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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 93

Melvin stared at him like he was looking at a lunatic, "You got nothing else to do?"

"What's her point to come if you haven't made up? Why's she here today?" Zephyr couldn't figure out what kind of game they were playing.

Melvin ignored him.

"Hey, I'm just checking in on your love life, man," Zephyr said as he quickly retracted his head when Melvin started to roll up the window, "Easy, man, you're gonna give me a concussion."

Melvin didn't respond, just started the engine and drove off.

He hadn't gone far when he saw the taxi Jocelyn had taken stopped at a red light.

He pulled up right beside it, window down, staring at the traffic light ahead, ready to floor it the second it turned green. And he did, swerving ahead of the taxi and then slamming on the brakes.

"What the hell, man!" the taxi driver yelled out, head popping out of the window, fuming.

Jocelyn glanced up and immediately recognized the car in front, even without seeing the license plate.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe not. But that dressing-down was well-deserved.

The driver, still agitated, sped up.

The taxi frequently overtook other vehicles on the freeway. Feeling a bit worried, Jocelyn suggested that the driver could slow down a bit.

As a car approached from the right, the driver didn't decelerate. The other car was speeding too. Everyone seemed in a rush, jostling for lanes.


Jocelyn's head spun, her body slamming against the car door, her head thudding against it, buzzing.

The car came to a halt. Jocelyn straightened up, wincing with pain as she moved her shoulder. Her tears were about to spill.

It was a car accident.

Police arrived, and Jocelyn ended up at the hospital. A minor concussion and a twisted ankle. It was significant but not critical.

The hospital recommended she be kept overnight for observation.

As Jocelyn lay in the hospital bed, she felt like she was having a run of bad luck, with one thing after another happening to her.

She didn't dare call her parents, not wanting to worry them. Instead, she called Ursula to ask for a change of clothes and toiletries. To her surprise, Ursula was still at the restaurant when she called.

Ursula arrived not long after receiving the call, but she wasn't alone. Zephyr was with her.

"Turns out Zephyr was heading out and heard you were at the hospital, so he insisted on popping in to see you," Ursula explained.

Jocelyn couldn't blame Ursula, who had blurted it out in a rush without thinking to conceal.

Jocelyn could only nod at Zephyr, "Thanks for making the trip."

"What happened to you?" Zephyr noticed the bandage wrapped around her right ankle, "Is it serious?"

"Just a minor concussion. They're keeping me overnight for observation," Jocelyn didn't hide the fact. Even if she didn't tell him, he would probably find out anyway.

Zephyr could sense Jocelyn's detachment towards him, but he was grateful she didn't just send him away.

After making some small talk, he left.

"He seems like a decent guy," Ursula commented as she pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed.

"You interested in him?" Jocelyn asked.

"No. Just seems like he's got a good look, less gloomy than some," Ursula shrugged, "He's tight with that guy, birds of a feather. I don’t want to get involved."

Jocelyn smiled faintly, "Good that you know."

After spending some time with her, Ursula let Jocelyn rest.

Once Ursula left, Jocelyn lay alone in the hospital bed, utterly bored.


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