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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 209

Yasmine's heart ached as she watched Melvin, the pain clear in her gentle blue eyes.

She took a step forward and reached for his hand, gripping it tightly. “He made a mistake. He's remorseful. But it was his fault, not yours. You shouldn't punish yourself for his errors.”

Her voice was soft, trying to soothe his troubled spirit, “Melvin, mom loves you, and I love you too. It's my fault for not noticing sooner. But it doesn't matter anymore. This isn't something we need to hide from the light of day. We're not afraid of people knowing.

Besides, the person who found out is Jocelyn, the girl you love. You can't let her go on misunderstanding you. Whether she marries or not, she should know that your lack of action wasn't due to a lack of love, but fear that held you back.”

Yasmine gave him a gentle hug, “Don't stress anymore. It's okay.”

With each breath Melvin took, his chest ached. He never imagined that the darkness he harbored so long would be laid bare before Jocelyn.

Ha, she never considered waiting for him. Now knowing his family's dirty laundry, she'd surely feel justified in her decision.

“She's not mine anymore,” Melvin pushed Yasmine away, a hollow look in his eyes, “No matter what I become, she's not mine.”

He turned and walked into his bedroom, slamming the door with a resounding thud.

He had lost her, after all. She hadn't waited for him.

Melvin moved to the window, lit a cigarette and inhaled, only to break into a cough.

The smoke was like a knife, painful spasms wracking his body as he tried to draw it into his lungs.


Jocelyn was tending to Euston in the Castiel's house.

After three days without a fever, Jocelyn and Castiel finally relaxed.

“Even after a year, it feels overwhelming,” Jocelyn admitted, truly exhausted.

Castiel handed her a glass of water, “Good thing you skipped the pregnancy and childbirth stages. Becoming an instant mom has spared you a lot of pain and trouble.”

Jocelyn took a sip, shooting him a glance, “Should I thank you for the joy of motherhood?”

“My son is your son. If you can't find someone to marry, I'll have Euston look after you in your old age.”

Jocelyn tossed a cushion at him.

Catching it and placing it back on the couch, Castiel looked at her with sudden seriousness, “I need to discuss something with you.”

Jocelyn eyed him warily, “What are you up to now?”

“I'm thinking of going to find Hermia.” Castiel's hands were clasped tight, his body leaning forward with intent.

“Got messages about her?” Jocelyn asked, catching on.

“A friend spotted her around the SouthMyst region,” Castiel said with resolve.

“SouthMyst region...” Jocelyn repeated, surprised.

Castiel's gaze was firm, “No matter what, she's the mother of Euston.”

“You want to confront her, ask why she disappeared after giving birth, right?” Jocelyn understood Castiel’s love for Hermia.

Castiel stayed silent.

Jocelyn nodded in agreement, “You deserve answers. Euston isn't just your responsibility. She owes it to you and to him. But what about your company if you go?”

“I've made arrangements. But Euston...” Castiel looked at Jocelyn, “I only trust you. And he knows you too. So please, take care of him for me.”

Jocelyn never considered refusing. The first time she saw Euston, the crying boy smiled at her, and that was when the orphanage staff, having seen her marriage certificate with Castiel, truly believed she was Euston's mother.


Castiel was profoundly grateful.

Jocelyn chuckled, “Don't look so haunted, it's unsettling.”

“You keep the house, don't dismiss the staff. I've transferred some money to your account, just in case. Let me know if it's not enough,” Castiel had everything prepared.


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