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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 2

Melvin's nonchalant remark about their past affair made Jocelyn realize how laughable her last three years had been.

Indeed, it's the one who falls deeper that ends up more embarrassed.

"I fear you might whisk me away at my own wedding," Jocelyn cheekily admitted, a bit shameless indeed.

As expected, Melvin chuckled.

He grabbed the doorknob, "Sweet dreams."

He shut the door behind him, and there Jocelyn was, leaning against it, chuckling at herself sarcastically before the tears came streaming down without warning.


Over the weekend, Daisy called Jocelyn over for a family meal.

As soon as she got home, she heard voices.

Declan was there, having a coffee with her dad, all chummy and the vibe was great.

Thinking back to her three years with Melvin, he never once mentioned meeting her parents.

Clearly, he never really saw a future with her.

She went to the kitchen to help her mom and saw a feast being prepared, which made her curious.

"Your dad kept his job, and he even got promoted to head of security," Daisy was beaming.

Jocelyn asked, "Wasn't he about to get the axe?"

She had been asking around at work for some cushy job for him.

Daisy was all smiles, "A new boss came in at your dad’s company, not only did he not fire your dad, but he also promoted him to team leader. Talk about a stroke of luck."

"Honey, whip up a few more dishes," her dad, Calvin Winslet, hurried in, "The new boss just called me, asking which local restaurant was good. I shot my mouth off, invited him over for dinner out of politeness. And would you believe it, he agreed just like that."

Daisy was speechless.

Jocelyn thought to herself, this boss sure doesn't stand on ceremony.


Melvin arrived empty-handed, and Calvin had to greet him with all the enthusiasm he could muster.

Jocelyn never imagined that the new boss at her father's company would be him.

When their eyes met, Melvin raised an eyebrow slightly, his eyes darting to Declan who was helping in the kitchen, giving Jocelyn an amused look that unsettled her.

Jocelyn panicked and hurried into the kitchen.


She wasn't buying it.

But what was his deal, showing up all of a sudden?

In the past, during holidays, she had asked if he wanted to join her family to make things lively.

He was so indifferent, "Don't even think about getting me to meet your parents."

"Stop daydreaming, bring out the fruit," Daisy urged her, whispering, "This boss of your dad, just shows up out of the blue."

Jocelyn begrudgingly carried out the sliced watermelon.

In the living room, Calvin’s stiffness and Melvin’s ease were a stark contrast.

It was weirdly awkward in their own home.

The dinner was served, and watching her parents being so polite and accommodating to Melvin made Jocelyn even more uneasy.

Melvin suddenly turned to Declan, "What do you do for work, Declan?"

Declan felt like he'd seen this guy somewhere before but couldn't place him.

Facing the alpha male aura, Declan felt a bit of pressure.

Man to man, Declan didn't want to be overshadowed by another guy in front of the woman he liked.

"I'm a real estate agent."

"Oh. A house seller." Melvin added, "I've got two properties downtown that have been sitting empty. Agents keep calling, asking if I'm selling. Since I know someone in the business, I won't bother with strangers."

Jocelyn was suffocating with his high and mighty attitude.

Declan quickly said, "Then send me the address, I'll check out the properties this afternoon and list them online for you."


After the meal, Jocelyn couldn't wait for Melvin to leave; seeing her parents tiptoeing around him and doling out compliments made her stomach churn.

But Melvin didn't leave; instead, Declan got a call.


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