters away from them.

The people in the car hesitated whether to leave or to stay when they saw Mango and Walter got out of the car. However, Walter went straight to knock on their window without giving them another second to think it through.

"Get out of the car!"


The men in the car were confused.

"I said get off the car! I don't want to repeat it a third time."

Walter's expression seemed unfriendly as he wasn't good at controlling his temper to begin with.

The few people looked at each other before leaving the car but they regretted the moment they did so as Walter's fists were strong and unrelenting.

Walter didn't show any mercy to them as he had been really depressed these few days and he turned a deaf ear to their cries and pleads.

After beating up a few of them, Walter's mood was lifted and he was enlivened.

"Are you feeling a little better?"

Mango asked with a smile.

"I feel much better... Did you come up with this whole plan deliberately just to let me vent my anger?"

Walter wiped his sweat as he felt much more relaxed.

Mango shook her head and said, "I'm not that bored, though I figured that Delilah has been looking for Henry all this while as the only person she could take advantage of is him now that Novalee is dead. However, Novalee refused to tell her where he is, so she would surely ask someone to keep an eye on us so that she could tail us and kidnap Henry when we found him. Anyhow, well first need to get rid of her subordinates if that's the case and I know that you've been in a bad mood recently, so it's the perfect time for you to vent your anger."

At that instant, Walter smiled.

"You are truly the one who knows me best."

"It's not a big deal. Anyway, let's so to Henry now that we've gotten rid of those men."

Mango was the first to get into the car.

Walter hopped into the car without hesitation and he felt relieved both physically and mentally after his exertion just now.

Mango started the engine and Walter realized that they were heading for the city center once again.

"Mango, you're going the wrong way, aren't you?"

"No, Henry's in the city center and I drove the car to the suburbs earlier just to give them the wrong idea. Henry would be in danger if they figured out his whereabouts, isn't it?"

Walter looked at Mango as he shook his head and said, "You're really becoming like Nathaniel... Did you learn this from him in the past few years? That's not good as you're no longer the naive Mango I know!"

"Shut up!"

Mango scolded him with a beam as she drove the car to the house that was situated opposite the

Song family's place.

"What are you doing? Are you intending to get Delilah into trouble?"

"No, Henry is living right opposite your house."

Walter was dumbfounded after hearing Mango's words.

"Right opposite our house?"

"Yeah, Novalee said that it's difficult to detect what's around you and Delilah would never expect that the person she has been looking for would be living opposite her house."

Mango got off of the car having said that.

However, Walter frowned.

He didn't know what to say as he got out of the car and followed Mango into the opposite house.

Mango took out the key to open the door and the entire house was noiseless.

Walter frowned and asked, "There doesn't seem to be anyone here."

"He's locked in the room."

Mango sighed.

In fact, Novalee went all out to hide Henry.


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