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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 142

Melvin's mood had been super good, as buoyant as a bird gliding through the heavens. But when Harrison arrived, it was as if his wings had been clipped, and he plummeted to earth without warning.

Witnessing the animated conversation between Jocelyn and Harrison, their faces alight with smiles and that gleam in their eyes when they looked at each other, Melvin's appetite vanished.

Everyone had somehow gotten the idea that Harrison was Jocelyn's boyfriend, so they treated him with all due courtesy.

Yvonne even went so far as to arrange for Harrison to stay at the house where Jocelyn and Ursula were living. It was a spacious place. In her mind, a long-separated couple deserved a proper space to rekindle the flame.

Jocelyn was petrified at the arrangement.

Harrison, with a smile, reassured, "Jocelyn and I have always been close. A few days apart won't change anything."

"If you feel like I'm in the way, I could always crash at Hazel's place," Ursula also chimed in with a smirk.

Jocelyn glared at her. Ursula knew full well that Jocelyn and Harrison were just friends, yet here she was, fanning the flames.

Hearing the words, Hazel's grandmother warmly invited Ursula to stay over.

The knowing looks everyone gave Jocelyn and Harrison were enough to make anyone squirm.

Jocelyn was at a loss for words, unsure how to untangle the misunderstanding.

But Harrison was unfazed, "Since you’re so concerned about me and Jocelyn, we wouldn't decline your kindness."

Jocelyn was stunned. Her gaze locked on Harrison in disbelief.

Melvin's expression grew darker with a storm brewing in his eyes.

Ursula was all agog with excitement and relished the unfolding drama.

The scene was irresistibly fun.

After dinner, Jocelyn began to clear the table. Harrison pitched in as ever the eager helper.

"What do you want to do by saying that?" Jocelyn muttered under her breath.

Harrison followed her close , "Shouldn't we give him a little nudge?"

"Stop it," she hissed.

"He's followed you all the way here. If I hadn't shown up, wouldn't he think our relationship wasn’t serious? Then he'd keep hounding you. Now the most important thing is to rattle him. Once he's rattled, you'll get the outcome you're looking for." Harrison spoke as if planning a strategic play in a game, all for the sake of Jocelyn.

Jocelyn sighed in resignation, "Hey, aren't you afraid of blowing this out of proportion?"

"I don’t think it’s a problem. He's not your boyfriend anyway. You shouldn't worry about his feelings too much. Men like him need a push." Harrison pressed. "Or is it that you feel for him?"

"Of course not," Jocelyn retorted instantly.

"Then let it be," Harrison concluded. "In his eyes, we're dating. Any overreaction on your part will only raise suspicions."

Jocelyn, thinking it over, decided to let it rest.

Their whispered exchange seemed to Melvin like the intimate murmurings between lovers, who were eager for closeness.

Once the cleanup was done, Jocelyn and Harrison naturally found themselves seated together as the clock crept towards midnight. The village's secretary, Uriah, rallied everyone to set up the leftover fireworks, planning to light up the sky with a bang.

Harrison volunteered to help.

Ursula sidled up to Jocelyn, nudging her shoulder conspiratorially, "Can it get any more lively than this?"

"Quit stirring the pot," Jocelyn grumbled as she was upset about the current situation.

She had come for peace of mind, why did Melvin and Harrison come as well?

Ursula grinned, "It's always more fun to watch the drama unfold from the sidelines."

Jocelyn rolled her eyes.

"What do you think, if you and Harrison end up in the same room tonight, will he be able to sit still?" Ursula glanced towards Melvin, "Or do you think he'll be climbing the walls?"

The mere thought gave Jocelyn a headache.

Fireworks exploded and firecrackers popped, lighting up their slice of the sky.

The festive atmosphere and cheer washed away Jocelyn's upset. She whipped out her phone to capture the cheerful moment and shared it with her parents.

Such a spectacle was rare in the city.

"Make a wish," Ursula urged, pulling Jocelyn's hand together as they both clasped their hands and gazed up at the brilliant display. Even knowing that wishes didn't come true on their own, it was still a beautiful hope to hold onto.

Jocelyn wished for peace across the land, health for her family, and that all her dreams might come to fruition. She feared requesting too much, lest the heavens be overwhelmed.


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