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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 914

The main hall?

Generally speaking, only the master could live in the main hall.

The owner of this place was Kolton. Was Kolton playing the violin?

When Mango thought of Koiton's appearance and behaviour, she doubted this possibility.

She was walking even more rapidly as she was getting more confused. While they were about to arrive at the door of the main hall, someone stopped them immediately.

"Miss Shen, Miss Xiao, both of you seem to be at the wrong place. I have told you before that no one is allowed to enter this place."

dad's sudden appearance didn't surprise Mango at all.

Just then, they heard the violinist playing a wrong note.

Mango suddenly yelled at the top of her lungs.

"This part should be a major note. You played the wrong string."

As soon as she finished speaking, the music came to an abrupt halt.

"Who's outside there?"

Koiton's voice abruptly sounded with a trace of anger.

Jad shivered over his body and quickly replied, "It's Miss Shen."


"Yeah, it's me. I wanted to know who was playing the violin. It's good, but she hasn't undergone special training. Some of the finger movements are wrong."

Koiton's expression darkened after hearing Mango's words.

"Get out of here! If you dare to say a single word again, do you believe that..."

"Are you going to kill me? That's right. There's nothing you can't do. Well, even if you kill me, I still have to say it. This rhythm is good, just that some finger movements are wrong."

"Let her come in."

Just as Mango finished speaking, a pure voice sounded.

It did not belong to Koiton's, but it was a girl's voice instead.

Mango immediately froze.

There was really a girl at this place?

Was her earlier assumption correct?

Kolton had a woman here. Was she his beloved woman?

Mango frowned slightly.

She heard Koiton's voice lower a few decibels. In a low voice, he said, "You don't have to listen to her nonsense. You're playing very well."

"Kolton, I know that you're complimenting me, but I know my own issues too. She's telling the truth! No one ever taught me how to play since I was young. I always wished to look for a teacher to teach me, but... since there's an opportunity, why don't you let us explore music together?"

Her voice was incredibly gentle and comfortable to hear, and it was pure and clean like her music.

This was the impression that she had given to Mango.

Well, why could such a pure woman be together with Kolton?

Mango couldn't figure that out.

Queena was also astonished.

Nobody had ever told her that Kolton had a beloved girl. How could he hide such a lovely girl here?

After all, Kolton could not win against the woman. He said gently, "Okay, I'll go right away.

Wait here." "Alright."

Kolton came out with a rather unpleasant expression. However, he looked at Mango with his brows slightly furrowed.

"Hah! Do you even know how to play the violin?"

"Wow! Do you actually care about her? I'm surprised!"

Koiton's expression instantly changed.

"I warn you to mind your words. You should know what to say. Otherwise..."

"Well, so what?"

Mango was truly not afraid of Kolton. At this point, what else could Kolton do to her?

Kolton trembled in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

"You're just like your father. Both of you are stubborn!"

"Of course! I'm his daughter. It's useless for you to threaten me. Can I go in now?"

Kolton suddenly paused for a moment before saying in a low voice, "Mango, she doesn't know anything that I've done. She's as pure as her music, so don't disturb her with these matters." "Are you begging me?" Mango showed a smug look, but she was surprised deep down in her heart.

Kolton, who usually cared about nothing, was actually begging her for a woman. It was somewhat difficult to understand.

Kolton did not put on any airs and said in a low tone, "Yes, I am begging you. I beg you to keep her in a clean and pure environment. This island was built for her, don't you realize that? I built this place like a palace. She can do whatever she wants, plays the violin that she likes, and even walk everywhere. As long as she is pleased, I will give her all the happiness she wants."

If someone else had uttered these words, Mango would definitely be touched. On the contrary, she did not believe anything that Kolton had said.

"Do you think I'm still a child? Kolton, I don't believe you at all. Either you don't let me in, or you keep your mouth shut. Stop meddling in my business."

Mango's attitude had provoked Kolton. He grabbed Queena's neck and said icily, "If you dare to destroy her purity, I'm going to kill Queena."

"You won't do it. After all, you still want to get my mother's notebook."

Mango had nothing to fear.

However, Kolton laughed coldly and said, "If I can't get anything, I'd rather take everyone to hell with me. She's the only pure thing left in my life. If you ruin her, I would rather destroy the world."

His remarks astounded Mango greatly.

Kolton had revealed his weakness. He said that she was the only one that he cared about. Could she build a good relationship with that girl then? Perhaps there could be another turning point in that matter?

Mango's mind was filled with thoughts.

"Okay, I promise I won't utter anything to her other than music."


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