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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 174

It seemed that their sweet whispers today had struck a chord unlike any other. Jocelyn and Melvin were more passionate than ever in their lovemaking.

They explored each other with an intensity that was both fervent and tender, their synchronized breaths painting the room with an electric excitement. They kept the lights on, basking in the glow that illuminated every expression, every contour of pleasure that crossed their faces.

Jocelyn was surprised by how much she reveled in the brightness of the room. It was far from the veiled intimacy of darkness. It was a raw exposure that tantalized every sense, an addiction that was hard to quit.

Melvin, ever so controlled, never crossed the final threshold. Each time she thought they were at the brink, he would rein it back, though never at the expense of her ecstasy.

He whispered huskily into her ear, "You're all mine..."

That sultry voice sent shivers down her spine. She clung to him, murmuring coyly and breathlessly, "Yes."

It was as if a mighty army poised for battle had finally received its orders. What followed was a relentless onslaught, unstoppable and utterly consuming until there was nothing left but surrender.

The sheets were drenched.

Exhausted to the bone, Jocelyn felt as though Melvin had melted her very skeleton.

Melvin wrapped his arms around her from behind, his breath hot against her ear, his presence an intoxicating warmth.

His hand gently rested on her abdomen as he asked in a gravelly voice, "Is your period coming soon?"

With her eyes closed, Jocelyn counted the date and then nodded, "I think so."

"I don’t like that."


"The condom. Even the thinnest barrier is still a barrier."

Jocelyn didn't want to talk about it.

But she couldn't deny the truth in his words. The sensation was indeed different.

Perhaps because they were so consumed by each other, they fell asleep without bothering to clean up.

Jocelyn had to attend school the following day.

Thankfully, it wasn't like the first time. Even after a wild night, she was still able to get out of bed.

After a refreshing shower, she approached the still-sleeping Melvin and smiled, leaving a kiss on his lips.

Just as she turned to leave, Melvin caught her hand, his eyes bleary with sleep. "Where are you off to?"

"Work," Jocelyn glanced at the clock. "Let go of my hand, I'm running late."

Melvin held on, "When will you be back?"

"By noon," she patted his hand. "Stop it, I really have to go."

Reluctantly, he released her, "Lunch together?"

"It'll have to be quick."


"Bye now."


He lay there and hugged her pillow, watching her with watery eyes.

Jocelyn couldn't help but laugh as she closed the door behind her, "You don't do pitiful well."

"It's not an act, I really am," Melvin's morning voice was laced with a husky bubble, irresistibly sexy.

She pressed her lips together, holding back a smile, "Whatever." With that, she shut the door.


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