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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 172

Melvin answered from the inside, but he didn't come to the door right away.

"What's wrong?" Jocelyn's voice carried a mix of concern and impatience.

After a few moments, Melvin finally opened the door.

He looked like he had just splashed water on his face. He went to pour himself a glass of water to drink.

Jocelyn followed, sensing something was off. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Melvin set the glass down and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Let's head to bed."

Once they were in bed, Jocelyn couldn't shake her concern. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. Or maybe I should prove it to you again?" He playfully rolled on top of her.

Jocelyn couldn't handle his teasing and immediately dodged.

Thankfully, Melvin was just scaring her for fun and didn't go any further.

"Sleep." He kissed her forehead gently and patted her like one would soothe a little baby.

Exhausted both physically and mentally, Jocelyn soon drifted off to sleep under his calming touch.

Listening to the steady breathing of the woman beside him, Melvin was wide awake.

It was a while before he slowly disentangled himself from her and stealthily got out of bed to head to the study, closing the door behind him.

Then, he made a call.

"Dr. Layla, my heart palpitations acted up again."


Jocelyn slept in until past ten the next morning. It was a deep and satisfying slumber.

When she awoke, Melvin was already out of bed. She found clothes laid out for her in the closet, from underwear to outerwear.

She chose a casual outfit and went to freshen up.

Noticing there wasn't a towel, she opened the cabinet and found a tiny white bottle that looked like it held medicine, but with no label to identify its contents.

She hesitated but decided not to touch it, placing it back where it was.

After washing up, she stepped out to find no one in the living room or the kitchen.


She searched every room but couldn’t find him.

Returning to the bedroom, she grabbed her phone to call him. There was a message from an unknown number, which piqued her curiosity.

It contained several photos of Willow and Melvin, clearly taken together.

Even though Melvin wasn't looking at the camera, it was evident that he was okay with the photos being taken.

There were several pictures of them together. They were not overtly intimate, yet still revealed a special bond between them.

Jocelyn ignored the message, not bothering to delete them. She knew it was from Willow.

She called Melvin, who answered promptly.

"Where are you?" Jocelyn asked.

"At the office," Melvin replied. "Give me ten minutes, and I'll come to pick you up for lunch."


Jocelyn sat in the living room, browsing through the photos sent by Willow again.

Melvin's eyes in the past didn't carry the shadows they did now.

What had happened to cast such darkness over him?

Jocelyn zoomed in on Melvin's face, pondering the depth of his past relationship with Willow. It was a pity, she thought, that Willow's inability to accept Melvin's current attitude had likely destroyed what was once unique between them.

Letting go of her phone, she touched the ring on her finger. Whatever Willow sent didn't matter anymore. Melvin had promised their marriage.

Not overly superstitious, Jocelyn still liked to consult the calendar for a good day to register their marriage.

As she browsed dates, the sound of the front door indicated Melvin's return.

She looked up as he entered.

"It's a bit chilly outside. Better put on a coat," Melvin suggested.

Jocelyn quickly fetched a thick coat and hurried toward him.

They left together, with Melvin inquiring what she felt like eating. Jocelyn searched local eateries online and suggested a new bistro nearby.


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