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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 198

After a raucous night out belting out power ballads and cheesy pop classics at the local karaoke bar, Jocelyn and her colleagues spilled out into the cool night air, their voices hoarse but spirits high. Ursula insisted on driving Jocelyn home.

The streets were surprisingly busy at the late hour, headlights streaking through the darkness like fireflies in a suburban twilight. As she drove, Ursula waxed poetic about the birthday girl's down-to-earth love story with her husband, a romance that had everyone in the office green with envy.

Jocelyn chimed in with genuine enthusiasm, expressing a yearning for that sort of simple love that thrives on warm gestures and quiet companionship instead of grand gestures – the kind where a shared blanket on a cold night was enough to make people feel blissfully content.

"Oh no!" Ursula exclaimed as she slammed on the brakes too late, her car lurching forward in a sickening crunch of metal on metal.

Jocelyn's heart raced, her body jolted by the sudden accident.

Amid the confusion, Ursula unbuckled her seat belt and stormed out of the car, tapping her hand against the window of the other vehicle involved in the fender bender. "Get out!" she demanded, her voice sharp with anger and frustration.

Zephyr emerged from the other car.

Jocelyn couldn't believe it – of all the people in the city, they had to bump into someone she knew.

Ursula recognized him too – he was Melvin's friend. "Let's just settle this privately," Zephyr suggested, eyeing the scrape on his car.

Ursula took a deep breath, calming her initial rage. "Fine, but you're paying for the damages. It was your fault for switching lanes without signaling."

Zephyr agreed without hesitation, promising to cover all repair costs. Ursula, although still angry, accepted the terms for the sake of convenience.

As Zephyr was about to leave, he paused and turned to Jocelyn. "Melvin's pretty smashed. Keeps calling your name," he mentioned casually.

Jocelyn pretended not to hear, maintaining her composure.

"He says he doesn't want to bother you," Zephyr continued, trying to gauge her reaction.

Jocelyn's response was cool and detached. "Then he's being reasonable."

Zephyr stared at her for a moment before nodding slowly. "When a woman decides to be ruthless, she really can be," he remarked before returning to his car.

Once he had driven off, Ursula asked Jocelyn, "What was all that about?"

"Never mind. Just make sure you get reimbursed for the repairs," Jocelyn replied, her mind already moving past the incident.

Back at her apartment, Jocelyn reflected on Zephyr's words with a wry smile.

What good were Melvin's feelings now after everything that had happened?

The damage to Ursula's car was repaired, with Zephyr transferring the funds promptly, even adding a little extra for the inconvenience.


Soon came the beginning of a new school year.

Jocelyn busied herself with the new intake of students as she was assigned to be the head teacher. The school's new building was nearing completion, promising better facilities and room for more students in the following year.

There was a sign on the outside of the new building that said, “Donator: Melvin Martinez”.

Melvin had secretly supported the school's construction and had also contributed to the development of a rural village, building roads and establishing an orchard and a factory, creating many jobs for the locals.

These acts of charity were once revealed online, which sparked admiration and a renewed interest in Melvin's jewelry business. The media clamored for an interview, but Melvin remained out of the spotlight, asking his assistant Yara to represent him.

Yara was poised and articulate. She told the cameras that Melvin's acts of kindness were inspired by someone he had wronged and couldn't forget.

The media buzzed with speculation about this mysterious person.

"I hope you don't go deeper into that person and leave her alone." Yara added at the end of the interview. But her request for privacy only fueled the public’s curiosity.

Watching the coverage, Jocelyn felt a mix of emotions.

Melvin's actions, however admirable, couldn't undo the past. As she was about to turn off the screen, she wondered what the future held for both Melvin and herself in a world where even the simplest twist of fate could lead to the most unexpected outcomes.


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