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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 116

Jocelyn's chin and palms were in pretty bad shape after her tumble, and the nurse had to wrap both her hands after tending to the wounds.

Her knees were swollen too, but thankfully, there were no scrapes or breaks in the skin.

"Keep it dry and steer clear of spicy food," the nurse instructed as she packed up her kit. "Change the dressing once a day as prescribed."

Jocelyn peered down at her bandaged hands, frowning. How on earth was she supposed to face school tomorrow looking like this?

Before leaving, the nurse turned to Melvin. "You'll need to look after her until her injuries heal, or it'll get infected. And no showers for a couple of days. You don't want to get those bandages wet."

Jocelyn frowned, wanting to clarify her relationship with Melvin to the nurse.

But then she figured, what's the point? It's not like it mattered. They'd naturally go their separate ways once they left.

Melvin, on the other hand, nodded, grabbing the medications and glancing at Jocelyn.

She was in a bit of pain, but she could still walk, albeit stiffly.

After all the chaos, the buzz from the drinks had worn off, and she was sober.

Reaching out, she tried to take the bag of medicine from Melvin's hand. "I can manage on my own."

This time, Melvin handed them over without a fuss.

Jocelyn took the plastic bag and suddenly she was lifted off her feet.

She let out a yelp, but Melvin had already scooped her up.

"Put me down!" Jocelyn didn't struggle; moving hurt too much.

Melvin carried her out into the night, where it was now quiet and empty.

"What if you fall again?" Melvin made it clear he wasn't going to comply with her requests.

Jocelyn didn't dare to argue, simply letting him carry her out of the hospital.

When they reached his car, he carefully set her down and opened the door.

"I don't need a ride. I'll get a taxi," Jocelyn insisted. Remembering her purse and phone were in the back seat, she reached for the door to grab them.

Melvin didn't stop her this time.

Afraid he'd change his mind, Jocelyn quickly hailed a taxi and got in.

She couldn't help but look back, seeing Melvin still standing by the roadside.

She turned away, her emotions a tangled mess.

At the next red light, she glanced back unintentionally, only to see Melvin's car trailing behind the taxi.

Her heart skipped erratically.

Melvin’s car followed all the way to her apartment building, keeping a safe distance, never overtaking. When the taxi stopped, so did his car.

Stepping out, Jocelyn couldn't walk fast.

The sound of a car door shutting made her more anxious.

Afraid he would follow, yet part of her hoped he would.

She must be crazy; she had already decided to move on, and she already had a boyfriend, and yet she was harboring feelings for another man.

She stepped into the elevator and pressed the button.

As the elevator doors slid closed, a sense of loss washed over her.

She wanted to slap herself. What was she even thinking?

Once home, she called Harrison on video chat.

He answered immediately, and upon seeing her chin, he straightened up and leaned into the camera, "What happened to your chin? Did you fall?"

"Yeah. I had a bit of a spill. Hurt my hands too." Jocelyn showed her bandaged hands to the camera. "I've been to the hospital. It's nothing serious."

Harrison looked worried. "You can't get your hands wet. Maybe you should take some time off and stay with your parents for a bit. They can take care of you."

"It's no big deal, really," Jocelyn waved it off. "Why are you still up?"

"I've got a project I haven't finished yet." Harrison rubbed his temples, his concern evident. "You shouldn't be alone right now."

"I'm fine, really," Jocelyn reassured him. "I just wanted to see you, that's all."


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