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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 86

On the fourth day of the long holiday, Principal Fletcher sent Jocelyn a text, inquiring about her decision.

Jocelyn had given it a lot of thought. Ever since she joined the school, Principal Fletcher and her colleagues had been very supportive, especially during the incident last fall when the school had stood firmly behind her.

Now the school needed her help. She couldn't bear the thought of letting Principal Fletcher down.

She replied that she would talk it over with Melvin, but she couldn't guarantee the outcome.

Principal Fletcher thanked her profusely, which only increased the pressure on Jocelyn.

She regretted saying ‘yes’ the moment she sent the text.

She didn't even know how to approach Melvin about it. After she had broken up with him, he hadn't left a single thing behind, nor taken anything with him.

He had thrown all his belongings into the dumpster below her apartment as if to show her just how repulsed he was by her.

Ha, it was laughable. He had turned a blind eye to everything Willow had done, and still attended events with her in public.

But with Jocelyn...

It's pretty obvious he didn’t love Jocelyn.

Now, she couldn't even figure out how to set up a meeting with him.

While she was fretting, Harrison sent her a message, asking if she wanted to grab a bite since he was in town.

Since the rumour last time, Harrison had only occasionally liked her tweets, without any real conversation with her.

Jocelyn felt that what had happened was unfair to Harrison too. They were both just pawns in someone else's game.

Previously, she would keep her distance from other men to avoid upsetting Melvin, but now she was free to expand her social circle.

She agreed to meet Harrison.

They decided on a popular restaurant with light dishes. She dared not take him for anything too spicy after their last adventure.

"How have you been?" was Harrison's opening question when they met.

Jocelyn smiled, "Pretty good. You?"

"Not bad."

There was some awkwardness between them, a remnant of their past embarrassing encounter. For a moment, neither said anything. Then they caught each other's eyes and burst into laughter.

"Are we going to stay ridiculously awkward like this?" Harrison asked, adjusting his glasses. "Shouldn't we just be more straightforward as friends?"

That broke the ice, and Jocelyn relaxed.

She poured him some coffee, "We've been a bit uptight, haven't we?"

Their conversation started to flow more naturally then, and Harrison couldn't help but ask, "How are things with Melvin now?"

Jocelyn paused, then smiled, "We split up a while ago."

"Really over?"

"Yeah," she sipped her coffee, "it's over."

Harrison could tell she seemed genuinely at peace with it.

"That’s what life is like, right? If it doesn't work out, you move on. You're great, Jocelyn. You'll find someone who's a better match."

She nodded firmly, "Life's all about meeting different people, whether they're adversaries or lovers. It's all about how you think about them, isn't it?"

"Glad to see you think in this way."

Jocelyn looked at him, "Your parents must have been upset about the previous incident."

"They were disappointed more than anything," Harrison said with a shrug, "disappointed in me for not being able to find a wife. It's always my fault in their opinion."

"I'm really sorry."

"It’s not your fault. It was my idea, and you ended up taking so much flak for it. If anyone should apologize, it's me." Harrison felt genuinely guilty, "So this meal is on me."

Jocelyn didn't decline.

As they were eating, they overheard two girls at the next table gossiping about Willow and the jewelry magnate.


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