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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 5

Melvin's expression darkened. He was no longer as arrogant as he was a second ago.

Jocelyn let out a sigh of relief, took a deep breath, and flashed her trademark smile, "Anything else I can help with you?"

Melvin's eyes narrowed slightly, his lips parted slightly, "Nice one."

Jocelyn managed to tick off Melvin.

Suddenly, she realized that Melvin seemed to get easily ruffled by her, which she hadn't noticed before.

Maybe she hadn't been so 'rebellious' before.


Jocelyn had kept an eye on Preston; after all, he was her ex's nephew, so it was natural to pay a bit more attention.

She noticed that Preston didn't have his heart in studying; he'd just crash and sleep as soon as class started. He wasn't chummy with classmates, and when they reached out to him, he'd snub them with his nose in the air.

Just like his uncle, full of himself.

Jocelyn planned to have a serious chat with him in a couple of days.


On Friday, after school, while Jocelyn was still in her office, a teacher came running, "Jocelyn, that new student in your class got into a fight off campus."

Preston had dislocated someone's jaw and left him black and blue all over.

After sending the injured student to the hospital, Jocelyn told Preston to call Melvin. Preston did call, but no answer.

Annoyed, Jocelyn dialed the number that didn't need saving in her phone. Because she had already committed this number to her heart.

Amid a noisy background, Jocelyn frowned, "Mr. Martinez..."

"Who is this?" came a deep, magnetic voice laced with a hint of unfamiliarity.

Hearing the noise on the other end, Jocelyn simply hung up.

She advanced the medical expenses, explained things to the injured student's parents, then took Preston to look for Melvin.

Pushing open the doors to the private room, they were met with a haze of smoke, a scene of decadent indulgence that was not for innocent eyes.

Jocelyn had Preston wait outside, not wanting him to see anything that might scar a kid.

Everyone paused to stare at Jocelyn as she entered, with only the sound system still playing music.

After a quick scan of the room, she spotted Melvin in a dark corner.

His smoking intensified the glow of the fire, his sharp features appearing even more striking in the dim light.

Flicking ash, he ordered the lights on. His piercing, almond-shaped eyes assessed the room, "Who called for her?"

Everyone looked at each other, clueless. The bolder ones thought of stepping in but were quickly held back and whispered a warning, "That's Melvin's woman. Don't mess around."

Hearing this, they promptly sat down.

Jocelyn was unfazed by Melvin's attitude, and walked up to him, "Preston sent someone to the hospital with his fists. Don't you think you should, as a guardian, go check it out?"

Melvin gave her a cold look, "How much money do they want?"

Jocelyn was frustrated. As a teacher, she couldn't stand parents who acted like they owned the world.

"It's not about the money right now; it's about after Preston sending someone to the hospital, shouldn't you, as a guardian, go and see the student, maybe apologize to the parents?" Jocelyn tried to keep her cool, not wanting to be seen as a teacher lacking patience.

Melvin tilted his head towards a flashy-dressed guy, "Zephyr, get them out."

Then the onlookers were shooed away, and the music shut off.

Melvin took a lazy drag, leaned back into the sofa, and looked at her sideways, "If it's something that could've been said over the phone, why come find me?"


If it wasn't for the noise on his end, if she could've been heard clearly, would she have come?

Jocelyn had never seen such a brazen attitude from him. She could barely hold back her anger, "You're Preston's guardian. He's been fighting at school and sending someone to the hospital. Shouldn't you go check it out?"

"It's not something that has to be done right now. You came running over in such a hurry; are you sure it wasn't just to see me?" Melvin flicked off his ash elegantly.

Jocelyn felt like she was talking to a brick wall; coming to him was a mistake, a waste of time.

Just as she stepped out, Melvin followed her with his jacket, glanced at Preston with a bruised face, "Sending someone to the hospital isn't something to be proud of. If you're really skilled, you wouldn't have people coming after you."

Jocelyn heard it loud and clear as she walked ahead. She never imagined he'd say something like that.

Back when they were together, these issues had never come up, because they never got to the point of discussing something as serious as educating a child.

But now she knew, his way of 'teaching' was frightening.

Preston followed Melvin like a puppy trailing a big dog, and Jocelyn was like the dog owner on a walk.

"Where are you going?" Melvin asked Jocelyn, who was still heading forward as he reached his car.

Jocelyn simply replied, "I'm hailing a cab."

"Don’t see my car?"

Jocelyn glanced over, continued walking, and gestured for a taxi..

Melvin couldn't help but laugh.

Preston looked on with a knowing look, told Melvin, "Better sweet-talk her, or she'll make life tough for me."

Melvin shot him a look, then approached Jocelyn, grabbing her hand and tugging. "Let go!"

Jocelyn tried to shake free, but he held on tight.


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