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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 80

Melvin was halfway through his shower when he suddenly dragged Jocelyn in with him.

It was quite a while before Melvin emerged, clutching a spent woman in his arms. He laid her on the spacious bed and lazily traced her lips with a gluttonous touch.

"Don't go home," Melvin said. "With bruise on your lips, you can't face your parents."

Jocelyn knew he's just looking for convenience.

Jocelyn's voice was hoarse, "I can think of an excuse to explain."

Melvin shot her a look, "Come on, you're a grown-up but still living with your parents, aren't you embarrassed?"

"No matter how old we get, we're still kids in our parents' eyes. They want to be with their children," Jocelyn argued back. "Ask your own parents if you don’t believe."

Melvin fell silent.

Jocelyn realized she had hit a nerve. She mentioned his taboo.

She glanced up at his face; his expression was not good.

What had happened with his parents that he was so sensitive about mentioning them?

Jocelyn felt sorry for him. She had just blurted out that comment in the flow of conversation; she hadn't meant to pry into his heart.

She hugged him gently and apologized, "Sorry."

"I need to use the bathroom," Melvin said as he gently pushed her away and got out of bed.

The door closed. Jocelyn pursed her lips, her eyes darkening.


In the afternoon, Melvin dropped Jocelyn off at her apartment and didn't go up with her.

"I won't be back tonight," Melvin said from the car, eyeing the bruise on her lip, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Get some rest early."

Jocelyn nodded.

Watching his car drive away, Jocelyn was curious about what was up with his parents that made his emotion change so quickly.

She never pried into his family matters. If it weren't for Preston transferring to her class, she wouldn't even know he’s Preston’s uncle.

But she really wanted to know about his family, what his parents were like, and what kind of home he grew up in.

However, she clearly hadn't reach the depths of his heart yet.

She began to suspect his reluctance to marriage had something to do with his parents.

It seemed now she couldn't fathom any further.

In the following days, Melvin was busy and didn't come to see her.

With the schooldays approaching, Jocelyn also became busy. Meetings and preparations for the new term kept her spinning like a top.

Quinta once called her, saying she was putting off IVF for now. When asked why, she only said it was almost school time and she didn't have enough time.

Quinta was an elementary music teacher and the initial meetings at the beginning of a new term were indeed many, but it didn't seem enough to skip IVF for this sake.

Jocelyn had her suspicions. But if Quinta wasn't sharing, it wasn't her place to probe further.

Everyone was so busy, there was no time to worry about anything else.

A couple of days before school started, Melvin called Jocelyn to help pick up Preston at the airport.

When Jocelyn asked Melvin where he was, he said he was on a business trip.

Jocelyn didn't ask where he went or when he'd be back. If he wanted to tell her, she wouldn't have to ask.

Besides, even if she did ask, he wouldn't tell if he didn’t want to.

Jocelyn went to the airport to pick up Preston. In just two months, the boy seemed to have grown taller.

"Jocelyn, you've lost weight," were Preston's first words, leaving Jocelyn a bit dazed.

Jocelyn smiled, "I call it slimming down."

"Girls look better with some weight," Preston insisted on carrying his own belongings.

After dropping Preston off at Melvin's, Preston pulled out a box from his bag and handed it to Jocelyn, "This is for you."

"What is it?" Jocelyn didn't take it.

"Just open it and you'll see," Preston urged, lifting the box.

Jocelyn took it. Upon opening, she saw a blood diamond bracelet inside. She wasn't a jewelry buff, but she knew it was pricey.


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