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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 47

Talking about being heartless, Jocelyn had got nothing on Melvin.

This dude, one second he was all lovey-dovey and getting all mushy with her, the next he flipped a switch and acted like he didn't know her from Adam.

Jocelyn figured she must have seriously ticked off Melvin in a past life or something, 'cause why else would she be sticking to him like glue, knowing full well he's Mr. Irresponsible?

When Melvin said he would hang with her for two days, he meant exactly that. Seizing the moment he stepped out, Jocelyn grabbed her suitcase and hightailed it back to her own apartment.

Melvin's call wrecked her plans. There she was, ready to have a blast, maybe even score some serious action, and one call from him just blew it all to smithereens.

At this rate, when would she ever manage to cut ties with him?


Ursula was back in town, and they met up at the café.

"Here's the stuff you asked for. Look at you, all rosy-cheeked and glowing. Seems like you've been well watered." Ursula handed over the stuff to Jocelyn, teasing her.

Jocelyn took it with a thanks, touched her face without a hint of embarrassment, and sized up Ursula, "So, any progress with that hunky foreigner? Did you get a piece of him?"

Ursula made a face, "Foreign guys are just too..." she shook her head.

"Too what?"

"Just too horrible." Ursula continued shaking her head, "I was totally out of my depth. Halfway through, I just bolted."

Jocelyn's jaw dropped, "You bolted halfway through?"

With exaggerated shivers, Ursula confessed, "You have no idea. The moment he stripped, I took one look and just deflated. Totally deflated."

Jocelyn couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image.

"I'm not into the whole hairy beast thing, you know? A bit here and there is fine, but why can't they be clean-shaven?" Ursula went on, "All prim and proper in clothes, but naked he’s like cavemen. Total appetite killer."

Jocelyn thought her description was pretty on point, "I mean, at that stage, couldn't you just close your eyes and go with it? What if he was really good in the sack?"

"Forget it. I thought about it later, what if Mr. One-Night-Wonder left me with a parting gift, like an STD or something? That would totally ruin my life," Ursula said, sipping her coffee to calm her nerves, "I'm just not cut out for casual flings."

Jocelyn suddenly realized she hadn't thought this deeply when she first got together with Melvin.

Back then, she was so hot for him, just wanting to land him, make him hers, even if just for one night. Now thinking about it, Ursula's caution seemed like a good thing. Jocelyn just got lucky she didn't end up with someone who'd mess around.

After saying goodbye to Ursula, Jocelyn took her stuff and headed back to her parents' place.

She'd been out and about, so she had to bring back some gifts, or else they might start getting suspicious.

Daisy was all earnest, trying to get her to meet the neighbor's nephew.

Jocelyn flat out refused, but under Daisy's mix of threats and bribes, she only agreed to a distant glimpse. If there was a spark, they'd take it further. If not, forget it.

Daisy agreed to that.

Downstairs, Daisy pointed out a guy chatting with Zelda near some exercise equipment, "Take a look, how about him? He's a lively young man."

Jocelyn took one look, not a bad figure but seemed pretty young.

"Mom, if he and I walked together, people would think I'd kidnapped some kid or something." Jocelyn shook her head, "I like them a bit more mature and stable."

Daisy frowned, "So what if he looks young? He's older than you. Besides, don't you young folks nowadays like younger boys? You've got such an opportunity, and you're passing it up?"

Jocelyn gave a sheepish smile, "That's everyone else, not me. Just tell Zelda I'm not a good match for her nephew," and with that, she spun around and dashed back inside.

Daisy was peeved, but what could she do?

Looking closer at the young guy, he really did seem a bit too green for her daughter.

Well, she'd have to ask around some more for someone more mature and stable.


After lunch, Jocelyn went shopping with her mom.

The weather wasn't made for strolling outside; it was way too hot. A bunch of elders, trying to save on electricity bills, would flock to the mall to mooch off the AC.

Jocelyn was serious about picking out some clothes for her mom.


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