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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 205

"Don't you just find him utterly hilarious? Please tell him on my behalf, if he keeps this up, I might as well pack my bags and leave," Jocelyn said with a resolve as firm as steel. "The world is vast, and I believe there must be somewhere I can live in peace."

Yannick pulled the car over to the curb.

Jocelyn was fuming.

"I know how you feel," Yannick suddenly said. "But I also get his side of things."

Jocelyn turned her head away to gaze out the car window.

"He can't let go, even if it eats him up inside. It's because he can't bear the thought of losing you. He knows if he truly lets go, then there's no going back. You'll be strangers. Hate and resentment, as toxic as they are, still link you two together. It's his twisted way of showing he cares," Yannick pressed on. "There's still hope for you guys, after all these years together, it's just not worth throwing away. He's trying to overcome his hurdles. If you don't stand by him, then what's the point of it all?"

Jocelyn let out a cold, mocking laugh.

"Stand by him? That's funny. Ask him, has he ever thought of standing by me? Has he ever been honest with me? He'd rather spill his deepest secrets to another woman than be truthful to me. Do I look like I'm content to be the fool who turns a blind eye and always nods along?"

She fixed her gaze on Yannick, "Really, let's not force it anymore. There's just no need."

"If it's over, it's truly over," Yannick said, looking at her intently. "He'll cease to exist in your world."

A sharp pain shot through Jocelyn's heart. "Yes, that would be perfect."


After her conversation with Yannick, Jocelyn was reassigned to a school in another city for a two-year exchange.

Those two years were eventful.

Quinta and Damian got a divorce. They didn't sell the house. Damian just asked for a lump sum of two hundred grand and washed his hands off of any claims to the house and car.

Ursula and Harrison were the picture of a love story and had even met each other's parents. They seemed to have set a wedding date, possibly during the upcoming Christmas.

Preston dropped Jocelyn an email, sharing the good news that he had been accepted into a prestigious university.

Throughout those two years, Melvin hadn't called Jocelyn once. Preston also never brought up his uncle in his emails.

Speaking of Melvin, she indeed had lost touch with him.

At first, he invaded her dreams every night.

As time passed, there were less and less dreams about him.

She began to believe that time was the ultimate healer, at least for her broken heart.

When the winter break ended, Jocelyn returned to her original school.

Upon her return, Ursula insisted on taking Jocelyn to try on wedding dresses, declaring that she had to be her bridesmaid.

"I'll find you a best man," Jocelyn said with a hint of mystery.

"Who? Don't tell me you're seeing someone," Ursula exclaimed in surprise.

Jocelyn kept mum, simply pulling out her phone and sending off a text.

Ursula was dying of curiosity, "Who is it? How come you haven't told me at all?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Jocelyn smirked, playing coy.

They headed to the bridal boutique, where Harrison was already waiting.

At the sight of Jocelyn, Harrison greeted with a simple nod.

"Why so distant?" Ursula teased, her arm linked with Jocelyn's, as she chided Harrison, "We're all friends here. A little warmth wouldn't hurt, and I won't mind."

Harrison gave a small laugh, "And you wouldn't get jealous?"

"You're the one who promised a lifetime with me," Ursula shot back, always straight to the point. "You can't be getting cold feet this close to the wedding."

"Stop it," Jocelyn playfully swatted Ursula's waist.

Ursula laughed it off, "Just kidding. I trust him, and I trust you. Besides, I believe in our love."

The look Ursula gave Harrison was filled with deep affection.

Harrison sighed softly, reaching out his hand to her, "So, shouldn't you be returning to the side of your future husband?"

"Ah, so you're jealous of Jocelyn," Ursula chuckled.

Harrison adjusted his glasses, "What else?"

Ursula beamed with satisfaction, her laughter bright and radiant.

Jocelyn felt her spirits lift at the sight.

"Who did you invite?" Ursula didn’t forget about the best man Jocelyn mentioned.

Jocelyn glanced at the time and was about to make a call when a man walked in through the door.


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