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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 913

"Just stay at the place where you've been told and cut the crap!"

Jad snorted before he left.

Mango felt that the people here were no different from Kolton. They all had the same bad temper and were equally cold-hearted.

She looked at the place where she lived. It had everything she needed. All the gadgets around her were equipped with the latest technology, but why would they need to use them?

Queena wasn't as focused on observing the surroundings as Mango was. She quickly found the first aid kit, and she took out the medicine and handed it to Mango.

"Here! Have some medicine. Otherwise, you will continue to feel terrible."

Mango looked at the medicine and made sure that it came from a reliable supplier. Only then did she take it and swallowed it with water.

After seeing her consume the medicine, Queena helped her to the bedside and whispered, "You'd better quickly have some rest. Nobody knows when will Kolton, that lunatic, will do something. Before he does anything, you should rest well and recover."

Mango nodded.

She found that Queena was ruddy-faced as she was expecting to see Dennis. She asked suddenly., "Mom, do you not feel seasick?"

"I've gotten used to it after a long time. Over these years, I've been transferred here and there outside the country. Sometimes I need to go to several countries within a year, so I'm used to illnesses that are caused by climate change. Over time, my body learnt to adapt to the different climates. Wherever I go, I wouldn't suffer from sickness anymore. However, you're pregnant, but you had to run around with me. I feel sorry for you."

"I'm alright. After all, I've never seen my father in my life, so I won't regret anything if I meet him now. I hope that Kolton won't lie to us."

Mango felt extremely feeble as she spoke.

She laid on the bed under Queena's gaze and soon fell asleep.

She knew that she had to stay vigilant in this place. Although she bore such a thought in her heart, she still couldn't stop feeling sleepy.

Not long after Mango fell asleep, Queena got up.

She stood by the window and looked at the sea outside. No one knew what she was thinking.

Mango slept very comfortably. No one disturbed them or came to interrogate them either. It seemed that Kolton had forgotten about them.

In fact, she woke up because she was hungry.

Seeing Queena standing in front of the full-length window like a statue and looking at the sea outside, Mango knew that she missed her father.

Queen regained her sense after hearing that Mango had woken up.

She turned around in a split second.

"Are you awake? Do you want to eat something?"

"Is there food?"

Mango was in astonishment.

Would Kolton serve them like guests?

Why did she doubt him?

Queena smiled and said, "I went out to have a look just now. There's a kitchen here with everything provided inside. It seems that we have to cook ourselves. While you were asleep just now, I have already cooked porridge, and it should be ready now. After you recuperate, I'll make you something else to eat."

Upon hearing Queena's words, Mango quickly shook her head.

"Mom, let me cook for you instead. You're not in good health, and I don't know if you had brought any medicine with you. I'll do it." "You're pregnant, so how could I let you exert yourself? Just rest assured. My body still can withstand it. I will need you to serve me when I can't hold on anymore. Lie down and rest for a while. I will go to get you some porridge."

Queena walked out as she spoke.

Mango had surveyed at the layout of that place. The design was modern, and the colour scheme reminded her of a fairy tale, so she was more certain about her guess.

Kolton definitely had someone he liked or someone he pampered and loved in his heart.

Well, who was that person?

Was she good or evil?

Could it be that she had been helping Kolton to success during these years?

Mango began to start thinking.

All of a sudden, a pleasant melody played on a violin came from outside.

Mango was slightly stunned.

She leaned against the bed and listened carefully.

That person seemed to be a connoisseur, and she sounded like a talented violinist that had at least passed the sixth grade.

Her song was cheerful, and it had a hint of joy and excitement in it. Therefore, people listening to it felt happy as well.

Who could it be?

Was it Kolton?

Mango felt that she was overthinking about it.

How could a man like Kolton play the violin?

Mango shook her head.

Queena came in with some porridge. When she saw Mango leaning against the bed with an indulgent look, she couldn't help but say with a smile, "I never expect that there would be such an elegant scholar here."

"Yes, I really want to see who's playing the violin. After listening to her, I'm in a better mood now, and I feel less upset even though I'm a prisoner."

Upon hearing Mango's words, Queena said apologetically, "It's all my fault. I was the one who brought these unnecessary pains and troubles."

"Mom, what are you saying? We are one. You are my mother, and you came here because of me. Don't put everything on yourself, or you will be too tired. Since we're here now, let's go with the flow. Anyway, I hope that we can find a way to send out some news so that others can find us. Did you see any mobile phones here?"

"Yeah, I saw one, but I can't make a call. I have checked it. The phone here is merely an internal tool used for communication on the island. We can't use it to call people outside the island."

Mango's excitement disappeared after hearing Queena's words.


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