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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 192

Harrison escorted Jocelyn upstairs, and as he did, he couldn't help but notice the pallor of her cheeks.

He had seen the car, too.

It was Melvin's, unmistakable after several encounters.

The reason for Jocelyn's distress wasn't hard to guess.

What had transpired between her and Melvin was a mystery to him, but it was clear their relationship had hit a snag.

"You okay?" Harrison asked, concern lacing his voice.

Jocelyn realized her emotions were betraying her and shook her head. "I'm fine."

"Sure you're gonna be alright alone?"

"I'll manage." She clutched the item he handed her. "Thanks for this."

"Please don't be so formal with me," Harrison knew when to step back. "Get some rest, and let's catch up over dinner sometime."


But Jocelyn was far from okay.

After Harrison left, she shut the door, her mind replaying the scene over and over.

Melvin had shown up!

After months of silence, Melvin had finally reappeared.

Jocelyn's emotions were in turmoil; she couldn't keep her composure.

She had told herself if he ever came back, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her react. But she was already in disarray, and he wasn't even in front of her yet.

She didn't want to know why he had vanished without a trace, without a call, without a message. But part of her was desperate for answers.

The conflict was torturous.

She wanted to act indifferent, unbothered.

But she was human, vulnerable to her emotions, unable to remain unaffected.

Whatever his reasons, she was determined not to forgive him.

With that resolve, she finally showered, changed into fresh clothes, and lay down in bed.

It wasn't long before her phone rang. It was Ursula.

"I've got news that'll knock your socks off. Melvin called me asking for your number." Ursula sounded stunned.

Jocelyn tensed up. "Did you give it to him?"

"No way." Ursula's voice was firm. "After all your warnings, I kept my lips sealed."

Jocelyn exhaled in relief. "Good. Keep it that way."

"He also asked where you're living now. I didn't tell him, of course. But what if he asks someone else?" Ursula's concern was palpable. "Or goes straight to your folks?"

The thought gave Jocelyn pause.

She wasn't worried about Melvin approaching her parents because they were also so disappointed in him that they couldn't possibly reveal her information to him.

After hanging up, Jocelyn called Harrison, expressing a sudden interest in a getaway to Berry City.

Harrison read between the lines but played along, booking flights and picking her up.

Jocelyn packed lightly, got in Harrison's car, and they headed for the airport.

"Are you avoiding him?" Harrison finally asked in the departure lounge.

Jocelyn saw no point in denying it. Harrison wasn't a fool.

"Not exactly avoiding. I just don't want to see him."

Harrison looked at her. "Can you tell me what happened between you two?"

She took a deep breath. It wasn't something she often discussed.

"I was supposed to meet him to get our marriage license. He never showed." She fidgeted with her fingers. "No explanation, just gone."

Harrison had his suspicions, but hearing it from her made it real.

No woman could easily tolerate such a thing.


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